25th Birthday Party

25th Birthday Party, est un album en concert de Gong enregistré à l'occasion du 25e anniversaire de la création du groupe, lors de la tournée d'. La formation se rapproche un peu plus de celle des albums majeurs du groupe avec l'arrivée de Tim Blake et de Mike Howlett.

25th Birthday Party
Live de Gong
Enregistré Octobre 1994
Durée 109:40
Genre Rock psychédélique
Label Voiceprint

Albums de Gong

Liste des titres

Face 1

  1. Thom Intro (Thom) – 1:18
  2. Floating into a Birthday Gig (Allen, Blake, Howlett, Lewry, Pyle, Smyth) – 5:39
  3. You Can't Kill Me (Allen) – 6:20
  4. Radio Gnome 25 (Allen, Lewry) – 7:11
  5. I Am Your Pussy (Allen, Smyth) – 4:56
  6. Pot Head Pixies (Allen) – 2:54
  7. Never Glid Before (Hillage) – 5:47
  8. Sad Street (Hillage, Smyth) – 6:28
  9. Eat That Phonebook (Malherbe) – 3:27
  10. Gnomic Address (Blake) – 1:36
  11. Flute Salad (Malherbe) – 2:32
  12. Oily Way (Allen, Malherbe) – 3:26
  13. Outer Temple/Inner Temple (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Malherbe) – 5:25
  14. She Is the Great Goddess (Blake, Smyth) – 3:05
  15. Iaom Riff' (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 7:34

Face 2

  1. Clouds Again (Blake) – 9:57
  2. Tri-Cycle Gliss (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 10:51
  3. Get a Dinner (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 2:03
  4. Zero Where Are You? (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 1:29
  5. Be Who You Are My Friends (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 2:33
  6. It's the World of Illusion (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 3:00
  7. Why Don't You Try (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 2:19
  8. I Am You (Allen, Blake, Hillage, Howlett, Smyth) – 6:37
  9. Introducing the Musicians (Allen, Blake, Howlett, Lewry, Pyle, Smyth) – 3:03


  • Portail du rock
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