Yuen Wah filmography

This article contains the filmography of Yuen Wah.


Year Film title Alternate Role Notes
1966The Eighteen Darts (Part 1)兩湖十八鏢 (下集)child actora.k.a. Seven Little Tigers (Part 1)
The Eighteen Darts (Part 2)兩湖十八鏢 (上集)child actora.k.a. Seven Little Tigers (Part 2)
1972Fist of Fury精武門supporting cameo role as a Japanese person
a.k.a. The Chinese Connection
Way of the Dragon猛龍過江stuntmana.k.a. Return of the Dragon
a.k.a. Revenge of the Dragon
The Black Tavern黑店"ghost"
Hapkido合氣道"Black Bear student"
a.k.a. Lady Kung Fu
1973The Awaken Punch石破天驚"Court deputy"a.k.a. Village on Fire
Black Belt黑帶仇"thug"
Back Alley Princess馬路小英雄"fighter in casino" (supporting role)
Attack of the Kung Fu Girls鐵娃supporting rolea.k.a. None but the Brave
The Bastard小雜種stuntman
Enter the Dragon龍爭虎鬥"tournament fighter" (supporting role)
The Money Tree搖錢樹"fighter at movie set"
Fists of the Double K除霸"thug"
a.k.a. Fist to Fist
King of Kung Fu師兄出馬a.k.a. He Walks Like a Tiger
Bloody Ring死亡挑戰a.k.a. Mandarin Magician
Duel of the Dragons過關斬將
He Walks Like a Tiger師兄出馬"street performer"
Ambush埋伏"Fan Zhi Long's man"
1974Super Kung Fu Kid小霸王"thug"a.k.a. Karado: The Kung Fu Flash
a.k.a. The Hong Kong Cat
The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss鐵金剛大破紫陽觀"thug"
action director
a.k.a. The Stoner
a.k.a. Hong Kong Hitman
Conman and the Kung Fu Kid狼狽為奸"thug"a.k.a. From China with Death
a.k.a. Wit to Wits
The Tournament中泰拳壇生死戰"student"
The Chinese Tiger唐山猛虎
1975The Valiant Ones 忠烈圖"pirate"
action director
a.k.a. Usurpers of Emperor's Power
The Dragon Tamers女子跆拳群英會a.k.a. Belles of Taekwondo
Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold女金剛鬥狂龍女thug
The Association艷窟神探
The Sharp Fists in Kung Fu鐵掌連環拳supporting role
1976Secret Rivals南拳北腿"thug"
a.k.a. Silver Fox Rivals
The Himalayan密宗聖手Supporting role
Brotherhood江湖子弟"supporting role"
Hand of Death少林門"bodyguard"a.k.a. Countdown in Kung Fu
The Magic Blade天涯明月刀supporting role
The Web of Death五毒天羅"Holy Fire member"
Emperor Chien Lung乾隆皇奇遇記"thug"
Big Bad Sis沙膽英"thug"
The Criminals香港奇案supporting role
The Dragon Missile飛龍斬"villager"
1977Shaolin Plot四大門派"Palace bodyguard"
Clans of Intrigue楚留香"Iga ninja"
Death Duel三少爺的劍"armed thug"
The Sentimental Swordsman多情劍客無情劍"You Long Sheng"
Pursuit of Vengeance明月刀雪夜殲仇"Master Bai Tian" / "impostor"
The Battle Wizard天龍八部supporting role
Broken Oath破戒"Casino guard"
Judgement of an Assassin決殺令supporting role
The Amsterdam Kill荷京喋血
1978Soul of the Sword殺絕"bodyguard"
The Proud Youth笑傲江湖"member of 'Four Friends of Plum Garden'"
Clan of Amazons秀花大盜"Black Devil"
Game of Death死亡遊戲"Lo Chen's second"
Legend of the Bat蝙蝠傳奇"Mute bodyguard"a.k.a. Bat Island Adventures
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre倚天屠龍記"Ming Clan member"a.k.a. Chivalrous Killer
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre Part II倚天屠龍記大結局"Ming Clan member"
Flying Guillotine 2清宮大刺殺"patriotic hero" (supporting role)
Swordsman And Enchantress蕭十一郎"one of the Leng brothers"
My Kung Fu Master師父教落supporting role
1979The Scandalous Warlord軍閥趣史"opera acrobat"
The Deadly Breaking Sword風流斷劍小小刀"thug"a.k.a. Breaking Sword of Death
Murder Plot孔雀王朝supporting role
The Kung Fu Instructor教頭"Master Tan"
To Kill a Mastermind七煞"2nd Chief Hsi Chou"
Full Moon Scimitar圓月彎刀"Black Clan member"
Coward Bastard惡爺"Biao"
1980Bat Without Wings無翼蝙蝠"Xu Fang"
The Swift Sword情俠追風劍"bandit"
Daggers 8空手入白刃
Heroes Shed No Tears英雄無淚"Mu Chi"
Rendezvous with Death請帖"Jin Ju, Poison Scholar"
The Kid with a Tattoo通天小子紅槍客"Lin Fei"a.k.a. Claws of the Eagle
Killer Constable萬人斬"Liu's bodyguard"a.k.a. Lightning Kung Fu
a.k.a. Karate Exterminators
The Tiger and the Widow徐老虎與白寡婦supporting role
1981Emperor and His Brother書劍恩仇錄"No. 6"
assistant action director
The Duel of the Century陸小鳳之決戰前後"emperor's guard"
action director
Black Lizard黑蜥蜴"Black Lizard"
action director
The Bloodthirsty Dead飛屍a.k.a. Revenge of the Corpse
Notorious Eight千門八將supporting role
Return of the Sentimental Swordsman魔劍俠情"Ximen Rou" a.k.a. "Green-faced Spear"
Shaolin Prince少林傳人"Li Chin"
action director
a.k.a. Iron Fingers of Death
a.k.a. Death Mask of the Ninja
1982Passing Flickers三十年細說從頭"policeman"
Lovers Blades神經大俠
Human Lanterns人皮燈籠supporting role
The Spirit of The Sword浣花洗劍"Samurai killer"
action director
Perils of the Sentimental Swordsman楚留香之幽靈山莊action director
My Rebellious Son小子有種"Matsuzaka"
Mercenaries from Hong Kong獵魔者"Wen's brother"
1983The Enchantress妖魂"Robe's guard"
action director
Shaolin Intruders三闖少林"6 demons"
action director
Tales of a Eunuch鹿鼎記action director
Men from the Gutter暗渠"gangster"
action director
Descendant of the Sun日劫"Prince's bodyguard"
action director
The Supreme Swordsman老鷹的劍"Sparrow" a.k.a. "Crow"
assistant action director
Mad Mad 83瘋狂83action choreographer
1984Opium and the Kung-Fu Master洪拳大師"Zheng Hong's man"
action director
a.k.a. Lightning Fists of Shaolin
The Hidden Power of the Dragon Sabre魔殿屠龍"Right Guardian of Ming Clan"
action director
Lust from Love of a Chinese Courtesan愛奴新傳"Ju San's brother (swordsman)"
action choreographer
The Owl vs Bombo貓頭鷹與小飛象action director
a.k.a. The Owl vs Bombo
1985Mr. Vampire殭屍先生"Vampire Yam"
action director
My Lucky Stars福星高照"thug" (cameo)
stunt co-ordinator
Heart of Dragon龍的心"Yan" (SWAT team member)
action director
The Island生死線action director
From the Great Beyond時來運轉action directora.k.a. Those Merry Souls
Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Stars夏日福星action director
1986Millionaire's Express富貴列車"security officer"
"Bank robber"
a.k.a. Shanghai Express
Rosa神勇雙響炮續集action director
Where's Officer Tuba?霹靂大喇叭"gang member"
a.k.a. Spirit and Me
Eastern Condors東方禿鷹"Vietnamese General"
action director
Silent Love聽不到的說話action director
1987The Final Test最後一戰"Chairman"
Scared Stiff小生夢驚魂"Hua (policeman)"
action director
1988The Haunted Island鬼猛腳"East Bay Sergeant Wah"
action director
a.k.a. Spooky, Spooky
a.k.a. Spooky, Spooky, Spooky
In the Blood神探父子兵action director
A Nightmare夢過界"Dream man"a.k.a. My Dream is Yours
The Greatest Lover公子多情"Comrade Zhu Bai Dao"
action director
Dragons Forever飛龍猛將"Hua Hsien-Wu"
Picture of a Nymph畫中仙"White haired demon"a.k.a. Portrait of a Nymph
On the Run亡命鴛鴦"Cowardly cop"
action director
Mr. Vampire 4殭屍叔叔"Wu-Yuan"
action director
a.k.a. Mr. Vampire Saga Four
Three Against the World群龍奪寶action director
Painted Faces七小福action director
Paper Marriage過埠新娘action director
1989The Iceman Cometh急凍奇俠"Fung San"
action director
1990The Nocturnal Demon夜魔先生"gang leader"a.k.a. Demon Intruder
Legend of the Dragon龍的傳人"Master Chow Fei-Hung"
action director
She Shoots Straight皇家女將"Yuen Hua"a.k.a. Lethal Lady
The Swordsman笑傲江湖"Jo Lang Sim" / "Zhor"
action director
The Dragon from Russia紅場飛龍"Lui Chat Lung, Master of Death"a.k.a. Crying Freeman: Dragon from Russia
Kung Fu vs. Acrobats摩登如來神掌"Tien Chian"
action director
a.k.a. Fai & Chi: Kings of Kung Fu
a.k.a. Thunderbolt '91
1991The Magnificent Scoundrels情聖"Brother Wah"
The Top Bet賭霸"Sifu Wu Lung Lo" (cameo)
Bury Me High衛斯理之霸王卸甲"General Nguen"
Red Shield雷霆掃穴"Panther"
1992The Master黃飛鴻'92之龍行天下"Uncle Chan Hou Tak"
stunt co-ordinator
The Big Deal偷神家族"Tee Tung-Feng"
"The Saint hero"
Miracle 90 Days特異功能猩求人"Uncle Wah"
Fist of Fury 1991 II漫畫威龍"Cheng Wan-To"
Super Lady Cop超級女警"Coach"
A Kid From Tibet西藏小子"Black Section sorcerer"
Police Story 3警察故事III超級警察"Panther"a.k.a. Supercop
1993The Black Panther Warriors黑豹天下"Bloody Wolf"a.k.a. Warriors: The Black Panther
Kick Boxer黃飛鴻之鬼腳七"Chairman Wah"a.k.a. Once Upon a Chinese Hero
Shaolin Popey II Messy Temple笑林小子II新烏龍院Taiwanese film
1995Drugs Fighters緝毒先鋒"Lin Chia-Teng"
Tough Beauty and the Sloppy Slop怒海威龍"Mainland drug dealer" (cameo)
Only Fools Fall in Love呆佬拜壽"Dai Foo (Dai's father)"
1997Hero馬永貞"Ma Tai Cheung"
1998Leopard Hunting獵豹行動"Fang Kuo Ho"
2000The Devil Shadow魔影"Sifu Lone"
2001Vampire Controller趕屍先生"Ha La-Chak"
2004Hidden Heroes追擊8月15"Dr Lau"
Kung Fu Hustle功夫"Landlord"
2005Kung Fu Mahjong雀聖"Chi Mo Sai"
Mob Sister阿嫂"Buddhist monk master"a.k.a. Ah Sou
Dragon Squad猛龍"stall owner"a.k.a. Dragon Heat
Kung Fu Mahjong 2雀聖2自摸天后"Chi Mo Sai"
A Chinese Tall Story情癲大聖"Lord Chancellor Tortoise"
2006My Kung Fu Sweetheart野蠻秘笈"Phoenix' Dad"
Bet to Basic打雀英雄傳"Sam Yuen Wah"
Don't Open Your Eyes鬼眼刑警"Uncle Bing"
Dating a Vampire愛上屍新娘"Mister M"
Dragon Tiger Gate龍虎門"Wong Xianglong"
2007Kung Fu Mahjong 3: The Final Duel雀聖3自摸三百番"Fortune teller M"
Twins Mission雙子神偷"Chang Chung"
Contract Lover合約情人"Fok's Dad"
The Valiant Ones New新忠烈圖a.k.a. The Valiant Ones New II
Vampire Super
2008Australia"Sing Song"
The Vampire Who Admires Me
2009Team of Miracle: We Will Rock You
Looking For Jackie
2010Just Another Pandora's Box越光寶盒
Vampire Warriors殭屍新戰士
Kung Fu Wing Chun
City Under Siege
2011Choy Lee Fut蔡李佛
I Love Wing Chun
2013Princess and the Seven Kung Fu Masters
Wing Chun Xiao Long
2014The Buddha's Shadow神通佛影
2015Monk Comes Down the Mountain道士下山
2016The Bodyguard特工爺爺
2018Detective Chinatown 2唐人街探案2Mo Youqian
2018 Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy Special Guest Appearance Spin-off and direct sequel to Ip Man 3
2018The Trough低壓槽
2018My Kitchen Lover
2019Return of the Lucky Stars
2019Demon Catching Skill
2019The Beast
2021Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten RingsGuang Bo
TBDLost But Win風速極戰


Year Series title Alternate Role Notes
1996Drunken Angels男人四十打功夫"Fong Tin Lung"
Night Journey殭屍福星"Tin"
1997A Place of One's Own大澳的天空
1998Days in Shaolin"Tan Shi"a.k.a. Happy Monk
1999The Kung Fu Master京城教"Tam Tien"a.k.a. Beijing City
Dragon Love人龍傳說"Yip Man"
Plain Love II茶是故鄉濃"Tse Fu Biu"
Aiming High撻出愛火花"Lo Ban"
2001Gods of Honour封神榜"Lee Jing"a.k.a. Honour of the Gods
On the Track or Off勇往直前"Father Gam"a.k.a. On Track or Off
a.k.a. The Track
Country Spirit酒是故鄉醇"Gum Gut Cheurng"a.k.a. Plain Love III
2002Burning Flame II烈火雄心 II"Kwan On Yam"
Slim Chances我要"So Siu Lum"a.k.a. Fit Slim Chances
2003Back to Square One撲水冤家
Square Pegs戇夫成龍"Bao Heng Fong"
Eternity: A Chinese Ghost Story倩女幽魂"Yan Chi Xia"
2004Shades of Truth水滸無間道"Song Po"
2005Real Kung Fu佛山贊師父"Wong Wah-bo"a.k.a. Mr Chan of Foshan
Guts of Man肝膽崑崙"The Master"a.k.a. Courageous Kunlun
The Gentle Crackdown秀才遇著兵"Luk Gin"
2007Heavenly In-Laws我外母唔係人"Lum Sui"
"Water God"
A Change of Destiny天機算"Lee Sing Tin"
"Wan Chung Hok"
The Green Grass of Home緣來自有機"Yip Cheurng Faat"
Word Twisters' Adventures铁咀银牙"Lap Lan Gang"
20117 Days in Life隔離七日情"Ho Si-chan"
Forensic Heroes III法證先鋒III"Po Shun-hing"
2013Ip Man葉問"Chen Huashun"
2015The Wicked League惡毒老人同盟

[1][2][3] [4]


  1. "Yuen Wah at IMDb". Internet Movie Database. Retrieved 2008-02-20.
  2. "Yuen Wah at HKMDb". Hong Kong Movie Database. Retrieved 2014-07-24.
  3. "Yuen Wah at Hong Kong Cinemagic". Hong Kong Cinemagic. Retrieved 2014-07-24.
  4. "Yuen Wah at chinesemov.com". chinesemov.com. Retrieved 2014-07-24.
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