List of storms named Fran

The name Fran was used for four tropical cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Hurricane Fran (1973) – formed and remained out at sea.
  • Tropical Storm Fran (1984) – formed close enough to Cape Verde to cause tropical storm-force winds there, but otherwise threatened no land.
  • Tropical Storm Fran (1990) – formed near Cape Verde; it passed between Trinidad and Venezuela, losing strength rapidly and causing no significant damage.
  • Hurricane Fran (1996) – made landfall near Cape Fear, North Carolina as a Category 3, killing 26 and causing $3.2 billion in damages.

The name Fran was retired after the 1996 season, and was replaced by Fay in the 2002 season.

The name Fran was also used for nine tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific:

The name Fran was also used for one tropical cyclone in the Southwest Pacific:

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