Cloëtta Prize

The Cloëtta Prize (German: Cloëtta-Preis; French: Prix Cloëtta) is a Swiss distinction to honour personalities who have distinguished themselves in biomedical research.[1]

Worth 50,000 Swiss francs, it has been awarded annually by the Max Cloëtta Foundation (based in Zurich), since 1974.[1]


Source: Cloetta

  • 2020: Mohamed Bentires-Alj and Nadia Mercader Huber
  • 2019: Botond Roska and Oliver Distler
  • 2018: Tim Schroeder (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)) and Johanna Joyce (Lausanne University)
  • 2017: Denis Jabaudon (University of Geneva)) and Markus G. Manz (University Hospital of Zürich)
  • 2016: Michel Gilliet (University Hospital of Lausanne) and Andreas Lüthi (Friedrich Miescher Institute)
  • 2015: Dominique Soldati-Favre (University of Geneva) and Fritjof Helmchen (University of Zurich).
  • 2014: Henrik Kaessmann (University of Lausanne) and Marc Donath (University Hospital of Basel).
  • 2013: Andreas Papassotiropoulos and Dominique J.-F. de Quervain
  • 2012: Olaf Blanke (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)
  • 2011: Petra S. Hüppi
  • 2010: Christian Lüscher and Burkhard Becher
  • 2009: Margot Thome Miazza (University of Lausanne) and Walter Reith
  • 2008: Darius Moradpour (University Hospital of Lausanne) and Sabine Werner
  • 2007: Nouria Hernandez (University of Lausanne) and François Mach
  • 2006: Adrian Merlo and Michael Hengartner
  • 2005: Urs Albrecht and Dominique Muller
  • 2004: Amalio Telenti and Radek Skoda
  • 2003: Michael N. Hall and Bernhard Moser
  • 2002: Bernard Thorens and Andrea Superti-Furga
  • 2001: Isabel Roditi and Thierry Calandra
  • 2000: Giuseppe Pantaleo and Brian Hemmings
  • 1999: Clemens A. Dahinden and Antonio Lanzavecchia
  • 1998: Adriano Aguzzi and Primus E. Mullis
  • 1997: Gerard Waeber and Denis Duboule
  • 1996: Lukas C. Kühn and Peter Sonderegger
  • 1995: Jürg Reichen and George Thomas jr.
  • 1994: Hans Rudolf Brenner and Daniel Pablo Lew
  • 1993: Paolo Meda and Adriano Fontana
  • 1992: Michel Aguet (University of Zurich)
  • 1991: Peter J. Meier-Abt and Jacques Philippe
  • 1990: Martin E. Schwab and Denis Monard
  • 1989: Heini Murer and Hugh Robson MacDonald
  • 1988: Jean-Dominique Vassalli and Hans Hengartner
  • 1987: Jacques Louis and Joachim Seelig
  • 1986: Ueli Schibler and Walter Schaffner
  • 1985: Hans Thoenen and Roberto Montesano
  • 1984: Heidi Diggelmann and Jean-François Borel
  • 1983: Peter Böhlen and Claes B. Wollheim
  • 1982: Jürgen Zapf and Jean-Michel Dayer
  • 1981: Rolf Zinkernagel and Peter A. Cerutti
  • 1980: Edward W. Flückiger and Albert Burger
  • 1979: Theodor Koller and Jean-Pierre Kraehenbuehl
  • 1978: Susumu Tonegawa
  • 1977: Franz Oesch
  • 1976: Rui C. de Sousa
  • 1975: Hans Bürgi
  • 1974: Urs A. Meyer

See also

  • List of biomedical science awards


  1. "Cloëtta Prize". Cloetta Foundation. Retrieved 12 December 2017.
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