Anexo:Revistas científicas de química
Esta lista es una relación de publicaciones científicas de química. Publican trabajos de investigaciones primarias, revisiones, entre otros tipos de artículos.
Las revistas de química más citadas
Según Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
Hasta 2004, las 20 revistas que aparecen a continuación son las revistas de química más citadas según la clasificación del Chemical Abstracts.[1]
- Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Journal of the American Chemical Society
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Tetrahedron Letters
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science
- Langmuir
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Chemical Communications
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Journal of Chemical Education
- Acta Crystallographica, Section E, Structure Reports online
- Macromolecules
- Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Journal of Chromatography A
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
- Tetrahedron
- Organic Letters
- Angewandte Chemie
- Inorganic Chemistry
Según Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Una lista diferente, basada en el total de citas recibidas en el año 2004 aparece a continuación, según Journal Citation Reports (JCR) del Instituto de Información Científica (ISI) de Thomson Scientific.[2]
- Journal of the American Chemical Society (1.652.432 citas en 1999-2009; media de 30,2 citas por artículo)[3]
- Journal of Chemical Physics
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Tetrahedron Letters
- Analytical Chemistry
- Chemical Communications
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Langmuir
- Journal of Physical Chemistry B
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Chemical Reviews
- Journal of Chromatography A
- Tetrahedron
- Analytical Biochemistry
- Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Organometallics
- Journal of Physical Chemistry A
- Chemistry of Materials
Lista alfabética de revistas de química
Título | Abreviatura | Año de fundación | Ejemplar(es) por año |
Accounts of Chemical Research | Acc. Chem. Res. | 1968 | 12 |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | 2009 | 12 |
ACS Chemical Neuroscience | ACS Chem. Neurosci. | 2010 | 12 |
ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | ACS Med. Chem. Lett. | 2010 | 12 |
ACS Nano | ACS Nano | 2007 | 12 |
Acta Chemica Scandinavica | Acta Chem. Scand. | 1947 | 12 |
Acta Chimica Hungarica, Models in Chemistry | ACH Models Chem. | 1946 | 12 |
Acta Chimica Slovenica | Acta Chim. Slov. | 1954 | 4 |
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography | Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A | 1948 | 6 |
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science | Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B | 1948 | 6 |
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications | Acta Crystallogr. Sect. C | 1948 | 12 |
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online | Acta Crystallogr. Sect. E | 1948 | 12 |
L'Actualité chimique | Actual Chim. | 1973 | 11 |
Advanced Engineering Materials | Adv. Eng. Mater. | 1999 | 12 |
Advanced Functional Materials | Adv. Funct. Mater. | 1992 | 24 |
Advanced Materials | Adv. Mater. | 1989 | 48 |
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis (fait suite au Journal für Praktische Chemie) | Adv. Synth. Catal. | 2001 | 10 |
Afinidad | Afinidad | 1921 | 4 |
Aldrichimica Acta | Aldrichimica Acta | 1968 | 3 à 4 |
Anales de Química | An. Quím. | 1903 | 12 |
Anales de la Real Sociedad Española de Química | An. R. Soc. Esp. Quím. | 1999 | 4 |
Analyst | Analyst | 1876 | 12 |
Analytical Chemistry | Anal. Chem. | 1929 | 24 |
Analytical Chemistry Insights | Anal. Chem. Insights | 2006 | |
Analytical Methods | Anal. Meth. | 2009 | 12 |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | Anal. Bioanal. Chem. | 1862 | 24 |
Angewandte Chemie | Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. | 1888 | 52 |
Annales de chimie - Science des matériaux | Ann. Chim.-Sci. Mat. | 1789 | 6 |
Annales de chimie et de physique | Annal. Chim. Phys. | 1816 | 12 |
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A (chimie inorganique) | Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. A | 1904 | 1 |
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B (chimie organique) | Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. B | 1904 | 1 |
Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C (chimie physique) | Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. C | 1904 | 1 |
Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy | Antivir. Chem. Chemother. | 1990 | 6 |
Applied Organometallic Chemistry | Appl. Organomet. Chem. | 1987 | 12 |
Applied Radiation and Isotopes | Appl. Radiat. Isot. | 1956 | 12 |
ARKIVOC | ARKIVOC | 2000 | 16 |
Australian Journal of Chemistry | Aust. J. Chem. | 1948 | 12 |
Avances en Química | Av. Quím. | 2006 | 4 |
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry | Beilstein J. Org. Chem. | 2005 | |
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry | Bioorg. Med. Chem. | 1993 | 24 |
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. | 1991 | 24 |
Bioorganic Chemistry | Bioorg. Chem. | 1971 | 6 |
Bulletin de la Société Chimique de France | Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. | 1858 | 12 |
Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges | Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. | 1887 | 12 |
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan | Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. | 1926 | 12 |
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society | Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. | 1980 | 12 |
Canadian Journal of Chemistry | Can. J. Chem | 1929 | 12 |
Carbon | Carbon | 1964 | 15 |
Carbohydrate Research | Carbohydr. Res. | 1965 | 18 |
Catalysis Letters | Catal. Lett. | 1988 | 24 |
Central European Journal of Chemistry | Cent. Eur. J. Chem. | 2003 | 4 |
Chemical & Engineering News | Chem. Eng. News | 1923 | 51 |
Chemical Communications | Chem. Comm. | 1965 | 48 |
The Chemical Educator | Chem. Educator | 1996 | |
Chemical Reviews | Chem. Rev. | 1924 | 12 |
Chemical Society Reviews | Chem. Soc. Rev. | 1947 | 12 |
Chemie in unserer Zeit | Chem. Unserer Zeit | 1967 | 6 |
Chemische Berichte | Chem. Ber. | 1868 | 12 |
Chemistry: A European Journal | Chem. Eur. J. | 1995 | 24 |
Chemistry Education Research and Practice | Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. | 1997 | 4 |
Chemistry & Industry | Chem. Ind. | 1923 | 24 |
Chemistry Letters | Chem. Lett. | 1972 | 12 |
Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii) | Chem. Heterocycl. Compd. | 1965 | 12 |
Chemistry of Materials | Chem. Mat. | 1989 | 24 |
ChemMedChem | ChemMedChem | 2006 | 12 |
Chemosphere | Chemosphere | 1972 | 40 |
ChemPhysChem | ChemPhysChem | 2000 | 18 |
Chimia | Chimia | 1947 | 10 |
Chimika Chronika | 1936 | 4 | |
Chirality | Chirality | 2006 | 10 |
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications | Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. | 1929 | 12 |
Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening | Comb. Chem. High Throughput Screen. | 1998 | 10 |
Combinatorial Chemistry - An Online Journal | Comb. Chem. | 1998 | 12 |
Crystal Growth & Design | Cryst. Growth Des. | 2001 | 12 |
CrystEngComm | CrystEngComm | 1999 | 12 |
Current Medicinal Chemistry | Curr. Med. Chem. | 1994 | 36 |
Current Organic Chemistry | Curr. Org. Chem. | 1997 | 18 |
Current Organic Synthesis | Curr. Org. Synth. | 2004 | 4 |
Dalton Transactions | Dalton Trans. | 1966 | 48 |
Doklady Chemistry | Dokl. Chem. | 1992 | 12 |
Energy & Fuels | Energy Fuels | 1987 | 12 |
Environmental Science & Technology | Environ. Sci. Technol. | 1967 | 24 |
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. | 1998 | 36 |
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Eur. J. Med. Chem. | 1965 | 12 |
European Journal of Organic Chemistry | Eur. J. Org. Chem. | 1998 | 36 |
Faraday Discussions | Faraday Discuss. | 1947 | 3 |
Il Farmaco | Farmaco | 1946 | 12 |
Gazzetta Chimica Italiana | Gazz. Chim. Ital. | 1871 | 12 |
Green Chemistry | Green Chem. | 1999 | 12 |
Helvetica Chimica Acta | Helv. Chim. Acta | 1918 | 12 |
Heteroatom Chemistry | Heteroatom Chem. | 1990 | 7 |
Heterocycles | Heterocycles | 1973 | 12 |
Heterocyclic Communications | Heterocycl. Commun. | 1994 | 6 |
Indian Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry | Indian J. Heterocycl. Chem. | 1991 | 4 |
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | Int. J. Chem. Kinet. | 1969 | 12 |
Inorganic Chemistry | Inorg. Chem. | 1962 | 24 |
Inorganica Chimica Acta | Inorg. Chim. Acta | 1967 | 15 |
Israel Journal of Chemistry | Isr. J. Chem. | 1963 | 4 |
Journal für Praktische Chemie | J. Prakt. Chem. | 1834 | 8 |
Journal of Biological Chemistry | J. Biol. Chem. | 1905 | 52 |
Journal of Catalysis | J. Cat. | 1962 | 16 |
Journal of Chemical Physics | J. Chem. Phys | 1933 | 48 |
Journal of Chemical Research | J. Chem. Res. | 1977 | 12 |
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | J. Chem. Theory Comput. | 2005 | 12 |
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry | J. Comb. Chem. | 1999 | 6 |
Journal of Computational Chemistry | J. Comput. Chem. | 1980 | 16 |
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry | J. Fluorine Chem. | 1971 | 12 |
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry | J. Heterocycl. Chem. | 1964 | 6 |
Journal of Mass Spectrometry | J. Mass Spectrom. | 1968 | 12 |
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | J. Med. Chem. | 1959 | 24 |
Journal of Molecular Modeling | J. Mol. Model. | 1995 | 12 |
Journal of Natural Products | J. Nat. Prod. | 1979 | 12 |
Journal of Organic Chemistry | J. Org. Chem. | 1936 | 24 |
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry | J. Organomet. Chem. | 1963 | 26 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry A | J. Phys. Chem. A | 1997 | 52 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry B | J. Phys. Chem. B | 1997 | 52 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry C | J. Phys. Chem. C | 2007 | 52 |
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | J. Phys. Chem. Lett. | 2010 | 26 |
Journal of Sulfur Chemistry | J. Sulfur Chem. | 1980 | 6 |
Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan | J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn. | 1943 | 12 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society | J. Am. Chem. Soc. | 1879 | 52 |
Journal of the Chemical Society | J. Chem. Soc. | 1841 | |
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 | J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 1 | 1972 | 24 |
Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 | J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans 2 | 1972 | 24 |
Langmuir | Langmuir | 1985 | 24 |
Letters in Organic Chemistry | Lett. Org. Chem. | 2004 | 8 |
Liebigs Annalen | Liebigs Ann. | 1832 | 12 |
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics | Macromol. Chem. Phys. | 1947 | 24 |
Main Group Metal Chemistry | Main Group Met. Chem. | 1977 | 12 |
Medicinal Chemistry Research | Med. Chem. Res. | 1991 | 9 |
Mendeleev Communications | Mendeleev Commun. | 1991 | 6 |
Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry | Mini-Rev. Org. Chem. | 2004 | 4 |
Molecular Pharmaceutics | Mol. Pharm. | 2004 | 6 |
Molecules | Molecules | 1996 | 12 |
Molecules Online | Mol. Online | 1996 | 11 |
Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly | Mon. Chem. | 1880 | 12 |
Natural Product Reports | Nat. Prod. Rep. | 1984 | 12 |
Nature Chemistry | Nat. Chem. | 2009 | 12 |
New Journal of Chemistry | New. J. Chem. | 1977 | 12 |
Nucleic Acids Symposium Series | Nucleic Acids Symp. Ser. | 1 | |
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry | Org. Biomol. Chem. | 1966 | 24 |
Organic Letters | Org. Lett. | 1999 | 24 |
Organic Mass Spectrometry | Org. Mass Spectrom. | 1968 | 12 |
Organic Preparations and Procedures International | Org. Prep. Proced. Int. | 1969 | 6 |
Organic Process Research & Development | Org. Process Res. Dev. | 1997 | 6 |
Organic Syntheses | Org. Synth. | 1921 | 1 |
Organometallics | Organometallics | 1982 | 12 |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. | 1905 | 48 |
Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements | Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. | 1976 | 12 |
Photochemistry and Photobiology | Photochem. Photobiol. | 1962 | 12 |
Polish Journal of Chemistry | Pol. J. Chem. | 1921 | 12 |
Polyhedron | Polyhedron | 1982 | 18 |
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics | Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. | 1976 | 6 |
Pure and Applied Chemistry | Pure Appl. Chem. | 1960 | 12 |
Radiochimica Acta | Radiochim. Acta | 1963 | 12 |
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas | Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas | 1882 | 12 |
Research on Chemical Intermediates | Res. Chem. Intermed. | 1973 | 9 |
Revista Portuguesa de Química | Rev. Port. Quim. | 1958 | 4 |
Revista Colombiana de Química | Rev. Col. Quím. | 1971 | 3 |
Russian Chemical Reviews (Uspekhi Khimii) | Russ. Chem. Rev. | 1932 | 12 |
Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry | Russ. J. Org. Chem. | 1965 | 12 |
Sulfur Letters | Sulf. Lett. | 1982 | 6 |
Synfacts | Synfacts | 2005 | 12 |
Synlett | Synlett | 1989 | 20 |
Synthesis | Synthesis | 1969 | 24 |
Synthetic Communications | Synth. Commun. | 1971 | 24 |
Tetrahedron | Tetrahedron | 1957 | 52 |
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry | Tetrahedron: Asymmetry | 1990 | 24 |
Tetrahedron Letters | Tetrahedron Lett. | 1959 | 52 |
Thermochimica Acta | Thermochim. Acta | 1974 | 24 |
Talanta | Talanta | 1958 | 15 |
Topics in Current Chemistry | Top. Curr. Chem. | 1949 | 6 |
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B - A Journal of Chemical Sciences | Z. Naturforsch. B | 1946 | 12 |
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie | Z. Phys. Chem. | 1887 | 12 |
Véase también
Categoría:Revistas de química}} Categoría:Revistas científicas}}
Enlaces externos
- "Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1907–2004 Cumulative", Part 1, Pág. 46I. Estos datos se basan en un análisis que cubre los volúmenes 140–141 de "Chemical Abstracts"
- Obtenida a partir de una búsqueda en 2004 en Journal Citation Reports del Institute for Scientific Information entre revistas de las categorías Química analítica, química aplicada; química inorgánica y nuclear, química médica, química multidisciplinar, química orgánica, química física, y química física, atómica y molecular. Physical Review A fue retirada de la lista por no tener suficientes contenidos sobre química.
- Top Ten Most-Cited Journals (All Fields), 1999-2009. Science watch.
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