Guy G. Musser

Guy G. Musser (né le à Salt Lake City dans l'Utah[1] et mort en [2]) est un mammalogiste américain.

Guy G. Musser
(à 83 ans)
Abréviation en zoologie

Il est spécialisé dans l'étude des rongeurs, il commence à publier en 1964 et est toujours actif.

Ph.D., de l'Université du Michigan en 1967 avec A Systematic Study of the Mexican and Guatemalan Gray Squirrel, Sciurus aureogaster F. Cuvier (Rodentia: Sciuridae)

Honneurs et distinctions


(de wikipedia nl)

  • Breed, W.G. & Musser, G.G. 1991. Sulawesi and Philippine rodents (Muridae): a survey of spermatozoal morphology and its significance for phylogenetic inference. American Museum Novitates 3003:1-15.
  • Carleton, M.D. & Musser, G.G. 1984. Muroid rodents. p. 289–379 in Anderson. S. & Jones, J.K., Jr. (eds.). Orders and families of Recent mammals of the world. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 686 p.
  • Carleton, M.D. & Musser, G.G. 1989. Systematic studies of oryzomyine rodents (Muridae, Sigmodontinae): a synopsis of Microryzomys. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 191:1-83.
  • Carleton, M.D. & Musser, G.G. 1995. Systematic studies of oryzomyine rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae): definition and distribution of Oligoryzomys vegetus (Bangs, 1902). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 108:338-369.
  • Carleton, M.D. & Musser, G.G. 2005. Order Rodentia. p. 745–752 in Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference. 3rd ed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols., 2142 p.
  • Carleton, M.D., Musser, G.G. & Pavlinov, I.Ya. 2003. Myodes Pallas, 1811, is the valid name for the genus of red-backed voles. p. 96–98.
  • Downing, K.F., Musser, G.G. & Park, L.E. 1998. The first fossil record of small mammals from Sulawesi, Indonesia: the large murid, Paruromys dominator, from the Late (?) Pliocene Walanae formation. p. 105–121 in Tomida, Y., Flynn, L.J. & Jacobs, L.L. (eds.). Advances in vertebrate paleontology and geochronology. National Science Museum Monographs 14:1-292.
  • Durden, L.A. & Musser, G.G. 1991. A new species of sucking louse (Insecta, Anoplura) from a montane forest rat in central Sulawesi, and a preliminary interpretation of the sucking louse fauna of Sulawesi. American Museum Novitates 3008:1-10.
  • Durden, L.A. & Musser, G.G. 1992. Sucking lice (Insecta, Anoplura) from indigenous Sulawesi rodents: a new species of Polyplax from a montane shrew rat, and new information about Polyplax wallacei and P. eropepli. American Museum Novitates 3052:1-19.
  • Durden, L.A. & Musser, G.G. 1994. The sucking lice (insecta, Anoplura) of the world: a taxonomic checklist with records of mammalian hosts and geographical distributions. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 218:1-90.
  • Hooper, E.T. & Musser, G.G. 1964a. The glans penis in Neotropical cricetines (Family Muridae) with comments on classification of muroid rodents. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 123:1-57.
  • Hooper, E.T. & Musser, G.G. 1964b. Notes on classification of the rodent genus Peromyscus. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 635:1-13.
  • Junkun, H.E., Innis, B.L., Shrestha, M.P., Clayson, E.T., Scott, R.M., Linthicum, K.J., Musser, G.G., Gigliotti, S.C., Binn, L.N., Kuschner, R.A. & Vaughn, D.W. 2002. Evidence that rodents are a reservoir of hepatitis E virus for humans in Nepal. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 40(12):4493-4498.
  • Lawrence, M.A. & Musser, G.G. 1990. Mammal holotypes in the American Museum of Natural History: the lectotype of Prionailurus bengalensis alleni Sody (1949). American Museum Novitates 2973:1-11.
  • Lunde, D.P., Musser, G.G. & Tien, P.D. 2003a. Records of some little known bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Vietnam. Mammalia 67:459-461.
  • Lunde, D.P., Musser, G.G. & Son, N.T. 2003b. A survey of small mammals from Mt. Tay Con Linh II, Vietnam, with the description of a new species of Chodsigoa (Insectivora: Soricidae). Mammal Study 28:31-46.
  • Lunde, D.P., Musser, G.G. & Ziegler, T. 2004. Description of a new species of Crocidura (Soricomorpha: Soricidae, Crocidurinae) from Ke Go Nature Reserve, Vietnam. Mammal Study 29(1):27-36.
  • Lunde, D.P., Son, N.T. & Musser, G.G. 2007. A survey of small mammals from Huu Lien Nature Reserve, Lang Son Province, Vietnam. Mammal Study 32(4):155-168.
  • Meulen, A.J. van der & Musser, G.G. 1999. New paleontological data from the continental Plio-Pleistocene of Java. p. 361–368 in Reumer, J.W.F. & Vos, J. de (eds.). Elephants have a snorkel! Papers in honour of Paul Y. Sondaar. Deinsea 7:1-422.
  • Musser, G.G. 1964. Notes on geographic distribution, habitat, and taxonomy of some Mexican mammals. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 636:1-22.
  • Musser, G.G. 1968. A systematic study of the Mexican and Guatemalan gray squirrel, Sciurus aureogaster, F. Cuvier (Rodentia: Sciuridae). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 137:1-112.
  • Musser, G.G. 1969a. Notes on Peromyscus (Muridae) of Mexico and Central America. American Museum Novitates 2357:1-23.
  • Musser, G.G. 1969b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 91. A new genus and species of murid rodent from Celebes, with a discussion of relationships. American Museum Novitates 2384:1-41.
  • Musser, G.G. 1969c. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 92. Taxonomic notes on Rattus dollmani and Rattus hellwaldi (Rodentia, Muridae) of Celebes. American Museum Novitates 2386:1-24.
  • Musser, G.G. 1970a. Rattus masaretes: A synonym of Rattus rattus moluccarius. Journal of Mammalogy 51:606-609.
  • Musser, G.G. 1970b. Species-limits of Rattus brahma, a murid rodent of Northeastern India and Northern Burma. American Museum Novitates 2406:1-27.
  • Musser, G.G. 1970c. Identity of the type-specimens of Sciurus aureogaster F. Cuvier and Sciurus nigriscens Bennett (Mammalia, Sciurdae). American Museum Novitates 2438:1-19.
  • Musser, G.G. 1970d. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 93. Reidentification and reallocation of Mus callitrichus and allocations of Rattus maculipilis, R. m. jentinki, and R. microbullatus (Rodentia, Muridae). American Museum Novitates 2440:1-35.
  • Musser, G.G. 1970e. The taxonomic identity of Mus bocourti A. Milne Edwards (1874) (Mammalia: Muridae). Mammalia 34:484-490.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971a. Peromyscus allophylus Osgood: A synonym of Peromyscus gymnotis Thomas (Rodentia, Muridae). American Museum Novitates 2453:1-10.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 94. Taxonomic status of Rattus tatei and Rattus frosti, two taxa of murid rodents known from middle Celebes. American Museum Novitates 2454:1-19.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971c. The taxonomic association of Mus faberi Jentink with Rattus xanthurus (Gray), a species known only from Celebes (Rodentia: Muridae). Zoologische Mededelingen 45:107-118.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971d. The identities and allocations of Taeromys paraxanthus and T. tatei, two taxa based on compositie holotypes (Rodentia, Muridae). Zoologische Mededelingen 45:127-138.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971e. The taxonomic status of Rattus tondanus Sody and notes on the holotypes of R. beccarii (Jentink) and R. thysanurus Sody (Rodentia: Muridae). Zoologische Mededelingen 45:147-157.
  • Musser, G.G. 1971f. The taxonomic status of Rattus dammermani Thomas and Rattus toxi Sody (Rodentia, Muridae) of Celebes. Beaufortia 18(242):205-216.
  • Musser, G.G. 1972. Identities of taxa associated with Rattus rattus (Rodentia, Muridae) of Sumba Island, Indonesia. Journal of Mammalogy 53:861-865.
  • Musser, G.G. 1973a. Notes on additional specimens of Rattus brahma. Journal of Mammalogy 54:267-270.
  • Musser, G.G. 1973b. Zoogeographical significance of the ricefield rat, Rattus argentiventer, on Celebes and New Guinea and the identity of Rattus pesticulus. American Museum Novitates 2511:1-30.
  • Musser, G.G. 1973c. Species-limits of Rattus cremoriventer and Rattus langbianis, murid rodents of Southeast Asia and the Greater Sunda Islands. American Museum Novitates 2525:1-65.
  • Musser, G.G. 1977a. Epimys benguetensis, a composite, and one zoogeographic view of rat and mouse faunas in the Philippines and Celebes. American Museum Novitates 2624:1-15.
  • Musser, G.G. 1977b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 100. Notes on the Philippine rat, Limnomys, and the identity of Limnomys picinus, a composite. American Museum Novitates 2636:1-14.
  • Musser, G.G. 1979. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 102. The species of Chiropodomys, arboreal mice of Indochina and the Malay Archipelago. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 162:377-445.
  • Musser, G.G. 1981a. A new genus of arboreal rat from West Java, Indonesia. Zoologische Verhandelingen 189:1-35.
  • Musser, G.G. 1981b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 105. Notes on systematics of Indo-Malayan murid rodents, and descriptions of new genera and species from Ceylon, Sulawesi, and the Philippines. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 168:225-334.
  • Musser, G.G. 1981c. The giant rat of Flores and its relatives east of Borneo and Bali. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 169:67-176.
  • Musser, G.G. 1982a. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 107. A new genus of arboreal rat from Luzon Island in the Philippines. American Museum Novitates 2730:1-23.
  • Musser, G.G. 1982b. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 108. The definition of Apomys, a native rat of the Philippine Islands. American Museum Novitates 2746:1-43.
  • Musser, G.G. 1982c. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 110. Crunomys and the small-bodied shrew rats native to the Philippine Islands and Sulawesi (Celebes). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 174:1-95.
  • Musser, G.G. 1982d. The Trinil rats. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 7:65-85.
  • Musser, G.G. 1984. Identities of subfossil rats from caves in southwestern Sulawesi. Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia 8:61-94.
  • Musser, G.G. 1986. Sundaic Rattus: Definitions of Rattus baluensis and Rattus korinchi. American Museum Novitates 2862:1-24.
  • Musser, G.G. 1987a. The mammals of Sulawesi. p. 73–93 in Whitmore, T.C. (ed.). Biogeographical evolution of the Malay Archipelago. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 147 p.
  • Musser, G.G. 1987b. The occurrence of Hadromys (Rodentia: Muridae) in Early Pleistocene Siwalik strata in northern Pakistan and its bearing on biogeographic affinities between Indian and northeastern African murine faunas American Museum Novitates 2883:1-36.
  • Musser, G.G. 1990. Sulawesi rodents: Species traits and chromosomes of Haeromys minahassae and Echiothrix leucura (Muridae: Murinae). American Museum Novitates 2989:1-18.
  • Musser, G.G. 1991. Sulawesi rodents: Descriptions of new species of Bunomys and Maxomys (Muridae, Murinae). American Museum Novitates 3001:1-41.
  • Musser, G.G. 1994. New records of Tarsomys echinatus Musser and Heaney 1992 and Limnomys sibuanus Mearns 1905 from Mindanao in the southern Philippines (Mammalia: Rodentia: Muridae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 73:33-38.
  • Musser, G.G. & Boeadi. 1980. A new genus of murid rodent from the Komodo islands in Nusatenggara, Indonesia. Journal of Mammalogy 61:395-413.
  • Musser, G.G. & Brothers, E.M. 1994. Identification of bandicoot rats from Thailand (Bandicota, Muridae, Rodentia). American Museum Novitates 3110:1-56.
  • Musser, G.G. & Califia, D. 1982. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 106. Identities of rats from Pulau Maratua and other islands off East Borneo. American Museum Novitates 2726:1-30.
  • Musser, G.G. & Carleton, M.D. 1993. Family Muridae. p. 501–755 in Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference. 2nd ed. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.
  • Musser, G.G. & Carleton, M.D. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. p. 894–1531 in Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: a taxonomic and geographic reference. 3rd ed. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols., 2142 p.
  • Musser, G.G. & Chiu, S. 1979. Notes on taxonomy of Rattus andersoni and R. excelsior, murids endemic to Western China. Journal of Mammalogy 60:581-592.
  • Musser, G.G. & Dagosto, M. 1987. The identity of Tarsius pumilus, a pygmy species endemic to the montane mossy forests of central Sulawesi. American Museum Novitates 2867:1-53.
  • Musser, G.G. & Durden, L.A. 2002. Sulawesi rodents: description of a new genus and species of Murinae (Muridae, Rodentia) and its parasitic new species of sucking louse (Insecta, Anoplura). American Museum Novitates 3368:1-50.
  • Musser, G.G. & Freeman, P.W. 1981. A new species of Rhynchomys (Muridae) from the Philippines. Journal of Mammalogy 62:154-159.
  • Musser, G.G. & Gardner, A.L. 1974. A new species of the ichthyomyine Daptomys from Perú. American Museum Novitates 2537:1-23.
  • Musser, G.G. & Gordon, L.K. 1981. A new species of Crateromys (Muridae) from the Philippines. Journal of Mammalogy 62:513-525.
  • Musser, G.G. & Heaney, L.R. 1985. Philippine Rattus: A new species from the Sulu Archipelago. American Museum Novitates 2818:1-32.
  • Musser, G.G. & Heaney, L.R. 1992. Philippine rodents: Definitions of Tarsomys and Limnomys plus a preliminary assessment of phylogenetic patterns among native Philippine murines (Murinae, Muridae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 211:1-138.
  • Musser, G.G. & Holden, M.E. 1991. Sulawesi rodents (Muridae: Murinae): Morphological and geographical boundaries of species in the Rattus hoffmanni group and a new species from Pulau Peleng. p. 322–413 in Griffiths, T.A. & Klingener, D. (eds.). Contributions to mammalogy in honor of Karl F. Koopman. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 206:1-432.
  • Musser, G.G. & Newcomb, C. 1983. Malaysian murids and the giant rat of Sumatra. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 174:327-598.
  • Musser, G.G. & Newcomb, C. 1985. Definitions of Indochinese Rattus losea and a new species from Vietnam. American Museum Novitates 1814:1-32.
  • Musser, G.G. & Piik, E. 1982. A new species of Hydromys (Muridae) from western New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Zoologische Mededelingen 56:153-167.
  • Musser, G.G. & Sommer, H.G. 1992. Taxonomic notes on specimens of the marsupials Pseudocheirus schlegelii and P. forbesi (Diprotodontia, Pseudocheiridae) in the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum Novitates 3044:1-16.
  • Musser, G.G. & Williams, M.M. 1985. Systematic studies of oryzomyine rodents (Muridae): Definitions of Oryzomys villosus and Oryzomys talamancae. American Museum Novitates 2810:1-22.
  • Musser, G.G., Marshall, J.T., Jr. & Boeadi. 1979. Definition and contents of the Sundaic genus Maxomys (Rodentia, Muridae). Journal of Mammalogy 60:592-606.
  • Musser, G.G., Koopman, K.F. & Califia, D. 1982a. The Sulawesian Pteropus arquatus and P. argentatus are Acerodon celebensis; the Philippine P. leucotuis is an Acerodon. Journal of Mammalogy 63:319-328.
  • Musser, G.G., Gordon, L.K. & Sommer, H. 1982b. Species-limits in the Philippine murid, Chrotomys. Journal of Mammalogy 63:515-521.
  • Musser, G.G., Heaney, L.R. & Rabor, D.S. 1985. Philippine rats: A new species of Crateromys from Dinagat Island. American Museum Novitates 2821:1-25.
  • Musser, G.G., Weerd, A. van de & Strasser, E. 1986. Paulamys, a replacement name for Floresomys *Musser, 1981 (Muridae), and new material of that taxon from Flores, Indonesia. American Museum Novitates 2850:1-10.
  • Musser, G.G., Brothers, E.M., Carleton, M.D. & Hutterer, R. 1996. Taxonomy and distributional records of Oriental and European Apodemus, with a review of the Apodemus-Sylvaemus problem. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 46(1-4):143-190.
  • Musser, G.G., Heaney, L.R. & Tabaranza, B.R., Jr. 1998a. Philippine rodents: redefinitions of known species of Batomys (Muridae, Murinae) and description of a new species from Dinagat Island. American Museum Novitates 3237:1-51.
  • Musser, G.G., Carleton, M.D., Brothers, E.M. & Gardner, A.L. 1998b. Systematic studies of oryzomyine rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae): diagnoses and distributions of species formerly assigned to Oryzomys "capito". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 236:1-376.
  • Musser, G.G., Smith, A.L., Robinson, M.F. & Lunde, D.P. 2005. Description of a new genus and species of rodent (Murinae, Muridae, Rodentia) from the Khammouan Limestone National Biodiversity Conservation Area in Lao PDR. American Museum Novitates 3497:1-31.
  • Musser, G.G., Lunde, D.P. & Nguyen T.S. 2006. Description of a new genus and species of rodent (Murinae, Muridae, Rodentia) from the tower karst region of northeastern Vietnam. American Museum Novitates 3517:1-41.
  • Norris, C.A. & Musser, G.G. 2001. Systematic revision within the Phalanger orientalis complex (Diprotodontia, Phalangeridae): a third species of lowland gray cuscus from New Guinea and Australia. American Museum Novitates 3356:1-20.
  • Rickart, E.A. & Musser, G.G. 1993. Philippine rodents: chromosomal characteristics and their significance for phylogenetic inference among 13 species (Rodentia: Muridae: Murinae). American Museum Novitates 3064:1-34.
  • Robertson, P.B. & Musser, G.G. 1976. A new species of Peromyscus (Rodentia: Cricetidae), and a new specimen of P. simulatus from southern Mexico, with comments on their ecology. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, 47:1-8.


  1. Michael D. Carlton: Chapter 1. « They Sort Out Like Nuts and Bolts: A Scientific Biography of Guy G. Musser » In: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History No. 331 :pp 4–32. 2009.
  2. (en) « GUY MUSSER Obituary (2019) - New York Times », sur (consulté le )

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