Turin King List

The Turin King List, also known as the Turin Royal Canon, is an ancient Egyptian hieratic papyrus thought to date from the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II, now in the Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum)[1] in Turin. The papyrus is the most extensive list available of kings compiled by the ancient Egyptians, and is the basis for most chronology before the reign of Ramesses II.

1904 version of attempt to assemble parts of the Turin King list

Creation and use

The papyrus is believed to date from the reign of Ramesses II, during the middle of the New Kingdom, or the 19th Dynasty. The beginning and ending of the list are now lost; there is no introduction, and the list does not continue after the 19th Dynasty. The composition may thus have occurred at any subsequent time, from the reign of Ramesses II to as late as the 20th Dynasty.

The papyrus lists the names of rulers, the lengths of reigns in years, with months and days for some kings. In some cases they are grouped together by family, which corresponds approximately to the dynasties of Manetho's book. The list includes the names of ephemeral rulers or those ruling small territories that may be unmentioned in other sources.

The list also is believed to contain kings from the 15th Dynasty, the Hyksos who ruled Lower Egypt and the River Nile delta. The Hyksos rulers do not have cartouches (enclosing borders which indicate the name of a king), and a hieroglyphic sign is added to indicate that they were foreigners, although typically on King Lists foreign rulers are not listed.

The papyrus was originally a tax roll, but on its back is written a list of rulers of Egypt – including mythical kings such as gods, demi-gods, and spirits, as well as human kings. That the back of an older papyrus was used may indicate that the list was not of great formal importance to the writer, although the primary function of the list is thought to have been as an administrative aid. As such, the papyrus is less likely to be biased against certain rulers and is believed to include all the kings of Egypt known to its writers up to the 19th or 20th Dynasty.

Discovery and reconstruction

Picture of "The King List"
Picture of "The King List"

The papyrus was found by the Italian traveler Bernardino Drovetti in 1820 at Luxor (Thebes), Egypt and was acquired in 1824 by the Egyptian Museum in Turin, Italy and was designated Papyrus Number 1874. When the box in which it had been transported to Italy was unpacked, the list had disintegrated into small fragments. Jean-Francois Champollion, examining it, could recognize only some of the larger fragments containing royal names, and produced a drawing of what he could decipher. A reconstruction of the list was created to better understand it and to aid in research.

The Saxon researcher Gustav Seyffarth (1796–1885) re-examined the fragments, some only one square centimeter in size, and made a more complete reconstruction of the papyrus based only on the papyrus fibers, as he could not yet determine the meaning of the hieratic characters. Subsequent work on the fragments was done by the Munich Egyptologist Jens Peter Lauth, which largely confirmed the Seyffarth reconstruction.

In 1997, prominent Egyptologist Kim Ryholt published a new and better interpretation of the list in his book, "The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c. 1800–1550 B.C." After another study of the papyrus, an updated version from Ryholt is expected. Egyptologist Donald Redford has also studied the papyrus and has noted that although many of the list's names correspond to monuments and other documents, there are some discrepancies and not all of the names correspond, questioning the absolute reliability of the document for pre-Ramesses II chronology.

Despite attempts at reconstruction, approximately 50% of the papyrus remains missing. This papyrus as presently constituted is 1.7 m long and 0.41 m wide, broken into over 160 fragments. In 2009, previously unpublished fragments were discovered in the storage room of the Egyptian Museum of Turin, in good condition.[2] A new edition of the papyrus is expected.

The name Hudjefa, found twice in the papyrus, is now known to have been used by the royal scribes of the Ramesside era during the 19th Dynasty, when the scribes compiled king lists such as the Saqqara King List and the royal canon of Turin and the name of a deceased pharaoh was unreadable, damaged, or completely erased.

Contents of the papyrus

The papyrus is divided into eleven columns, distributed as follows. The names and positions of several kings are still being disputed, since the list is so badly damaged.

  • Column 1 – Gods of Ancient Egypt
  • Column 2 – Gods of Ancient Egypt, spirits and mythical kings
  • Column 3 – Rows 11–25 (Dynasties 1–2)
  • Column 4 – Rows 1–25 (Dynasties 2–5)
  • Column 5 – Rows 1–26 (Dynasties 6–8/9/10)
  • Column 6 – Rows 12–25 (Dynasties 11–12)
  • Column 7 – Rows 1–2 (Dynasties 12–13)
  • Column 8 – Rows 1–23 (Dynasty 13)
  • Column 9 – Rows 1–27 (Dynasty 13–14)
  • Column 10 – Rows 1–30 (Dynasty 14)
  • Column 11 – Rows 1–30 (Dynasties 14–17)
Turin King List with 2013 corrections of positions for some fragments – table representation of rows from the original papyrus, translated into hieroglyphs

These are the actual names written on the papyrus, omitting the years, summations and headings:

First Column
RowName NotesTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
12Ra ---
13.. probably Shu[3]---
14Geb gb
15Osiris wsir
16Set stH
17Horus Hr
18Thoth DHwti
19Maat mAat
20Hor.. possibly HaroerisHr..
Second Column
RowName NotesTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
1Hab "Ibis"hAb
2Aped "Bird"Apd
3Hepu "Apis bull"Hpw
4Shemsu "Follower"Smsw
5Meni.. mni..
6Werqa.. "Great of height"wr-qA..
8Af.. i[f]..
9Set.. cf. 1.16stH..
10Sunu.. "Doctor"swnw..
11Horus.. cf. 1.17Hrw..
14Ni-ib.. "Does not thirst"n ib..
15Nesensebk..sew.. very uncertain
16Pensetensepet.. "Clods of the shore"pns.t n spt
17Her-hemut-shepsesut.. "Possessor of noble women"Xr-Hm.wt-Sps.w[t]..
18Khu-hemut-shepsesut.. "Protector of noble women"xw-Hm.wt[-Sps.wt?]..
22Sokar.. cf. Sekerskr..
23Iaret.. cf. Uraeusar[t]..
Second Column
RowName NotesTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
2Spirits group of kingsAxw
3Spirits group of kingsAxw
6Followers of Horus group of kingsSmsw Hr
Second(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
11Meni Menesmni<-Y5:N35-M17->𓏠𓈖𓇋
12Teti Hor-Ahattij<-X1:X1-M17-Z4->𓏏𓏏𓇋𓏭
13Iti, Ita Djeriti<-M17-X1-//-G7->𓇋𓏏…𓅆
15Itui Djetitjwi<-//-G4#12-M17->…𓅂𓇋
16Qenti Denqntj<-Aa8:X1*Z4->𓐖𓏏𓏭
17Merbiapen Anedjibmr-biA-pn<-U7:D21-U17-Q3:N35-//->𓌻𓂋𓍅𓊪𓈖…
18Semsem Semerkhetsmsm<-S29-G17-S29-G17->𓋴𓅓𓋴𓅓
19(Qe)beh Qa'aqbH<-//-D58-V28-G7->…𓃀𓎛𓅆
20Baunetjer HotepsekhemwybAw-nTr<-//-G30-R4:Q3-G7->…𓅢𓊵𓊪𓅆
21Kakau NebrekA-kAw<-//-E2-D52:Z1*Z1*Z1-G7->…𓃓𓂸𓏤𓏤𓏤𓅆
22Banetjer NynetjerbA-nTr<-//-R8-D21:N35-G7->…𓊹𓂋𓈖𓅆
23..s Wadjnes..s<-//-//-S29-G7->… …𓋴𓅆
24Sened.. SenedjsnDi<-G54-//->𓅾…
25Neferka Neferkara Infr-kA<-O29-D28-Z1->𓉼𓂓𓏤
Third(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
2Neferkasokar Neferkasokarnfr-kA-skr<-F35-D28-Z1-O34:V31:D21-Z5-G7->𓄤𓂓𓏤𓊃𓎡𓂋𓏯𓅆
3Bebti Khasekhemwybbtj<-D58-D58-N21-G7->𓃀𓃀𓈅𓅆
4Nebka NebkanbkA<-V30-D28-Z1->𓎟𓂓𓏤
5Djoser..it DjoserDsr..it<-D45:D21-M17-.:X1#12-G7->𓂦𓂋𓇋𓏏𓅆
6Djoserti SekhemkhetDsrti<-D45:D21-X1:Z4-G7->𓂦𓂋𓏏𓏭𓅆
7Hudjefa Hudjefa IIHwDfA<-O34-I10-S29->𓊃𓆓𓋴
8Huni HuniHwni<-V28-Z5-A25-//-G7->𓎛𓏯𓀝…𓅆
9Senefer Sneferusnfr<-S29-F35-I9:D21-G7->𓋴𓄤𓆑𓂋𓅆
12..kha.. Khafre..xa..<-//-N28-D36-//-G7->…𓈍𓂝…𓅆
17..kaf Userkaf..kAf<-//-//-D28:I9-G7->… …𓂓𓆑𓅆
23Menkahor Menkauhormn-kA-HrG5-<-G7-Y5:N35-D28-Z1-G7->𓅃𓅆𓏠𓈖𓂓𓏤𓅆
24Djed DjedkareDd<-R11-R11->𓊽𓊽
25Unis Unaswnis<-E34:N35-M17-S29->𓃹𓈖𓇋𓋴
Fourth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
7Neitiqerty Neitiqerty Siptahntiqrti<-N35:X1*Z5-M17-N29-D21:X1*Z4-G7->𓈖𓏏𓏯𓇋𓈎𓂋𓏏𓏭𓅆
9Neferka Menkarenfr-kA<-F35-D28-Z1-G7->𓄤𓂓𓏤𓅆
10Nefer Neferkare IInfr<-F35-I9:D21-G7->𓄤𓆑𓂋𓅆
11Ibi Ibiibi<-M17-D58-E8->𓇋𓃀𓃙
20Neferkare Neferkare VIInfr-kA-ra<-N5-F35-D28-Z1-G7#12->𓇳𓄤𓂓𓏤𓅆
21Khety Nebkaure KhetyXti<-F32:X1-A50-M17-M17-G7->𓄡𓏏𓀻𓇌𓅆
22Senenh.. Senenh..snnh..<-S29-M22-M22-N35:N35-A53-.:O4-//>𓋴𓇒𓈖𓈖𓀾𓉔 …
24Mer.. Mer..mrr..<-U7:D21-//->𓌻𓂋 …
25Shed.. Shed..Sd..<-F30:D46#24-//->𓄞𓂧 …
26H.. H..H..<-V28-//->𓎛 …
Fifth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
12Wah.. Mentuhotep IwAH..<-V28#1234-//->𓎛𓏏…
14..n.. Intef II..n..<-//-N35-//->…𓈖…
16Nebhepetre Mentuhotep IInb-hpt-ra<-N5:V30-P8->𓇳𓎟𓊤
17Seankhkare Mentuhotep IIIs-anx-kA-ra<-S29#34-S34#34-N35:Aa1-D28#34->𓋴𓋹𓈖𓐍𓂓
20..pib.. Amenemhat I..p-ib..<-//-.:Q3-.:F34-.:Z1-G7->…𓊪𓄣𓏤𓅆
21..ka.. Senusret I..kA..<-//-D28-Z1->…𓂓𓏤
Sixth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage Unicode Representation
1Maakherure Amenemhat IVmAa-xrw-ra<-N5-U5:D36-P8-V1-A2->𓇳𓌷𓂝𓊤𓍢𓀁
2Sobeknefrure Sobekneferu..nfrw-ra𓇳𓄤𓄤𓄤𓆊𓅆
5Khutawire Wegaf or Sobekhotep Ixwt-Awi-ra<-N5-D43:N17:N17#1234->𓇳𓂤𓇿𓇿
6Sekhemkare Sekhemkare Sonbefsxm-kA-ra<-N5#123-Y8#1234-D28#1234-Z1->𓇳𓏣𓂓𓏤
7Amenemhat..re Sekhemkare Amenemhat Vimn-m-HAtN5-Y5:.#34-G17-F4:X1*Z1-G7𓇳𓏠𓅓𓄂𓏏𓏤𓅆
8Sehetepibre HotepibresHtp-ib-raN5-S29-R4:X1*Q3-F34𓇳𓋴𓊵𓏏𓊪𓄣𓏤
9Iufeni Iufniiwfnii-Z7-f-n:A1𓇋𓏲𓆑𓈖𓀀
10Seankhibre Amenemhet VIs-anx-ib-rara-s-anx-ib𓇳𓋴𓋹𓈖𓐍𓄣𓏤
11Semenkare Semenkare Nebnunismn-kA-rara-s-mn:n-kA𓇳𓋴𓏠𓈖𓂓
12Sehetepibre SehetepibresHtp-ib-raN5-s-R4:t*p-ib-Z1𓇳𓋴𓊵𓏏𓊪𓄣𓏤
13Sewadjkare SewadjkareswAD-kA-rara-s-wAD-kA𓇳𓋴𓇅𓂓
14Nedjemibre NedjemibrenDm-ib-rara-nDm-m-mDAt-ib𓇳𓇛𓅓𓏛𓄣
15Sebek..p..re Khaankhre Sobekhotepsbk-(Htp)-ra//-N5-I4-//…𓇳𓆋…
16Renseneb Rensenebrn..nbwr:n-A2-//-n:b-Y1𓂋𓈖𓀁…𓈖𓃀𓏛
17Autibre Awybre Hor IAwt-ib-rara-Aw-Z7:t-Y1:Z2-ib-Z1𓇳𓄫𓏲𓏏𓏛𓏥𓄣𓏤
18Sedjefakare Amenemhat VIIsDfa-kA-rara-s-D:f-A-//-kA𓇳𓋴𓆓𓆑…𓂓𓏤
19Amenemhatsebekhotep Sekhemre Khutawy Sobekhotepimn-m-hAt-sbk-HtpM17-Y5:N35-G17-F4:X1-I4-R4:X1-Q3𓇋𓏠𓈖𓅓𓄂𓏏𓆋𓊵𓏏𓊪
20User..re ..djer Khendjerwsr..ra..nDrN5-F12-//-Z1-N5:N35-M36:D21𓇳𓄊…𓏤𓇳𓈖𓇥𓂋
21..kare Imyremeshaw..kA-ra<-N5-//-D28-G7->𓇳…𓂓𓅆
22..re Intef IV..ra//-D28-Z1-G7-W25:N35-X1:I9-G7…𓂓𓏤𓅆𓏎𓈖𓏏𓆑𓅆
23..ibre..seth Seth Meribre..ib-ra..stXN5-Y8-//-I5-Htp:t-p𓇳𓏣…𓆌𓊵𓏏𓊪
25Khamaatreneferhotep Neferhotep Ixa..ra..nfr-HtpN5-N28:D36:Y1-//-F35-R4:X1-Q3𓇳𓈍𓂝𓏛…𓄤𓊵𓏏𓊪
26(Re)Sahathor SihathorsA-Hwt-Hr<-N5-O6-X1:O1-G5-G7-G38-Z1-G7->𓇳𓉗𓏏𓉐𓅃𓅆𓅬𓏤𓅆
27Khaneferre-Sobekhotep Sobekhotep IVxa-nfr-ra-sbk-Htp<-N5-N28:D36-Y1-F35-I3-R4:X1-Q3->𓇳𓈍𓂝𓏛𓄤𓆊𓊵𓏏𓊪
Seventh(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage
1Khaheteprehotep Sobekhotep VIxa-Htp-ra-HtpN5-N28:D36*Y1-R4:X1-Q3-G7
2Wahibreibiau Wahibre IbiauwAH-ib-ra-ibiawra-wAH-H-Y1-ib-Z1-i-a:mw-A24-ib-Z1
3Merneferre Merneferre Aymr-nfr-raN5-U7:D21-F35
4Merhetepre Merhotepre Inimr-Htp-raN5-U6-R4:X1*Q3
5Seankhenresewadjtu Sankhenre Sewadjtus-anx-n-ra-swDtwira-s-anx-n:x-n-s-wAD-t-Z7
6Mersekhemre Ined Mersekhemre Inedmr-sxm-ra-indra-U7:r-sxm-Z1-i-in:n-d:wr
7Sewadjkare Hori HoriswAD-kA-ra-HriN5-S29-M13-S28-Z1-G7-G5-M17
8Merkawre Sobek.. Merkawre Sobekhotepmr-kAw-ra-sbk..N5-U7:D21-Z1-D28-Z1-//-I3-//
13..mose Djedneferre Dedumosei-m-s-s//-F31-S29-Z5
14..maat..re Ibi Ibi..mAat-ra-ibi<-N5-//-X1-H6->-G7-M17-E8-M17-A1
15Webenre Hor Hor..wbn-Hr<-N5-//-G43-D58-N35:N5->-G7-G5
16Se..kare Se..kares..kA-raN5-S29-//-D28-Z1-G7
17..enre Seheqenre Sankhptahi..enraN5-//-Y1:N35
22Merkheperre Merkheperremr-xpr-raN5-U7:D21-L1
23Merka.. Merkaremr..kA..//-U7:.#234-D28-Z1
Eighth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage
1Nehesy NehesynḥsiG21-V28-S29-Z4-T14
2Khatyre Khatyrexa.ti-raN5-N28:D36*Y1-U33-Z4
3Nebfaure Nebfautrenb-fAw-t-raN5-V30:I9-F40-Z7:X1-Y1:Z2
4Sehabre SehebresHb-raN5-S29-V28-b-W3:N5
5Merdjefare Merdjefaremr-DfA-raN5-U7:D21-G42-G41:G37
6Sewadjkare Sewadjkare IIIswAD-kA-raN5-S29-M13-D28-Z1
7Neb("erased")re Nebdjefarenb-DfA-raN5-N5:V30-I10:I9-G42-Z7-G41:G37
8Webenre Webenrewbn-raN5-Z7-D58-N35:N5-G7
10("erased")re ..re..ra..dfAN5-//-G41:G37
11 ..webenre..wbn..ra//-D58#3-N35:N5-G7
12Autibre AutibreAw-t-ib-raN5-F40-Z7:X1-Y1:Z2-F34-Z1
13Heribre Heribrehr-ib-raN5-O4-D21:Y1-F34-Z1
14Nebsenra Nebsenrenb-sn-raN5-V30-S29-N35:Z2
16Sekheperenre Sekheperenres-xpr-n-raN5-S29-L1-D21:N35
17Djedkherure DjedkherureDd-xrw-raN5-R11-G7-P8-Z7
18Seankhibre Seankhibres-anx-ib-raN5-S29-S34-N35:Aa1-F34-Z1
19(Ka)nefertemre KanefertemrekA-nfr-tm-raN5-F35-X1:U15-//-G7
20Sekhem..re Sekhem..resxm..raN5-S42-G17-//
21Ka..kemure KakemurekA..kmw-raN5-D28-D52:E1-//-I6-Z7:X1-E1
22Neferib..re Neferibrenfr-ib-raN5-F35-F34-//
23I..re I..rei..raN5-M17-A2-//
24Kha..re Kha..rexa..raN5-N28:D36*Y1-//
25Aakare AakareaA-kA-raN5-O29v-D28-//
26Semen..re Semen..resmn..raN5-S29-Y5:N35-//
27Djed..re Djed..reDd..ra<-N5-R11-R11-//
Ninth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage
7Senefer..re Senefer..res-nfr..raN5-S29-F35-//
8Men(ib)..re Men..remn-ib..raN5-Y5:N35-ib*Z1#1234
9Djed.. Djed..Dd..R11*R11#34-//
14Inenek Inenekin-n-kM17-K1:N35:V31A-//
15Ineb InebinbiM17-A1-V30-//
16Ip.. 'Apepiip..M17-A1-Q3-//
17Hab HabhbiM17-O4-G1-D58
18Sa SasAG39-Z1
19Hepu HepuHpwAa5:Q3-Z7-E1
20Shemsu ShemsuSmswT18-S29-Z7-D54
21Meni MenimniY5:N35-M17-//
22werqa.. Werqa..wr-qAiG36:D21-N29-A28
25..ka ..ka..kA..<-//-A2-D28-Z1->
26..ka ..ka..kA..<-//-D28-Z1->
28..ren..hepu.. ..ren..hepu..rn-Hpw..<-//-D21:N35->-G7-Aa5:Q3-Z7-Y1
29Anati Anatiin-nti<-//-D28-Z1-G7->-G7-V30:N35-N35:G1-U33-M17-D54
30..ka.. Bebnem Bebnum..kA..bbnm<-//-D28-Z1-G7->-G7-D58-D58-N35:Z2-G17-D54
Tenth(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage
1I.. I..iwf..M17-//
2Seth Seth IIstH..<-C7-G7-//->
3Sunu.. Sunu..swnw<-T11-W24-Z7-//->
4Hor.. Hor..ḥr..<-G5-G7://-//->
7Nib.. Nib..nib..<-D35-M17-D58-E8-N35A#24-/->
8Mer..en.. Mer..en..mr..n..<-U6://-N35://-G7->
9Penensetensepet Penensetensepetpnnstt-n-sptQ3:N35:N35-S29-K3:X1*X1-N35-S29-Q3:X1
10Kherethebshepesu Kherethebshepesuxrt-Hb-Spsw<-T28:D21-W3:X1*B1-Z3A-A50-Z3A-//->
11Khut..hemet Khut..hemetxw..Hmt..<-Aa1:D43-Z7-//-N42:X1-B1-//->
20Khamudi KhamudixA-mdw-ixA-A-m-Z7-d:y-T14
25Zeket.. Zeket..skt..<-O34:V31:X1*Z5-//-Z1-G7-//->
26Ar.. Ar..Ar..<-D36:D21-//->
29..nia.. ..nia....niA..//-G7-N35-M17-G1-//
Eleventh(?) Column
RowName in list Common nameTransliterationManuel de Codage
1Sekhem..re Sekhemre Sementawy Djehutisxm..ra<-N5-S42-Z1-//->
2Sekhem..re Sekhemre Susertawi Sobekhotep VIIIsxm..ra<-N5-S42-Z1-G7-//->
3Sekhemre S.. Sekhemre Sankhtawy Neferhotep IIIsxm-ra-s..<-N5-S42-Z1-G7-S29-//->
4Sewadjenre.. Sewadjenre Nebiryraw IswAD-n-ra..<-N5-S29-M13-N35:.#234-//->
5Nebiriaure Nebiriaurenb-iri-Aw-ra#b-<-N5-V30-M17-D21:Z4-F40-Z7-Y1:Z2->#e
6Nebiretaure Nebiretaurenb-iri-Awt-ra#b-<-N5-V30-M17-D21:Z4-X1:.-F40-Z7-Y1:Z2->#e
7Semenre Semenresmn-ra#b-<-N5-S29-Y5:N35-U32-Y1:.*Z1->#e
8Seuserre.. Seuserenre Bebiankhs-wsr-ra..#b-<-N5-S29-F12-S29-D21:D36->#e
9Sekhemre Shedwaset Sekhemre Shedwasetsxm-ra-Sd-wAst<-N5-S42-F30:D46-A24-R19-X1:O49-G7->
16User..re User..rewsr..ra<-N5-F12-D21:.#1234-//->
17User.. User..wsr..<-F12#3-//->
  • The Manuel de Codage text was written using the Open Source hieroglyphic editor JSesh.

See also


  1. "Museo Egizio homepage" (in Italian). Retrieved 20 December 2010. (in English)
  2. Vittorio Sabadin (19 Feb 2009). "I faraoni scomparsi nel buco" [The Pharaohs disappeared into the hole] (in Italian). Archived from the original on 2012-02-23.
  3. Eduard Meyer (1904). "Egyptian chronology". Retrieved 16 December 2020.


  • Alan Gardiner, editor. Royal Canon of Turin. Griffith Institute, 1959. (Reprint 1988. ISBN 0-900416-48-3)
  • von Beckerath, J. (1995). "Some Remarks on Helck's 'Anmerkungen zum Turiner Königspapyrus'". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 81: 225–227. doi:10.2307/3821822. JSTOR 3821822.
  • Beckerath, J. V. (1962). "The Date of the End of the Old Kingdom of Egypt". Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 21 (2): 140–147. doi:10.1086/371680. S2CID 161488411.
  • Bennett, Chris (2002). "A Genealogical Chronology of the Seventeenth Dynasty". Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt. 39: 123–155. doi:10.2307/40001152. JSTOR 40001152.
  • George Adam Smith, "Chaldean Account of Genesis" (Whittingham & Wilkins, London, 1872) (Reprint 2005. Adamant Media Corporation, ISBN 1-4021-8590-1) p290 Contains a different translation of the Turin Papyrus in a chart about "dynasty of gods".
  • Kenneth A. Kitchen "King Lists" The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Ed. Donald B. Redford. Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • K. Ryholt, The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications, vol. 20. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 1997. ISBN 87-7289-421-0.
  • K. Ryholt, "The Turin King-List", Ägypten und Levante 14, 2004, pp. 135–155. This is a detailed description of the king-list, the information it provides, and its sources.
  • Málek, Jaromír. "The Original Version of the Royal Canon of Turin." Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 68, (1982): 93-106.
  • Spalinger, Anthony. "Review of: 'The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period, c. 1800-1550 B. C.' by K.S.B. Ryholt." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 60, no. 4 (October 2001): 296-300.
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