Filmographie de D. W. Griffith
Cet article présente la filmographie complète du cinéaste américain D. W. Griffith (en tant que réalisateur, scénariste et acteur), dont la carrière a débuté en 1908 durant l'ère du muet.
Riche de près de 500 films, elle a été établie à l'occasion de la rétrospective qui lui a été consacrée par Patrick Brion du au au Centre national d'art et de culture Georges-Pompidou.
En tant que réalisateur
- Les Aventures de Dollie (The Adventures of Dollie)
- The Fight for Freedom[1]
- The Tavern Keeper's Daughter
- La Vipère noire (The Black Viper)
- L'Enfant et le Peau-rouge (The Redman and the Child)
- Deceived Slumming Party[1]
- The Bandit's Waterloo
- Une déclaration difficile (A Calamitous Elopement)
- The Greaser's Gauntlet
- The Man and the Woman
- The Fatal Hour
- Pour l'amour de l'or (For love of gold)
- Balked at the Altar
- For a Wife's Honor
- L'Empreinte digitale (Betrayed by a Handprint)
- Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court[2]
- La Brute (The Girl and the Outlaw)
- La Vocation théâtrale (Behind the Scenes)
- La Jeune Fille indienne (The Red Girl)
- Le Cœur de O'Yama (The Heart of O'Yama)
- Where the Breakers Roar
- A Smoked Husband
- Les Bijoux volés (The Stolen Jewels)
- The Devil
- Cœur de Zoulou (The Zulu's Heart)
- Father Gets in the Game
- Ingomar (The Barbarian Ingomar)
- Le Vœu du vaquero (The Vaquero's Vow)
- La Femme du planteur (The Planter's Wife)
- Le Roman d'une juive (Romance of a Jewess)
- L'Appel de la forêt (The Call of the Wild)
- Cacher un voleur (Concealing a Burglar)
- Enoch Arden (After Many Years)
- L'Or du pirate (The Pirate's Gold)
- La Mégère apprivoisée (The Taming of the Shrew)
- The Guerrilla
- La Chanson de la chemise (The Song of the Shirt)
- L'Ingrate (The Ingrate)
- Le Chemin d'une femme (A Woman's Way)
- Le Clubman et le Voleur (The Clubman and the Tramp)
- Money Mad
- The Valet's Wife
- Mrs. Jones Entertains
- The Feud and the Turkey
- The Reckoning
- Le Gage de l'amitié (The Test of Friendship)
- An Awful Moment
- The Christmas Burglars
- Mr. Jones at the Ball
- The Helping Hand
- The Hessian Renegades
- One Touch of Nature
- The Maniac Cook
- The Honor of Thieves
- Love Finds a Way
- The Sacrifice
- A Rural Elopement
- The Criminal Hypnotist
- Those Boys!
- Mr. Jones Has a Card Party
- L'Extravagante Mme Francis (The Fascinating Mrs. Francis)
- The Welcome Burglar
- Son nouveau chapeau (Those Awful Hats)
- The Cord of Life
- The Girls and Daddy
- The Brahma Diamond
- A Wreath in Time
- La Vie d'Edgar Poe (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Tragic Love
- The Curtain Pole
- His Ward's Love
- The Joneses Have Amateur Theatricals
- The Hindoo Dagger
- Amour et Politique (The Politician's Love Story)
- La Pièce d'or (The Golden Louis)
- At the Altar
- His Wife's Mother
- L'Espion (The Prussian Spy)
- A Fool's Revenge
- The Roue's Heart
- The Wooden Leg
- The Salvation Army Lass
- The Lure of the Gown
- I Did It, Mama
- L'Âme du violon (The Voice of the Violin)
- The Deception
- And a Little Child Shall Lead Them
- A Burglar's Mistake
- The Heart of an Outlaw
- Bill Sharkey's Last Game
- The Medicine Bottle
- Jones and His New Neighbors
- Les Remords de l'alcoolique (A Drunkard's Reformation)
- Trying to Get Arrested
- Le Chemin du cœur (The Road to the Heart)
- La Croisade contre le bruit (Schneider's Anti-Noise Crusade)
- A Rude Hostess
- The Winning Coat
- Un dormeur encombrant (A Sound Sleeper)
- Confidence
- A Troublesome Satchel
- Lady Helen's Escapade
- The Drive for a Life
- Frères jumeaux (Twin Brothers)
- Lucky Jim
- 'Tis an Ill Wind That Blows No Good
- The Suicide Club
- The Eavesdropper
- One Busy Hour
- The Note in the Shoe
- Jones and the Lady Book Agent
- The French Duel
- A Baby's Shoe (en)
- The Jilt
- Resurrection
- Two Memories
- Eloping with Auntie
- Le Grillon du foyer (The Cricket on the Hearth)
- His Duty
- Eradicating Aunty
- What Drink Did
- Le Luthier de Crémone (The Violin Maker of Cremona)
- A New Trick
- La Villa solitaire (The Lonely Villa)
- The Son's Return
- Her First Biscuits
- The Faded Lilies
- Was Justice Served?
- The Peachbasket Hat
- The Mexican Sweethearts
- The Way of Man
- Le Collier de perles (The Necklace)
- Le Message (The Message)
- The Country Doctor
- The Cardinal's Conspiracy
- Tender Hearts
- The Friend of the Family
- The Renunciation
- Sweet and Twenty
- Jealousy and the Man
- A Convict's Sacrifice (it)
- A Strange Meeting
- The Mended Lute
- They Would Elope
- Mr. Jones' Burglar
- The Better Way (it)
- With Her Card
- Mrs. Jones' Lover or I Want My Hat
- His Wife's Visitor
- Le Roman d'un coureur indien (The Indian Runner's Romance)
- The Seventh Day
- Oh, Uncle!
- Pranks
- The Mills of the Gods
- The Sealed Room
- The Little Darling[3]
- Les Renégats de 1776 (The Hessian Renegades)
- Comata, the Sioux
- Getting Even (en)
- The Children's Friend
- The Broken Locket
- In Old Kentucky
- A Fair Exchange
- Leather Stocking
- Wanted, a Child
- The Awakening
- Pippa Passes; or, The Song of Conscience
- Fools of Fate
- Mabel institutrice
- A Change of Heart (it)
- His Lost Love
- The Expiation
- In the Watches of the Night
- Lines of White on a Sullen Sea
- What's Your Hurry?
- The Gibson Goddess[4]
- Nursing a Viper[5]
- The Restoration
- The Light That Came
- Two Women and a Man
- A Sweet Revenge
- A Midnight Adventure
- The Open Gate
- The Mountaineer's Honor
- The Trick That Failed
- In the Window Recess
- The Death Disc: A Story of the Cromwellian Period
- À travers les brisants (Through the Breakers)
- The Red Man's View
- Le Spéculateur en grains (A Corner in Wheat)
- The Test
- In a Hempen Bag
- A Trap for Santa Claus
- In Little Italy
- To Save Her Soul
- The Day After, réalisé par Frank Powell[6]
- Choosing a Husband
- In Old California
- The Rocky Road
- The Dancing Girl of Butte
- Her Terrible Ordeal
- On the Reef
- The Call
- The Honor of His Family
- The Last Deal
- The Cloister's Touch
- The Woman from Mellon's
- The Course of True Love
- The Duke's Plan
- One Night and Then
- The Englishman and the Girl
- His Last Burglary
- Taming a Husband
- The Final Settlement
- The Newlyweds
- Les Liens du destin (The Thread of Destiny)
- The Man
- The Converts
- Faithful
- The Twisted Trail
- Gold Is Not All
- The Smoker
- His Last Dollar
- The Two Brothers
- As It Is in Life
- A Rich Revenge
- A Romance of the Western Hills
- Thou Shalt Not
- The Tenderfoot's Triumph
- The Way of the World
- Up a Tree
- The Gold Seekers
- The Unchanging Sea
- Love Among the Roses
- Over Silent Paths
- An Affair of Hearts
- Ramona
- A Knot in the Plot
- The Impalement
- In the Season of Buds
- The Purgation
- A Child of the Ghetto
- A Victim of Jealousy
- In the Border States
- The Face at the Window
- Never Again
- May and December
- The Marked Time-Table
- A Child's Impulse
- Muggsy's First Sweetheart
- A Midnight Cupid
- What the Daisy Said
- A Child's Faith
- A Flash of Light (en)
- Serious Sixteen
- As the Bells Rang Out!
- The Call to Arms
- Unexpected Help
- An Arcadian Maid
- Her Father's Pride
- Derrière les volets clos (The House with Closed Shutters)
- A Salutary Lesson
- The Usurer (L'usurier)
- An Old Story with a New Ending
- The Sorrows of the Unfaithful
- Wilful Peggy
- The Modern Prodigal
- The Affair of an Egg
- A Summer Idyll
- Little Angels of Luck
- A Mohawk's Way
- In Life's Cycle
- A Summer Tragedy
- The Oath and the Man
- Rose O'Salem Town
- Examination Day at School
- The Iconoclast
- That Chink at Golden Gulch
- The Broken Doll
- The Banker's Daughters
- The Message of the Violin
- Two Little Waifs
- Waiter No. 5
- Le Fugitif (The Fugitive)
- Simple Charity
- Sunshine Sue
- The Song of the Wildwood Flute
- His New Lid
- A Plain Song
- A Child's Stratagem
- The Golden Supper
- His Sister-In-Law
- The Lesson
- White Roses
- Winning Back His Love
- The Battle
- Flaming Arrows
- The Two Paths
- When a Man Loves
- The Italian Barber
- His Trust
- His Trust Fulfilled
- Fate's Turning
- The Poor Sick Men
- A Wreath of Orange Blossoms
- Three Sisters
- Heart Beats of Long Ago
- What Shall We Do with Our Old?
- Fisher Folks
- The Diamond Star
- His Daughter
- The Lily of the Tenements
- The Heart of a Savage
- A Decree of Destiny (en)
- Conscience
- Was He a Coward?
- Teaching Dad to Like Her
- La Télégraphiste de Lonedale (The Lonedale Operator)
- The Spanish Gypsy
- The Broken Cross
- The Chief's Daughter
- Paradise Lost
- Madame Rex
- A Knight of the Road
- His Mother's Scarf
- How She Triumphed
- The Two Sides
- In the Days of '49
- The New Dress
- The Crooked Road
- The White Rose of the Wilds
- A Romany Tragedy
- The Smile of a Child
- Enoch Arden: Part I
- Enoch Arden: Part II
- The Primal Call
- Her Sacrifice
- Fighting Blood
- The Thief and the Girl
- The Jealous Husband
- Bobby, the Coward
- The Indian Brothers
- A Country Cupid
- La Dernière Goutte d'eau (The Last Drop of Water)
- Out from the Shadow
- The Ruling Passion
- The Sorrowful Example
- The Blind Princess and the Poet
- The Rose of Kentucky
- Swords and Hearts
- The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of
- The Old Confectioner's Mistake
- The Squaw's Love
- Dan the Dandy
- The Revenue Man and the Girl
- Her Awakening
- The Making of a Man
- Italian Blood
- The Unveiling
- Les Aventures de Billy
- The Long Road
- Love in the Hills
- The Trail of Books
- Through Darkened Vales
- The Miser's Heart
- Sunshine Through the Dark
- A Woman Scorned
- The Failure (it)
- Saved from Himself
- As in a Looking Glass
- A Terrible Discovery
- The Voice of the Child
- Grannie
- The Baby and the Stork
- A Tale of the Wilderness
- The Eternal Mother
- The Old Bookkeeper
- For His Son
- A Blot on the Scutcheon
- The Transformation of Mike
- A Sister's Love
- Billy's Stratagem
- The Mender of Nets
- Under Burning Skies
- The Sunbeam
- A Siren of Impulse
- A String of Pearls
- The Girl and Her Trust[7]
- Iola's Promise
- The Root of Evil
- The Goddess of Sagebrush Gulch
- The Punishment
- Fate's Interception
- The Female of the Species
- Just Like a Woman
- One Is Business, the Other Crime
- The Lesser Evil
- The Old Actor
- A Lodging for the Night
- His Lesson
- When Kings Were the Law
- A Beast at Bay
- An Outcast Among Outcasts
- Home Folks
- A Temporary Truce
- Lena and the Geese
- The Spirit Awakened
- The School Teacher and the Waif
- Man's Lust for Gold
- An Indian Summer
- Man's Genesis
- Heaven Avenges
- The Sands of Dee
- Black Sheep
- The Narrow Road
- A Child's Remorse
- The Inner Circle (en)
- A Change of Spirit
- A Pueblo Romance
- A Pueblo Legend
- In the North Woods
- L'Invisible Ennemi (An Unseen Enemy)
- Blind Love
- Two Daughters of Eve
- Les Amis (Friends)
- So Near, Yet So Far
- A Feud in the Kentucky Hills
- The Chief's Blanket
- In the Aisles of the Wild
- The One She Loved
- The Painted Lady
- Cœur d'apache (The Musketeers of Pig Alley)[8]
- Heredity
- Gold and Glitter
- My Baby
- The Informer
- Brutality
- Le Chapeau de New York (The New York Hat)
- My Hero (en)
- The Burglar's Dilemma
- A Cry for Help
- The God Within
- Mother Love
- La Jeune Téléphoniste et la Femme du monde
- An Adventure in the Autumn Woods
- The Tender Hearted Boy
- A Misappropriated Turkey
- Brothers
- Oil and Water
- Drink's Lure
- A Chance Deception
- Love in an Apartment Hotel
- Broken Ways
- A Girl's Stratagem
- The Unwelcome Guest
- Near to Earth
- Fate
- A Welcome Intruder
- The Sheriff's Baby
- The Hero of Little Italy
- The Perfidy of Mary
- The Little Tease
- A Misunderstood Boy
- The Left-Handed Man
- The Lady and the Mouse
- If We Only Knew
- Le Vagabond (The Wanderer)
- The Stolen Loaf
- The House of Darkness
- The Yaqui Cur
- Just Gold
- His Mother's Son
- The Ranchero's Revenge
- A Timely Interception
- Death's Marathon
- The Mothering Heart
- Her Mother's Oath
- The Sorrowful Shore
- The Reformers; or, The Lost Art of Minding One's Business
- The Enemy's Baby
- The Mistake
- The Coming of Angelo
- Two Men of the Desert
- The Adopted Brother
- Madonna of the Storm
- Pendant la bataille (The Battle at Elderbush Gulch)
- The Conscience of Hassan Bey
- Waifs
- The Massacre
- Judith de Béthulie, sorti en [9],[10]
- The Battle of the Sexes, sorti le [9]
- Brute Force, sorti le
- Home, Sweet Home, sorti le [9]
- The Escape, sorti le [9]
- La Conscience vengeresse, The Avenging Conscience or « Thou Shalt Not Kill », sorti le [9]
- Naissance d'une nation (The Birth of A Nation)
- Intolérance (Intolerance : Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages)
- A Day with Governor Whitman
- Cœurs du monde (Hearts of the World),
- À côté du bonheur (The Great Love),
- Une fleur dans les ruines (The Greatest Thing in Life), sorti le [9]
- Liberty Bond Short, court métrage en faveur de la récolte de fonds pour l'effort de guerre[11].
- A Romance of Happy Valley,
- The Girl Who Stayed at Home,
- Le Pauvre Amour (True Heart Susie),
- The Fall of Babylon, , sortie séparée de l'épisode d'Intolérance (1916) sur Babylone.
- The Mother and the Law, sortie séparée de l'épisode moderne d'Intolérance (1916),
- Le Lys brisé (Broken Blossoms),
- Le Calvaire d'une mère (Scarlet Days),
- The Greatest Question, [9]
- The World of Columbus, documentaire sur Christophe Colomb[12].
Années 1920
- 1920 : À travers l'orage (Way Down East)
- 1920 : La Danseuse idole (The Idol Dancer)
- 1920 : Remodeling Her Husband
- 1920 : The Love Flower
- 1921 : Les Deux Orphelines (Orphans of the Storm)
- 1921 : La Rue des rêves (Dream Street)
- 1922 : La Nuit mystérieuse (One Exciting Night)
- 1922 : Mammy's Boy
- 1923 : La Rose blanche (The White Rose)
- 1924 : Pour l'indépendance (America)
- 1924 : Isn't Life Wonderful
- 1925 : Sally, fille de cirque (Sally of the Sawdust)
- 1925 : Détresse (That Royle Girl)
- 1926 : The Sorrows of Satan
- 1927 : Topsy and Eva [13]
- 1928 : Drums of Love
- 1928 : L'Éternel Problème (The Battle of the Sexes)
- 1929 : Le Lys du Faubourg (Lady of the Pavements)
Années 1930
- 1930 : Abraham Lincoln
- 1931 : L'Assommoir (The Struggle)
En tant que scénariste
Note : Sauf mention contraire, les films ont été réalisés par D. W. Griffith.
- 1908 : When Knighthood Was in Flower de Wallace McCutcheon[14]
- 1908 : Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Music Master de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : When Knights Were Bold de Wallace McCutcheon[14]
- 1908 : Ostler Joe de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : Mixed Babies de Wallace McCutcheon[14]
- 1908 : The Outlaw de Wallace McCutcheon[14]
- 1908 : At the Crossroads of Life de Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
- 1908 : The Stage Rustler de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Boston Tea Party de Edwin S. Porter
- 1908 : L'Enfant et le Peau-rouge (The Redman and the Child)
- 1908 : The Bandit's Waterloo
- 1908 : Une déclaration difficile (A Calamitous Elopement)
- 1908 : The Greaser's Gauntlet
- 1908 : The Man and the Woman
- 1908 : The Fatal Hour
- 1908 : Pour l'amour de l'or (For love of gold)
- 1908 : Balked at the Altar
- 1908 : For a Wife's Honor
- 1908 : L'Empreinte digitale (Betrayed by a Handprint)
- 1908 : La Brute (The Girl and the Outlaw)
- 1908 : La Vocation théâtrale (Behind the Scenes)
- 1908 : La Jeune Fille indienne (The Red Girl)
- 1908 : Le Cœur de O'Yama (The Heart of O'Yama)
- 1908 : Where the Breakers Roar
- 1908 : A Smoked Husband
- 1908 : Les Bijoux volés (The Stolen Jewels)
- 1908 : The Devil
- 1908 : Cœur de Zoulou (The Zulu's Heart)
- 1908 : Father Gets in the Game
- 1908 : Ingomar (The Barbarian Ingomar)
- 1908 : Le Vœu du vaquero (The Vaquero's Vow)
- 1908 : La Femme du planteur (The Planter's Wife)
- 1908 : Le Roman d'une juive (Romance of a Jewess)
- 1908 : L'Appel de la forêt (The Call of the Wild)
- 1908 : Cacher un voleur (Concealing a Burglar)
- 1908 : L'Or du pirate (The Pirate's Gold)
- 1908 : La Mégère apprivoisée (The Taming of the Shrew)
- 1908 : The Guerrilla
- 1908 : La Chanson de la chemise (The Song of the Shirt)
- 1908 : L'Ingrate (The Ingrate)
- 1908 : Le Chemin d'une femme (A Woman's Way)
- 1908 : Le Clubman et le Voleur (The Clubman and the Tramp)
- 1908 : Money Mad
- 1908 : The Valet's Wife
- 1908 : Mrs. Jones Entertains
- 1908 : The Feud and the Turkey
- 1908 : The Reckoning
- 1908 : Le Gage de l'amitié (The Test of Friendship)
- 1908 : An Awful Moment
- 1908 : The Christmas Burglars
- 1908 : Mr. Jones at the Ball
- 1908 : The Helping Hand
- 1915 : Le Timide (The Lamb) de Christy Cabanne
- 1915 : Le Lys et la Rose ((The Lily and the Rose)) de Paul Powell
- 1918 : Bas les masques ! (The Hun Within) de Chester Withey (sous le pseudonyme de Granville Warwick)
En tant qu'acteur
- 1908 : Professional Jealousy de Wallace McCutcheon[15]
- 1908 : When Knighthood Was in Flower de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : Rescued from an Eagle's Nest de J. Searle Dawley[16].
- 1908 : Classmates de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Princess in the Vase de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Music Master de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Sculptor's Nightmare de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : Ostler Joe de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Man in the Box de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : At the French Ball de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : At the Crossroads of Life de Wallace McCutcheon Jr.
- 1908 : The Kentuckian de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : The Stage Rustler de Wallace McCutcheon
- 1908 : La Vipère noire (The Black Viper)
- 1908 : Une déclaration difficile (A Calamitous Elopement)
- 1908 : The Fatal Hour[17]
- 1908 : Balked at the Altar
- 1908 : La Jeune Fille indienne (The Red Girl)[17]
- 1908 : Le Cœur de O'Yama (The Heart of O'Yama)
- 1908 : Les Bijoux volés (The Stolen Jewels)[17]
- 1908 : The Devil
- 1908 : Ingomar (The Barbarian Ingomar)
Notes et références
- (en) Films réalisés par D. W. Griffith sur IMDb, consultée le 15 août 2009.
- (en) Fiche de Monday Morning in a Coney Island Police Court sur Silent Era, consultée le 15 août 2009.
- Visionner The Little Darling en ligne sur Youtube
- Visionner The Gibson Goddess en ligne sur Youtube
- Visionner Nursing a Viper en ligne sur Youtube
- Fonction de Griffith inconnue.
- Visionner The Girl and Her Trust en ligne sur Youtube
- Visionner Cœur d'apache en ligne sur Youtube
- Filmographie sur
- Visionner Judith of Bethulia en ligne sur Youtube
- Collectif, sous la direction de Patrick Brion, D. W. Griffith. Le Cinema, éd. : L'Equerre et Centre Georges Pompidou, Collection : Cinéma-Pluriel, p. 208
- The World of Columbus, sur
- D'après La Case de l'oncle Tom
- (en) Films écrits par D. W. Griffith sur IMDb, consultée le 15 août 2009.
- C'est en jouant dans Professional Jealousy, tourné en décembre 1907 et sorti le , que D. W. Griffith fait ses débuts dans le cinéma. Cf. Fiche de Professional Jealousy sur Silent Era, consultée le 15 août 2009.)
- Notice de Rescued from an Eagle's Nest sur
- (en) Films dans lesquels a joué D. W. Griffith sur IMDb, consultée le 15 août 2009.
Voir aussi
- Jean-Loup Passek et Patrick Brion, D.W. Griffith : Le Cinéma, Paris, Cinéma/Pluriel - Centre Georges-Pompidou, , 216 p. (ISBN 2-86425-035-7)
Liens externes
- (en) D. W. Griffith sur l’Internet Movie Database
- Filmographie partielle sur, site de l'American Film Institute.
- Portail du cinéma américain
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