Les poissons du genre Coryphaenoides sont des poissons des grands fonds. Ils font partie des poissons appelés grenadiers.

Coryphaenoides leptolepis
Le filet de grenadier fait partie de la cuisine française (poissons pêchés en Atlantique Nord-Est).
- Coryphaenoides acrolepis (Bean, 1884)
- Coryphaenoides affinis (Günther, 1878)
- Coryphaenoides alateralis (Marshall & Iwamoto, 1973)
- Coryphaenoides altipinnis (Günther, 1877)
- Coryphaenoides anguliceps (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides ariommus (Gilbert & Thompson, 1916)
- Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector, 1875)[1]
- Coryphaenoides asper (Günther, 1877)
- Coryphaenoides asprellus (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides boops (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides brevibarbis (Goode & Bean, 1896)[2]
- Coryphaenoides bucephalus (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides bulbiceps (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides camurus (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides capito (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides carapinus (Goode & Bean, 1883)[3]
- Coryphaenoides carminifer (Garman, 1899)
- Coryphaenoides castaneus (Shcherbachev & Iwamoto, 1995)
- Coryphaenoides cinereus (Gilbert, 1896)
- Coryphaenoides delsolari (Chirichigno F. & Iwamoto, 1977)
- Coryphaenoides dossenus (McMillan, 1999)
- Coryphaenoides dubius (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides fernandezianus (Günther, 1887)
- Coryphaenoides ferrieri (Regan, 1913)
- Coryphaenoides filamentosus (Okamura, 1970)
- Coryphaenoides filicauda (Günther, 1878)
- Coryphaenoides filifer (Gilbert, 1896)
- Coryphaenoides grahami (Iwamoto & Shcherbachev, 1991)
- Coryphaenoides guentheri (Vaillant, 1888)[4]
- Coryphaenoides gypsochilus (Iwamoto & McCosker, 2001)[5]
- Coryphaenoides hextii (Alcock, 1890)
- Coryphaenoides hoskynii (Alcock, 1890)
- Coryphaenoides lecointei (Dollo, 1900)
- Coryphaenoides leptolepis (Günther, 1877)[6]
- Coryphaenoides liocephalus (Günther, 1887)
- Coryphaenoides longicirrhus (Gilbert, 1905)
- Coryphaenoides longifilis (Günther, 1877)
- Coryphaenoides macrolophus (Alcock, 1889)
- Coryphaenoides marginatus (Steindachner & Döderlein, 1887)
- Coryphaenoides marshalli (Iwamoto, 1970)
- Coryphaenoides mcmillani (Iwamoto & Shcherbachev, 1991)
- Coryphaenoides mediterraneus (Giglioli, 1893)[7]
- Coryphaenoides mexicanus (Parr, 1946)
- Coryphaenoides microps (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides microstomus (McMillan, 1999)
- Coryphaenoides murrayi (Günther, 1878)
- Coryphaenoides myersi (Iwamoto & Sazonov, 1988)
- Coryphaenoides nasutus (Günther, 1877)
- Coryphaenoides oreinos (Iwamoto & Sazonov, 1988)
- Coryphaenoides orthogrammus (Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides paramarshalli (Merrett, 1983)
- Coryphaenoides profundicolus (Nybelin, 1957)[8]
- Coryphaenoides rudis (Günther, 1878)
- Coryphaenoides rupestris (Gunnerus, 1765)[9]
- Coryphaenoides semiscaber (Gilbert & Hubbs, 1920)
- Coryphaenoides serrulatus (Günther, 1878)
- Coryphaenoides sibogae (Weber & de Beaufort, 1929)
- Coryphaenoides spinulosus (Gilbert & Burke, 1912)
- Coryphaenoides striaturus (Barnard, 1925)
- Coryphaenoides subserrulatus (Makushok, 1976)
- Coryphaenoides thelestomus (Maul, 1951)[10]
- Coryphaenoides tydemani (Weber, 1913)
- Coryphaenoides woodmasoni (Alcock, 1890)
- Coryphaenoides yaquinae (Iwamoto & Stein, 1974)
- Coryphaenoides zaniophorus (Vaillant, 1888)
- Hector, J. 1875. Descriptions of five new species of fishes obtained in the New Zealand seas by H. M. S. "Challenger" Expedition July 1874. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 15 (núm. 85): 78-82.
- Goode, G. B. & T. H. Bean. 1896. Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by the steamers Blake, Albatross, and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic, with an atlas containing 417 figures. Special Bulletin U. S. National Museum Núm. 2: Text: i-xxxv + 1-26 + 1-553, Atlas: i-xxiii, 1-26, 123 pls.
- Goode, G. B. & T. H. Bean. 1883. Reports on the results of dredging under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, on the east coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U. S. coast survey steamer "Blake," Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 10 (núm. 5): 183-226.
- Vaillant, L. L. 1888. Expéditions scientifiques du "Travailleur" et du "Talisman" pendant les années 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Poissons. París. Exped. Travailleur et Talisman: 1-406, Pls. 1-28.
- Iwamoto, T. & J. E. McCosker 2001. Notes on Galápagos grenadiers (Pisces, Gadiformes, Macrouridae), with the description of a new species of Coryphaenoides. Rev. Biol. Trop. v. 49 (Suppl. 1): 21-27.
- Günther, A. 1877. Preliminary notes on new fishes collected in Japan during the expedition of H. M. S. 'Challenger.'. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 20 (núm. 119): 433-446.
- Giglioli, E. H. 1893. Di una nuova specie di Macruride appartenente alla fauna abissale del Mediterraneo. Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 16 (núm. 428): 342-345.
- Nybelin, O. 1957. Deep-sea bottom fishes. Rep. Swedish Deep-Sea Exped. 1947-48 v. 2 (Zool.)(núm. 20): 247-345, Pls. 1-7.
- Gunnerus, J. E. 1765. Efterretning om Berglaxen, en rar Norsk fisk, som kunde kaldes: Coryphaenoides rupestris. Det Trondhiemske Selskabs Skrifter (= Drontheim. Gesell. Schrift.) v. 3: 50-58, Pl. 3.
- Maul, G. E. 1951. Monografia dos peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Famílias Macrouridae e Merlucciidae. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal Núm. 5 (art. 12): 5-55.
Liens externes
- (en) Référence FishBase :
- (fr+en) Référence ITIS : Coryphaenoides Gunner, 1765
- (en) Référence NCBI : Coryphaenoides (taxons inclus)
- (en) Référence Animal Diversity Web : Coryphaenoides
- Portail des abysses
- Portail de l’ichtyologie
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