Vladimir Schneiderov

Vladimir Schneiderov (Шнейдеров, Владимир Адольфович) (1900-1973) was a Soviet-era explorer and educational film director. A member of the CPSU since 1926, he was awarded the People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1969.

He was targeted by the KGB for alleged anti-Soviet statements. The alleged documents against him were destroyed by the KGB member who recruited CIA agent Aldrich Ames in the 1980s.[1]


  • 1924 По Самарканд, (About Samarkand)
  • 1924 По Узбекистану (About Uzbekistan)
  • 1925 Великий перелёт
  • 1928 Подножие смерти
  • 1930 Эль-Йемен (Аl-Yemen) (About Yemen)
  • 1931 На высоте 4500
  • 1933 Два океана
  • 1934 Золотое озеро (fiction: U.S. title, The Golden Taiga)
  • 1935 Джульбарс
  • 1937 Ущелье Аламасов
  • 1938 Гайчи
  • 1946—1959 киносерия «Путешествия по СССР» (series: Travels in the USSR)
  • 1953 Происхождение жизни (Origins of life)
  • 1958 Под небом древних пустынь (Under the ancient desert sky)
  • 1960 Чарльз Дарвин (Charles Darwin)
  • 1962 Жозеф Марти (Joseph Martin)



  1. Victor Cherkashin and Gregory Feifer, Spy Handler: Memoir of a KGB Officer - The True Story of the Man Who Recruited Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames, Quote: "Among the documents I culled were multivolume files from the 1950s on Vladimir Schneiderov, a well-known film director. They included KGB reports alleging he had made anticommunist statements. The evidence was obviously false. No real information discredited the eminent director."

Further reading

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