Hal Elrod
Hal Elrod est né le 30 mai 1979 à Camarillo, en Californie. Il est auteur américain, conférencier inspirant et coach de réussite[1]. Elrod est à l'origine de la série de livres The Miracle Morning et The Miracle Equation. Il produit également sa chaîne de podcast Achieve Your Goal[2] où chaque épisode est dédié à un entretien et des conseils.
Hal Elrod

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Adolescent, Hal Elord est un élève moyen qui rêve de devenir animateur de radio. Il parvient à se faire embaucher dans une station de radio locale sous le surnom de "Yo Pal Hal" qu’il qualifie d’un des "plus stupide de la terre"[3].
En 1999, il est victime d'un grave accident de la route (en voiture) dont il s'est ensuite remis[4].
Livres en anglais
- Hal Elrod et Robert Kiyosaki, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM), (ISBN 978-0979019715)
- Hal Elrod, Taking Life Head On! (The Hal Elrod Story): How To Love The Life You Have While You Create The Life of Your Dreams, (ISBN 978-0979019708)
- Hal Elrod, The Miracle Morning Journal, (ISBN 978-0979019784)
- Hal Elrod, Michael Maher, Michael Reese, Jay Kinder et Corder, The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents: It's Your Time to Rise and Shine (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 2), Miracle Morning Publishing, (ISBN 978-1942589006)
- Hal Elrod, Ryan Snow et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Salespeople: The Fastest Way to Take Your Self and Your Sales to the Next Level (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 3), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589020)
- Hal Elrod, Pat Petrini et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers: Grow Yourself First to Grow Your Business Fast (The Miracle Morning Book Series), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589044)
- Hal Elrod, Honoree Corder, Steve Scott, S. J. Scott et Altucher, The Miracle Morning for Writers: How to Build a Writing Ritual That Increases Your Impact and Your Income (Before 8AM) (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 5), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589051)
- Hal Elrod, Ryan Snow et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Salespeople Companion Guide: The Fastest Way to Take Your Self and Your Sales to the Next Level (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 2), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589075)
- Hal Elrod, Pat Petrini, Honoree Corder et Mary Helgesen Gebel, The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers 90-Day Action Planner (The Miracle Morning for Network Marketing) (Volume 2), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589112)
- Hal Elrod, Brianna Greenspan, Honoree Corder et Paul Joy, The Miracle Morning Art of Affirmations: A Positive Coloring Book for Adults and Kids, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589105)
- Hal Elrod, Lindsey McCarthy, Mike McCarthy et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families: How to Bring Out the Best in Your KIDS and Your SELF (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 6), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589082)
- Hal Elrod, Cameron Herald, Honoree Corder et Lewis Howes, The Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs: Elevate Your Self to Elevate Your Business, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589129)
- Hal Elrod, Honoree Corder, Stacey Martino et Paul Martino, The Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship: How to Create an Unshakable Love and Unleashed Passion that Lasts a Lifetime! (The Miracle Morning Book Series) (Volume 9), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589143)
- Hal Elrod, Natalie Janji et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for College Students: The Not-So-Obvious Secrets to Success in College and Life, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589174)
- Hal Elrod, Natalie Janji et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for College Students Companion Planner, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589198)
- Hal Elrod, David Osborn et Honoree Corder, Miracle Morning Millionaires: What the Wealthy Do Before 8AM That Will Make You Rich (The Miracle Morning), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589235)
- Hal Elrod, Anna David, Joe Polish et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery: Letting Go of Who You've Been for Who You Can Become (Volume 12), Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589259)
- Hal Elrod, Lance Salazar, Brandy Salazar et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Couples: Create Legendary Connections One Morning at a Time, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589297)
- Hal Elrod, The Miracle Equation: The Two Decisions That Move Your Biggest Goals from Possible, to Probable, to Inevitable, Random House Large Print, (ISBN 978-0593150849)
- Hal Elrod et Honoree Corder, The Miracle Morning for Teachers: Elevate Your Impact for Yourself and Your Students, Hal Elrod International, (ISBN 978-1942589334)
- (en) Elrod, « Hal Elrod », Entrepreneur (consulté le )
- (en) « Achieve your goals », sur HalElrod.com (consulté le )
- « Qui est Hal Elrod, l'homme qui veut vous inciter à vous lever tous les matins à 5h30 ? », sur Les Inrockuptibles, (consulté le )
- (en-US) « Technically, Hal Elrod Has Died 3 Times… », Success.com, (consulté le )
Articles connexes
À l'opposé :
Liens externes
- Site officiel
- Le site officiel de Miracle Morning
- Hal Elrod sur Entrepreneur (magazine)
- Hal Elrod sur IMdb
- Hughes, Locke (17 mars 2019). "J'ai essayé la routine de productivité" The Miracle Morning "pendant un mois. Voici ce qui s'est passé. " (NBC News).
- Portail de la spiritualité
- Portail des États-Unis
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