Thomas Klinkowstein

Tom Klinkowstein born January 23, 1950, in Trenton, New Jersey, USA is an artist[1] and President of Media A, LLC,[2] a design and consulting group.

Tom Klinkowstein

He is currently a professor at Hofstra University on Long Island, NY and an adjunct professor in the Graduate Communication Design Department at Pratt Institute[3] in New York City.

His 10-meter long digital artwork, A Networked Designer's Critical Path: 1990–2090, was shown at the Fifth Avenue (New York City) Gallery of the American Institute of Graphic Design.[4]

The Museum of Modern Art in New York acquired a poster designed by Tom Klinkowstein for a performance by the artist Laurie Anderson to be part of its permanent collection and the Designing Modern Women exhibition.[5]

In July 2015, during the Natan Karczmar's ArtComTec seminars, with other art people, philosophers and other thinkers influenced by Marshall McLuhan, he presented his vision also influenced by Martin Buber.[6]


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