Sanjay Subrahmanyam
Sanjay Subrahmanyam (Nueva Delhi, 21 de mayo de 1961) es un historiador indio. Es profesor de historia económica en la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles y profesor del Collège de France. Sus estudios se centran en la denominada ”historia conectada”. [1]
Nacido en una familia de funcionarios, estudió economía en la Universidad de Delhi doctorándose en 1987 con la tesis "Trade and the Regional Economy of South India, c. 1550–1650" [2]
Está especializado en la India del Sur de los siglos XVI y XVII, y su obra sobre Vasco de Gama le ha dado cierta reputación internacional. [3]
- The Political Economy of Commerce: Southern India, 1500-1650, 1990
- Merchants, Markets and the State in Early Modern India, 1990
- Improvising Empire: Portuguese Trade and Settlement in the Bay of Bengal, 1500-1700, 1990 (Comércio e Conflito: A Presença Portuguesa no Golfo de Bengala, 1500-1700, 1994).
- (con V. Narayana Rao y David Shulman), Symbols of Substance: Court and State in Nayaka-period Tamil Nadu, 1992
- The Portuguese Empire in Asia, 1500-1700: A Political and Economic History, 1993
- Money and the Market in India, 1100-1700, 1994
- Merchant Networks in the Early Modern World (Series: An Expanding World, Vol. 8), 1996
- (con Kaushik Basu) Unravelling the Nation: Sectarian Conflict and India’s Secular Identity, 1996
- (con Burton Stein) Institutions and Economic Change in South Asia, 1996
- The Career and Legend of Vasco da Gama, 1997
- (con Muzaffar Alam) The Mughal State, 1526-1750, 1998
- Sinners and Saints: The Successors of Vasco da Gama, 1998
- Penumbral Visions: Making Polities in Early Modern South India, 2001
- (con Velcheru Narayana Rao y David Shulman) Textures of Time: Writing History in South India, 1600-1800, 2001/2003
- (con Claude Markovits y Jacques Pouchepadass) Society and Circulation: Mobile People and Itinerant Cultures in South Asia, 1750-1950, 2003
- Land, Politics and Trade in South Asia, 2004
- Explorations in Connected History: From the Tagus to the Ganges, 2004
- Explorations in Connected History: Mughals and Franks, 2004
- (con Kenneth McPherson) From Biography to History: Essays in the History of Portuguese Asia (1500-1800), 2006
- (con Muzaffar Alam) Indo-Persian Travels in the Age of Discoveries, 1400-1800, 2007
- (con David Armitage) The Age of Revolutions in Global Context, c. 1760-1840, 2009
- (con Muzaffar Alam) Writing the Mughal World, 2011.
- Three Ways to be Alien: Travails and Encounters in the Early Modern World, 2011
- Courtly Encounters: Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia, 2012
- Impérios em Concorrência: Histórias Conectadas nos Séculos XVI e XVII, 2012
- Is 'Indian Civilization' a Myth?: Fictions and Histories, 2013 (Leçons indiennes: Itinéraires d’un historien, 2015)
- Aux origines de l'histoire globale : leçon inaugurale au Collège de France, 2014.
- Mondi connessi: La storia oltre l'eurocentrismo, sec. XVI-XVIII, 2014
- Historical Teleologies in the Modern World, 2015
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