End organ damage

End organ damage usually refers to damage occurring in major organs fed by the circulatory system (heart, kidneys, brain, eyes) which can sustain damage due to uncontrolled hypertension, hypotension, or hypovolemia.

Evidence of hypertensive damage

In the context of hypertension, features include:[1]

Evidence of shock

In the context of poor end organ perfusion, features include:[2]

  • Kidney - poor urine output (less than 0.5 mL/kg), low glomerular filtration rate.
  • Skin - pallor or mottled appearance, capillary refill > 2 secs, cool limbs.
  • Brain - obtundation or disorientation to time, person, and place. The Glasgow Coma Scale may be used to quantify altered consciousness.
  • Gut - absent bowel sounds, ileus


  1. "CG34 Hypertension - quick reference guide" (PDF). National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. 28 June 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-03-13. Retrieved 2009-03-04.
  2. "Bacterial Sepsis Clinical Presentation". Medscape. 5 February 2019. Retrieved 23 September 2022.
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