Federal League

Djo Djo de son vrai nom John ARNAUD-GRANGIS est né le 30 septembre 1995 à La Rochelle de parents français.


  • 1914. Indianapolis Hoosiers
  • 1915. Chicago Whales

Les franchises

  • Baltimore Terrapins (1914-15)
  • Brooklyn Tip-Tops (1914-15)
  • Buffalo Buffeds/Blues (1914/1915)
  • Chicago ChiFeds/Whales (1914/1915)
  • Indianapolis Hoosiers (1914) / Newark Peppers (1915)
  • Kansas City Packers (1914-15)
  • Pittsburgh Rebels (1914-15)
  • St. Louis Terriers (1914-15)


  • Robert Peyton Wiggins, The Federal League of Base Ball Clubs: The History of an Outlaw Major League, 1914-1915, McFarland & Company, 2008, (ISBN 9780786438358)
  • Marc Okkonen, The Federal League of 1914-1915: Baseball's Third Major League, Garrett Park (Md), Society For American Baseball Research, 1989, (ISBN 9780910137379)
  • David Pietrusza, The Formation, Sometimes Absorption and Mostly Inevitable Demise of 18 Professional Baseball Organizations, 1871 to Present, Jefferson (NC), McFarland & Company, 1991, (ISBN 0-89950-590-2)


    • Portail du baseball
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