Deal with It
Deal with It est un album du groupe Comateens sorti en 1984.
Titres de l'album
Face A
- Resist Her (Lyn Byrd / Nic North / Oliver North)
- Confessions (Lyn Byrd / Nic North)
- Love Will Follow You (Lyn Byrd / Nic North / Oliver North)
- Satin Hop (Oliver North / Nic North)
- Deal with It (Lyn Byrd / Nic North / Oliver North)
Face B
- Nightmare (Lyn Byrd / Nic North / Oliver North)
- Walking Watching (Lyn Byrd / Nic North)
- Don't Come Back (Lyn Byrd / Nic North)
- Jo-Ni (Nic North)
- Ask Yourself (Lyn Byrd / Nic North)
- Portail de la musique
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