United Front for Revolutionary Action

The United Front for Revolutionary Action (Frente Unido de Acción Revolucionaria, abbreviated as FUAR) was a short-lived militant organization which was the paramilitary wing of the Communist Party of El Salvador from 1962 to 1964.[1] The organization, which was led by Schafik Hándal, did not carry out any militant activities.[1][2][3] A combination of targeting by the National Democratic Organization on orders of President Julio Adalberto Rivera Carballo and Communist Party General-Secretary Cayetano Carpio's decision to abolish the group led to the group's disestablishment in 1964.[1]

Schafik Hándal, leader of FUAR

See also


  1. Schafik Jorge Handal (1992). "LA EXPERIENCIA ARMADA DEL PCS EN LOS AÑOS 60". Retrieved 19 August 2020.
  2. Marta Harnecker (1993). Con la Mirada en Alto: Historia de las FPL Farabundo Martí.
  3. "El Salvador Civil War".

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