
Urceolella is a genus of fungi within the Hyaloscyphaceae family.[1] The genus contains 23 species.[2] Species Fungorum accepts 44 species.[3]

Scientific classification

Type species
Urceolella crispula
(P. Karst.) Boud.


As accepted by Species Fungorum;[3]

  • Urceolella aasii S. Olsen & J.H. Haines (1993)
  • Urceolella amphipila Huhtinen (1987)
  • Urceolella appressipila Graddon (1986)
  • Urceolella arundinella (Sacc. & Speg.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella arundinis (Fr.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella brunneola Hosoya (1997)
  • Urceolella cookei (Pass.) Dennis (1963)
  • Urceolella corticicola (Dennis) Dennis (1963)
  • Urceolella crispula (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella curvipila (P. Karst.) Raschle (1977)
  • Urceolella dryadicola Raitv. & Chleb. (2003)
  • Urceolella elaphoides (Sacc.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella equiseti (Huhtinen) Huhtinen (1987)
  • Urceolella galii (Mouton) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella glacialis (Raitv.) Raitv. (1993)
  • Urceolella hirta (Velen.) Svrček, J.R. De Sloover & Baral (2009)
  • Urceolella iridis Rea (1920)
  • Urceolella juniperi (Velen.) Huhtinen (2001)
  • Urceolella lycopodii (Le Bret. & Malbr.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella nectrioidea (Rehm) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella nivea Raschle (1977)
  • Urceolella pallida (Velen.) Huhtinen (2001)
  • Urceolella pani (Velen.) Huhtinen (1988)
  • Urceolella papillaris (Bull.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella peleana Huhtinen & Raitv. (1997)
  • Urceolella piceae (Pers.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella pinicola Raitv. & R. Galán (1993)
  • Urceolella pseudacori (Feltgen) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella pseudopezizoides (Rehm) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella pulverulenta (Rehm) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella punctiformis Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella radians (Saut.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella rehmiana (M. Rousseau & E. Bommer) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella rufula (Sacc.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella salicicola Raschle (1977)
  • Urceolella saxifragae Svrček (1967)
  • Urceolella saxonica (Rehm) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella seminis (Cooke & W. Phillips) Dennis (1963)
  • Urceolella stilbum (Fuckel) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella struthiopteridis (Saut.) Boud. (1907)
  • Urceolella tetraspora (Rehm) E. Müll. (1968)
  • Urceolella todeae Raitv. & Schneller (2007)
  • Urceolella triseptata Raitv. & R. Galán (1993)
  • Urceolella tuberculiformis (Ellis & Everh.) Dennis (1963)

Former species

A lot of species of Urceolella have been moved to other genera and families;[3]

  • U. absinthii (Lasch) Boud. (1907) = Pyrenopeziza absinthii Ploettnerulaceae family
  • U. acerina (Mouton) Boud. (1907) = Mollisina acerina Pezizellaceae
  • U. aconiti (Saut.) Boud. (1907) = Calycella aconiti Helotiaceae
  • U. aspera (Moug. ex Fr.) Boud. (1907) = Unguicularia aspera Helotiales
  • U. aspidii (Lib.) Boud. (1907) = Incrupila aspidii Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. asterostoma (W. Phillips) Boud. (1885) = Peziza asterostoma Pezizaceae
  • U. atomaria (Starbäck) Boud. (1907) = Hyaloscypha atomaria Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. berkeleyi (A. Bloxam) Boud. (1907) = Cistella grevillei Helotiales
  • U. carestiana (Rabenh.) Dennis (1963) = Unguicularia carestiana Helotiales
  • U. chionea (Massee & Crossl.) Rehm (1912) = Mollisia chionea Mollisiaceae
  • U. cirrhata (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Boud. (1907) = Hyalopeziza millepunctata Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. costata (Boud.) Boud. (1904) = Unguicularia costata Helotiales
  • U. deparcula (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Calycellina ulmariae Pezizellaceae
  • U. dispersella (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Crocicreas dispersellum Helotiales
  • U. effugiens (Roberge ex Desm.) Boud. (1907) = Trichopeziza effugiens Lachnaceae
  • U. elaphines (Berk. & Broome) Boud. (1907) = Hyalopeziza millepunctata Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. elegantula (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Lasiobelonium elegantulum Solenopeziaceae
  • U. epicalamia (Fuckel) Boud. (1907) = Crocicreas epicalamia Helotiales
  • U. eurotioides (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Unguiculella eurotioides Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. flaveola (Cooke) Boud. (1907) = Hyaloscypha flaveola Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. fugiens (W. Phillips) Boud. (1907) = Cistella fugiens Helotiales
  • U. graminicola Raitv. (1968) = Clavidisculum graminicola Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. hamulata (Rehm) Korf & L.M. Kohn (1980) = Hyalacrotes hamulata Calloriaceae
  • U. ilicis Grelet (1926) = Calycellina ilicis Pezizellaceae
  • U. incarnatina (Quél.) Boud. (1907) = Unguiculella incarnatina Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. lachnobrachya (Desm.) Boud. (1907) = Calycellina lachnobrachya Pezizellaceae
  • U. leuconica (Cooke ex Stev.) Boud. (1907) = Hyaloscypha leuconica Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. leucostoma (Rehm) Boud. (1907) = Solenopezia leucostoma Solenopeziaceae
  • U. mali (Rehm) Boud. (1907) = Cistella mali Helotiales
  • U. melaxantha (Fr.) Boud. (1907) = Tryblidaria melaxantha Patellariaceae
  • U. micacea (Pers.) Boud. (1907) = Psilachnum micaceum Pezizellaceae
  • U. miliaris (Wallr.) Boud. (1907) = Scutula miliaris Byssolomataceae
  • U. misella (Roberge ex Desm.) Boud. (1907) = Fuscolachnum misellum Hyphodiscaceae
  • U. occulta (Ces.) Boud. (1907) = Psilachnum occultum Pezizellaceae
  • U. paradoxa (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Clibanites paradoxus Bionectriaceae
  • U. paulula (Roberge ex Desm.) Boud. (1907) = Diplonaevia paulula Calloriaceae
  • U. pseudopani Hosoya (1997) = Hyalacrotes pseudopani Calloriaceae
  • U. pteridis (Alb. & Schwein.) Boud. (1907) = Fuscolachnum pteridis Hyphodiscaceae
  • U. puberula (Lasch) Boud. (1907) = Calycellina punctata Pezizellaceae
  • U. pulveracea (Fuckel) Boud. (1907) = Pyrenopeziza pulveracea Ploettnerulaceae
  • U. richonis Boud. (1889) = Dematioscypha richonis Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. scirpicola (Fuckel) Boud. (1907) = Micropeziza scirpicola Pezizellaceae
  • U. scrupulosa (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Hyalopeziza millepunctata Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. scrupulosa var. carpini (Sacc.) Boud. (1907) = Hyalopeziza millepunctata Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. scrupulosa var. caulia (Sacc.) Boud. (1907) = Hyalopeziza millepunctata Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. spiraeae (Sacc.) Boud. (1907) = Calycellina spiraeae Pezizellaceae
  • U. stereicola (Cooke) Boud. (1907) = Cistellina stereicola Hyphodiscaceae
  • U. stevensonii (Berk. & Broome) Boud. (1907) = Hyaloscypha aureliella Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. subglobosa (Saut.) Boud. (1907) = Lachnella subglobosa Niaceae
  • U. tami (Lamy) Boud. (1907) = Psilachnum tami Pezizellaceae
  • U. tami var. humuli (W. Phillips) Boud. (1907 = Clavidisculum humuli Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. tenuicula (P. Karst.) Boud. (1907) = Helotium tenuiculum Tricladiaceae
  • U. trichodea (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Dennis (1963) = Hyalopeziza trichodea Hyaloscyphaceae
  • U. ulmariae Boud. (1907) = Pseudohelotium ulmariae Helotiaceae
  • U. versicolor (Desm.) Boud. (1907) = Psilachnum chrysostigmum Pezizellaceae
  • U. viburnicola (Berk. & Broome) Boud. (1907) = Pyrenopeziza commoda Ploettnerulaceae
  • U. winteriana (Rehm) Dennis (1963) = Hyalopeziza winteriana Hyaloscyphaceae


  1. Lumbsch TH, Huhndorf SM (December 2007). "Outline of Ascomycota 2007". Myconet. Chicago, USA: The Field Museum, Department of Botany. 13: 1–58.
  2. Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford: CABI. p. 714. ISBN 0-85199-826-7.
  3. "Urceolella - Search Page". www.speciesfungorum.org. Species Fungorum. Retrieved 12 September 2022.

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