Vladimir Nikolaevich Lyubimenko

Vladimir Nikolaevich Lyubimenko (1873-1937) was a Russian Empire and later Soviet botanist and academician who worked in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea.[1] He researched and wrote on the process of photosynthesis in shade-tolerant plants.[2][3]

Vladimir Nikolaevich Lyubimenko

His wife was the historian Inna Lubimenko (1878-1959).[1]

Selected publications

  • "On culturing of medicinal herbs on the southern coast of Crimea", Vestnik Russkoy Flory, 1915 (3), pp. 144–50.
  • Tabachnaya Promyshlennost v Rossii. Petrograd, 1916.
  • Syedobnye Dikorastushchiye Rasteniya Severnoy Polosy Rossii. 2 vols. Petrograd, 1918. (With N. A. Monteverde and A. F. Sulima-Samoylo)
  • Chay i Yego Kultura v Rossii. Petrograd, 1919.


  1. Любименко Инна Ивановна, M. N. Rumynskaya, Saint Petersberg Institute of History. Retrieved 10 December 2019.
  2. "V. N. Lyubimenko's Studies of Chlorophyll and Their Modern Development" by E. M. Senchenkova in Life Phenomena: A Historical Survey. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations/NASA. 1966. pp. 116–170.
  3. "OTS". 1966.

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