
Zhizheng (Chinese: 至正; pinyin: Zhìzhèng; 1341–1370) was the third era name (nianhao) of Toghon Temür, Emperor Shun of Yuan (reigned 1333–1370), and was also the Yuan dynasty's final era name. It was used for a total of 30 years.[1] On 23 May 1370 (Zhizheng 30, 28th day of the 4th month), Biligtü Khan, Emperor Zhaozong of Yuan ascended the throne and continued to use it.[note 1]

The Zhizheng Bell, a bronze bell made by a Persian merchant in 1346 during the Yuan dynasty

Change of era

  • 18 January 1341 Zhiyuan 7, 1st day of 1st month (至元七年一月一日): There was an edict to change the era to Zhizheng.[2][3]
  • 23 May 1370 Zhizheng 30, 28th day of the 4th month (至正三十年四月二十八日): Emperor Huizong died, and Emperor Zhaozong ascended the throne. In May, change the next year to Xuanguang 1 (宣光元年, "the first year of Xuanguang").[4][5][6]


  1. This sentence is absent from Li Chongzhi's Zhongguo Lidai Nianhao Kao.


  1. Li Chongzhi. Zhongguo Lidai Nianhao Kao, p. 196
  2. Song Lian (宋濂). History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 40, Emperor Shun 3  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 至正元年春正月己酉朔,改元,詔曰:『朕惟帝王之道,德莫大於克孝,治莫大於得賢。朕早歷多難,入紹大統,仰思祖宗付託之重,戰兢惕勵,于茲八年。慨念皇考,久勞于外,甫即大命,四海觖望,夙夜追慕,不忘于懷。乃以至元六年十月初四日,奉玉冊、玉寶,追上皇考曰順天立道睿文智武大聖孝皇帝,被服袞冕,祼于太室,式展孝誠。十有一月六日,勉徇大禮慶成之請,御大明殿受群臣朝。爰自去春,疇咨于眾,以知樞密院事馬札兒台為太師、右丞相,以正百官,以親萬民。尋即控辭,養疾私第,再三諭旨,勉令就位,自春徂秋,其請益固。朕憫其勞日久,察其至誠,不忍煩之以政,俾解機務,仍為太師。而知樞密院事脫脫,早歲輔朕,克著忠貞,乃命為中書右丞相;宗正札魯忽赤帖木兒不花,嘗歷政府,嘉績著聞,為中書左丞相,並錄軍國重事。夫三公論道,以輔予德,二相總政,以弼予治,其以至元七年為至正元年,與天下更始。
  3. Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞). New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 24, Huizong 2  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 至正元年春正月己酉朔,改元,詔曰:『……其以至元七年為至正元年,與天下更始焉。』
  4. Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞). New History of Yuan, Annals, Volume 26, Huizong 4  (in Chinese) via Wikisource.〔至正〕三十年夏四月〔丙戌〕,惠宗崩於應昌,皇太子即皇帝位。……擴廓帖木兒至和林,帝以國事任之,改元宣光。 宣光元年,明太祖洪武四年世。
  5. Ke Shaomin (柯劭忞). 新元史表第一宗室世表  (in Chinese) via Wikisource. 愛猷達理達臘〈廟號昭宗,國語必里克圖汗,改元宣光,在位八年,明洪武十年卒。〉
  6. Zhang Tingyu (張廷玉). History of Ming, Annals, Volume 2, Taizu 2  (in Chinese) via Wikisource.〔洪武三年四月〕丙戌,元帝崩於應昌,子愛猷識理達臘嗣。


  • Li Chongzhi (2004), 《中國歷代年號考》 [Zhongguo Lidai Nianhao Kao] (in Chinese), Beijing: Zhonghua Book Co., ISBN 7101025129
  • Deng Hongbo (2005), 《東亞歷史年表》 [Chronology of East Asian History] (in Chinese), Taipei: National Taiwan University Program for East Asian Classics and Cultures, ISBN 9789860005189.
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