Timeline of Lord Byron

This is a chronology of events in the life of George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824). Each year links to its corresponding "year in poetry" article:


22 January Born, 16 Holles Street, London.


Mother (Catherine Gordon) took lodgings in Queen Street, Aberdeen.


2 August Father (John "Mad Jack" Byron) died in France never having seen his son.
Mother moved to flat in 64 Broad Street, Aberdeen.

17941798 – At Aberdeen Grammar School.


21 May George Gordon Byron became 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale on death of great-uncle.
August With his mother took up residence at ancestral home, Newstead Abbey, near Nottingham.


Lived with Parkyns family, Nottingham. Tutored by "Dummer" Rogers.
July Removed to London by John Hanson, Byron’s lawyer & business agent.
September Attended Dr. Glennie's School, Dulwich Grove.
Spent Christmas holidays with Hanson family at Earl's Court, London.
Spent summer holiday in Newstead Abbey and fell in love with 1st cousin, Margaret Parker.


April Entered Harrow School.
Spent summer with mother at Mrs Massingberd's, 16 Piccadilly, at Hanson's and in Cheltenham.
Christmas holidays in Bath with mother.


February Newstead Abbey leased to Henry Edward Yelverton, 19th Baron Grey de Ruthyn.
21 July Mother rented Burgage Manor, Southwell.
September Fell madly in love with neighbour's daughter, Mary Chaworth, of Annesley Hall. Refused to go back to Harrow.


January Fell out with Lord Grey and returned to Harrow.
22 March Started holiday at Burgage Manor and met the Pigots who lived opposite.


2 August Played for Harrow in annual cricket match v Eton at Lord's. Scored 6 notches.
24 October Went up to Trinity College, Cambridge University.
Friendships with E.N.Long & John Edleston began.


February Got heavily in debt with moneylenders; dissipation in London.
April Returned to Trinity College.
July At Burgage Manor writing poems.
August After acrimonious quarrel with mother escaped to London.
November Collection of poems, Fugitive Pieces, privately printed.


January Second volume of poetry, Poems on Various Occasions, privately printed.
June Hours of Idleness published. Back at Cambridge started friendships with John Cam Hobhouse and Scrope Davies, Matthews and Hodgson.
December Came down from Cambridge University for good.


February Hours of Idleness ridiculed in the Edinburgh Review.
March Poems Original and Translated published.
July–August At Brighton with John Hobhouse and Scrope Davies.


13 March Took seat in the House of Lords.
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers published.
20 June Travelled to Falmouth with Hobhouse.
2 July Set sail with Hobhouse in the Lisbon packet, Princess Elizabeth.
7 July Arrived in Lisbon.
12–16 July Explored Sintra.
20 July Departed for Spain.
29 July Arrived Cádiz.
3 August Sailed in the frigate, Hyperion.
4 August Arrived at the Rock of Gibraltar.
16 August Sailed for Malta in packet Townshend.
31 August Arrived Malta.
September Had romantic affair with Mrs Spencer Smith.
19 September Left Malta aboard the brig, Spider, for Greece & Albania.
26 September Aboard the Spider, at anchor off Patras, and spent several hours on shore.
26–28 September Aboard the Spider, passed by Missolonghi, Ithaca, Cephalonia, and Santa Maura.
28 September 19:00. Anchored off Preveza.
29 September Landed at Preveza.
30 September Visited the ruins of Nicopolis.
1 October Left on a large boat for Salaora, the port of Arta, en route for Ioannina.
1–2 October Stayed for two nights in customs house at Salaora.
3 October Left by horse and arrived in Arta.
11 October Left for Tepelenë, Albania, to meet Ali Pasha.
12 October First encounter with Ali Pasha of Tepelenë.
26 October Returned to Ioannina.
31 October At Ioannina. Started poem, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.
3 November Slept the night at St. Dimitrios Chan, south of Ioannina.
4 November Arrived at Arta.
5 November Arrived at Salaora.
6 November Arrived at Preveza.
7 November Left Preveza at noon aboard a turkish galleote for Santa Maura.
8 November Due to bad weather they finished up at Porto Fanari.
9 November Decided to return by horse to Preveza.
10 November Visited the ruins of Nicopolis again.
13 November Sailed from Preveza to Vonitsa.
14 November Travelled towards Missolonghi.
20 November Visited Missolonghi.
25 December Arrived at Athens.


Mar–Apr Toured Turkey, visited Smyrna, Ephesus, Troy.
5 March Arrived Smyrna aboard the brig Pylades.
3 May Swam Hellespont from Sestos to Abydos.
13 May Arrived Constantinople.
18 July Arrived Athens.
21 July Left for the Morea.
26 July Arrived Patras.
19 August(?) At Athens: stayed in Capuchin monastery.
18 October Returned Athens.


March Wrote Hints from Horace & The Curse of Minerva
22 April Sailed in the Hydra
30 April–2 June At Malta. Sailed for England in frigate Volage
14 July Landed Sheerness; at Reddish’s Hotel, St James' Street.
1 August Mother died.
3 August At Newstead Abbey; Matthews drowned at Cambridge.
16 October Visited Cambridge University with Scrope Berdmore Davies.
28 October Took up residence at 8 St James Street's, London.
4 November Dinner with Samuel Rogers to meet the poet Thomas Moore.
19 December After further visit to Cambridge left for Newstead, where Byron had an affair with Welsh maid, Susan Vaughan.


27 February Maiden speech in House of Lords – opposing the Framework Bill 1812
10 March Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Cantos I & II published, which made Byron famous overnight.
25 March First saw Annabella Milbanke.
April Affair with Lady Caroline Lamb started.
21 April Second speech in the House of Lords – in favor of Catholic emancipation.
15 August Thomas Claughton offered £140,000 for Newstead but delayed payment.
September Wrote Drury Lane Theatre Address at request of Lord Holland.
October Proposal of marriage to Annabella Milbanke rejected; Wrote The Waltz.
24 October Left for Eywood, Presteign, to visit the Oxfords.
21 November Left Eywood to stay with Jerseys at Middleton.
30 November At Batt's Hotel, Dover Street, London.
14 December(?) Back at Eywood.


19 January Took lodgings at 4 Bennet Street, St James'.
29 May Accompanied Moore to visit Leigh Hunt in prison.
1 June Last speech in House of Lords.
8 June First edition of The Giaour published.
20 June Met Madame de Stael for first time.
26 June Augusta Leigh arrives in London, and is met by her half-brother, Byron.
1 July Third (and final) speech in the House of Lords – Debate on Major Cartwright’s Petition
August Correspondence with Miss Milbanke begun.
September Visit to James Wedderburn Webster and dallied with Lady Frances Webster.
19 October "Spared" Lady Frances and returned to London.
14 November Began Journal (continued to 19 April 1814).
2 December Bride of Abydos published.


1 February Corsair published. 10,000 copies sold on day of publication.
March Sat to Phillips for portrait.
28 March Rented apartment in Albany, Piccadilly.
2 April With Augusta at her home at Six Mile Bottom, Cambs .
16 April Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte published anonymously.
1 July At Duke of Wellington's Ball.
22 July At Hastings with Augusta.
6 August Lara published with Samuel Rogers' Jacqueline.
9 September Tentative proposal to Annabella Milbanke.
15 September Received Annabelle's acceptance of proposal of marriage.
29 October Left for Seaham, near Durham, Annabella’s home.
30–31 October At Six-Mile-Bottom with Augusta.
2 November Arrived Seaham.
16 November Left for London.
18 November At Cambridge.
19–22 November At Six Mile Bottom.
23 November Applauded by undergraduates at Cambridge University.
24 November London.
24 December Left with Hobhouse for Seaham.
25 December Christmas at Six Mile Bottom.
30 December Arrived Seaham.


2 January Married to Miss Annabella Milbanke at Seaham.
2–21 January Treaclemoon at Halnaby, Yorkshire.
21 January – 9 March At Seaham.
12–28 March At Six Mile Bottom.
29 March Settled at 13 Piccadilly Terrace, London.
7 April Met Sir Walter Scott at John Murray, Albemarle Street.
17 April Death of Lord Wentworth; Milbankes took name of Noel.
April Hebrew Melodies published with musical score by Nathan.
May Became member of Management Sub-Committee, Drury Lane Theatre.
June–July Visited Leigh Hunt at Maida Vale, London.
29 July Signed new will leaving estate residue to Augusta Leigh.
October Wrote Siege of Corinth.
November Wrote Parisina.
10 December Birth of Ada Lovelace, poet’s only legitimate daughter.


19 April Died of Malaria in Missolonghi, Greece.
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