Matt Lavin

Matt Lavin ( 1956) es un botánico estadounidense, especializado en la familia Fabaceae, con énfasis eb el género Coursetia, realizando expediciones botánicas a Belice, y a Zimbabue.[2]

Matt Lavin
Información personal
Nacimiento 1956
Residencia EE. UU.
Nacionalidad estadounidense
Educado en Universidad de Texas en Austin
Información profesional
Área botánico
Conocido por nombra, en el siglo XX, nuevos géneros, especies, y subespecies para la ciencia[1]
Empleador Universidad Estatal de Montana - Bozeman
Abreviatura en botánica Lavin


En 1986, obtuvo el PhD por la Universidad de Texas en Austin, y desarrolla actividades académicas en la Universidad Estatal de Montana.[3]

Algunas publicaciones

  • j.e. Meireles, a.m. Tozzi, matt Lavin. 2014. A Phylogenetic Analysis of Molecular and Morphological Data Reveals a Paraphyletic Poecilanthe (Leguminosae, Papilionoideae). Systematic Botany (TreeBase accession 15171)
  • a.t. Oliveria-Filho, r.t. Pennington, j. Rotella, matt Lavin. 2014. Exploring evolutionarily meaningful vegetation definitions in the tropics: a community phylogenetic approach. En pp. 239-260 (cap. 9) Forests and Global Change, ed. David A. Coomes, David F. R. P. Burslem, William D. Simonson. British Ecological Society, Cambridge University Press.
  • k. Taylor, t. Brummer, l.j. Rew, matt Lavin, b.d. Maxwell. 2014. Bromus tectorum response to fire varies with climate. Ecosystems: 17 (6): 960-973. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9771-7
  • a.t. Oliveira-Filho, d. Cardoso, b.d. Schrire, g.p. Lewis, r.t. Pennington, t.j. Brummer, j. Rotella, matt Lavin. 2013. Stability structures tropical woody plant diversity more than seasonality: insights into the ecology of high legume-succulent-plant biodiversity. South African Journal of Botany 89: 42-57. (site data, species data, phylomatic list, phylomatic age constraints, phylomatic backbone tree, phylomatic commands, community phylogeny).
  • d. Cardoso, r.t. Pennington, l.p. de Queiroz, j.s. Boatwright, b.-e. Van Wyk, m.f. Wojciechowski, matt Lavin. 2013. Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes. South African Journal of Botany 89: 58-75. Data set.
  • m. Thulin, p.b. Phillipson, matt Lavin. 2013. Peltiera (Fabaceae), the coming and going of an extinct genus in Madagascar. Adansonia 3, 35 (1): 61-71
  • matt Lavin, t.j. Brummer, r. Quire, b.d. Maxwell, l.j. Rew. 2013. Physical disturbance shapes vascular plant diversity more profoundly than fire in the sagebrush steppe of southeastern Idaho, U.S.A. Evolution: 3(6): 1626-1641. (site data, species data, community phylogeny). [This study was based on Lavin, M., T. Brummer, T. Seipel, B. Maxwell, and L. Rew. 2013. The Intermountain Flora sets the stage for a community phylogenetic analysis of plant biodiversity in the sagebrush steppe of western North America. Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 108: 63-84.]
  • d. Cardoso, l.p. de Queiroz, h.c. de Lima, e. Suganuma, c. van den Berg, matt Lavin. 2013. A molecular phylogeny of the Vataireoid legumes underscores floral evolvability that is general to many early-branching papilionoid lineages. American Journal of Botany 100 (2): 403-421.


  • Matt Lavin. 1993. Biogeography and systematics of Poitea (Leguminosae) : inferences from morphological and molecular data. Ann Arbor, Mich. : American Society of Plant Taxonomists, 87 p. il. ISBN 0912861371



  • American Society of Plant Taxonomists
  • Botanical Society of America
  • International Society of Biogeography


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