Championnat du monde de pipe band

Le Championnat du monde de pipe band est une compétition annuelle voyant concourir des pipe-bands à Glasgow en Écosse au mois d'août.

Championnat du monde de pipe band
Style musical Pipe band
Organisateur Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association
Création 1906
Périodicité annuelle
Localisation Glasgow
Nombre de participants
Statuts des participants amateurs
Champion en titre Inveraray & District (2017)
Plus titré(s) Greater Glasgow Police Scotland Pipe Band
Géolocalisation sur la carte : Glasgow
Géolocalisation sur la carte : Écosse


Année 1re place 2e place 3e place
2017Inveraray & DistrictField Marshal MontgomerySt. Laurence O'Toole
2016Field Marshal MontgomeryInveraray & DistrictSt. Laurence O'Toole
2015Shotts & Dykehead CaledoniaSt. Laurence O'TooleInveraray & District
2014Field Marshal MontgomeryInveraray & DistrictSt. Laurence O'Toole
2013Field Marshal MontgomeryBoghall & BathgateScottishPower Pipe Band
2012Field Marshal MontgomeryScottishPower Pipe BandSimon Fraser University
2011Field Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser UniversityScottish Power Pipe Band
2010St. Laurence O'TooleField Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser University
2009Simon Fraser UniversityField Marshal MontgomerySt. Laurence O'Toole
2008Simon Fraser UniversityField Marshal MontgomeryHouse of Edgar - Shotts & Dykehead
2007Field Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser UniversityHouse of Edgar - Shotts & Dykehead
2006Field Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser UniversityHouse of Edgar - Shotts & Dykehead
2005House of Edgar - Shotts & DykeheadField Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser University
2004Field Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser UniversityHouse of Edgar - Shotts & Dykehead
2003House of Edgar - Shotts & DykeheadField Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser University
2002Field Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser UniversityShotts & Dykehead
2001Simon Fraser UniversityShotts & DykeheadField Marshal Montgomery
2000Shotts & DykeheadField Marshal MontgomerySimon Fraser University
1999Simon Fraser UniversityShotts & DykeheadField Marshal Montgomery
1998Victoria PoliceShotts & DykeheadField Marshal Montgomery
1997Shotts & DykeheadSimon Fraser UniversityVictoria Police
1996Simon Fraser UniversityField Marshal MontgomeryShotts & Dykehead
1995Simon Fraser UniversityField Marshal MontgomeryShotts & Dykehead
1994Shotts & DykeheadBoghall & BathgateVictoria Police
1993Field Marshal MontgomeryShotts & DykeheadBoghall & Bathgate
1992Field Marshal MontgomeryStrathclyde PoliceVictoria Police
1991Strathclyde PolicePolkemmet GrorudPower of Scotland
1990Strathclyde PolicePower Of ScotlandScotRail Vale Of Atholl
1989Strathclyde PolicePower Of ScotlandScotRail Vale Of Atholl
1988Strathclyde PoliceSimon Fraser University78th Fraser Highlanders
198778th Fraser HighlandersSimon Fraser UniversityStrathclyde Police
1986Strathclyde Police78th Fraser HighlandersBoghall & Bathgate
1985Strathclyde PoliceSimon Fraser UniversityPolkemmet Grorud
1984Strathclyde PoliceShotts & Dykehead78th Fraser Highlanders
1983Strathclyde PoliceBoghall & BathgateShotts & Dykehead
1982Strathclyde PoliceBoghall & BathgateDysart and Dundonald
1981Strathclyde PoliceShotts & DykeheadBoghall & Bathgate
1980Shotts & DykeheadStrathclyde PolicePolkemmet Colliery
1979Strathclyde Police
1978Dysart and DundonaldStrathclyde Police
1977Dysart and DundonaldStrathclyde PoliceShotts & Dykehead
1976Strathclyde Police
1975Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
1974Shotts & Dykehead
1973Shotts & Dykehead
1972Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
1971Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
1970Shotts & Dykehead
1969Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1968Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1967Muirhead & Sons Pipe BandStrathclyde PoliceInvergordon Distillery Pipe Band
1966Muirhead & Sons Pipe BandStrathclyde Police
1965Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1964Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
1963Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1962277 Btn. Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
1961Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1960Shotts & Dykehead
1959Shotts & Dykehead
1958Shotts & Dykehead
1957Shotts & Dykehead
1956Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1955Muirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1954Edinburgh Police Pipe BandRed Hackle Pipes & Drums
1953Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1952Shotts & Dykehead
1951City of Glasgow Police Pipe BandMuirhead & Sons Pipe Band
1950Edinburgh Police Pipe Band
1949City of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
1948Shotts & Dykehead
1947Bowhill Colliery Pipe BandClan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1946City of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
1945 - 1940(pas de championnat pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale)
1939City of Glasgow Police Pipe BandGlasgow Corporation TransportEdinburgh Police Pipe Band
1938City of Glasgow Police Pipe BandGlasgow Corporation TransportClan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1937City of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
1936City of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
1935MacLean Pipe Band
1934Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1933Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1932Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1931Glasgow Corporation Transport
1930Millhall Pipe Band
1929Glasgow Corporation Transport
1928MacLean Pipe Band
1927MacLean Pipe BandClan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1926Millhall Pipe BandClan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1925Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1924Millhall Pipe BandClan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1923Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1922Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1921Clan MacRae Society Pipe Band
1920City of Glasgow Police Pipe Band
1919Edinburgh City Police Pipe Band
1918 - 1914Pas de championnat pendant la Première Guerre mondiale
19137th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
19125th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
19115th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
19105th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
1909Stonehouse Pipe Band
19085th Battalion Highland Light Infantry
19073rd Volunteer Battalion H.L.I.
19061st Volunteer Battalion H.L.I.Govan Police3rd Volunteer Battalion H.L.I.Queen's R.V.B. (Royal Scots) -tied for 3rd

Notes et références

    • Portail de la musique
    • Portail de Glasgow
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