L’Hygrocybe est un genre de champignons de la famille des Hygrophoracées.
Hygrocybe conique.
Il s'agit de champignons de taille modeste (4 à 7 cm, maximum 10 cm) poussant dans l'herbe. Leurs chapeaux, de couleurs diverses et parfois très vives, restent souvent assez longtemps coniques avant de s'étaler et présentent un aspect « humide » (d'où leur nom tiré du grec qui signifie littéralement tête d'eau), cireux ou visqueux. Plusieurs espèces noircissent en vieillissant.
Principales espèces
- Hygrocybe coccinea, hygrophore cochenille, rouge vif
- Hygrocybe conica, hygrophore conique, orangé (noircissant)
- Hygrocybe insipida
- Hygrocybe pseudoconica, hygrophore pseudoconique, plus volumineux, plus fibrileux, plus visqueux, (G. Eyssartier)
- Hygrocybe miniata, hygrophore minium, orange vif
- Hygrocybe nigrescens, hygrophore noircissant
- Hygrocybe nivea, hygrophore blanc de neige
- Hygrocybe pratensis, hygrophore des prés, orange-fauve
- Hygrocybe psittacina, hygrophore perroquet, jaune-vert
- Hygrocybe punicea, hygrophore rouge ponceau
- Hygrocybe vitellina, hygrophore jaune vif
- Hygrocybe calyptraeformis, hygrophore en capuchon
- Hygrocybe lilacina.
- Hygrocybe ovina.
- Hygrocybe psittacina.
- Hygrocybe psittacina.
- Hygrocybe psittacina.
- Hygrocybe cantharellus.
- Hygrocybe miniata.
- Hygrocybe coccinea (premier plan) et nivea.
Liste d'espèces
Selon Catalogue of Life (20 janvier 2020)[3] :
- Hygrocybe acuta F. H. Møller, 1945
- Hygrocybe acutoconica (Clem.) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe albifolia (Hesler & A. H. Sm.) R. Valenz., Guzmán & J. Castillo, 1981
- Hygrocybe albomarginata S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2004
- Hygrocybe alboumbonata Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe alliciens (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe alpicola Kobayasi, 1971
- Hygrocybe alwisii (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe amazoniensis Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe americana Bessette, A. R. Bessette, Roody & W. E. Sturgeon, 2013
- Hygrocybe ammophila Singer, 1968
- Hygrocybe amoena (Lasch) Ricken, 1918
- Hygrocybe andersonii Cibula & N. S. Weber, 1996
- Hygrocybe angustifolia (Murrill) Candusso, 1997
- Hygrocybe anisa (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe anomala A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe antillana (Pegler) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe apala (Berk. & Broome) Pegler & R. W. Rayner, 1969
- Hygrocybe aphylla Læssøe & Boertm., 2008
- Hygrocybe appalachianensis (Hesler & A. H. Sm.) Kronaw., 1998
- Hygrocybe araucana Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe arechavaletae (Speg.) Singer, 1973
- Hygrocybe arenicola Murrill, 1912
- Hygrocybe arnoldae Murrill, 1945
- Hygrocybe arnoldsii de Meijer, 2009
- Hygrocybe astatogala R. Heim ex Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe atro-olivacea (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Bessette, A. R. Bessette, Roody & W. E. Sturgeon, 2013
- Hygrocybe atrosquamosa Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe aurantioalba Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe aurantiocampanula A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe aurantiocephala Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe aurantiorufa A. Pearson ex Pegler, 1996
- Hygrocybe aurantiosplendens R. Haller Aar., 1954
- Hygrocybe aurantipes A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe austrolutea A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe austropratensis A. M. Young, 1999
- Hygrocybe avellana (Beeli) Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe badioclavata A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe batesii A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe batistae Singer, 1965
- Hygrocybe biminiata Kühner, 1977
- Hygrocybe bipindiensis Henn., 1901
- Hygrocybe blanda E. Horak, 1990
- Hygrocybe blestiana Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe bolensis A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe boothii A. M. Young, 2002
- Hygrocybe boriviliensis B. D. Sharma, S. D. Deshp. & S. G. Pradhan, 1986
- Hygrocybe brunnea (Cleland) Grgur., 1997
- Hygrocybe brunneosquamosa Lodge & S. A. Cantrell, 2001
- Hygrocybe brunneosquamulosa Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe bubalinoviscida A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe caespitosa Murrill, 1914
- Hygrocybe calciphila Arnolds, 1985
- Hygrocybe californica Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe campinaranae Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe cantharelliformis K. Syme, 1992
- Hygrocybe cantharellus (Fr.) Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe cavipes E. Horak, 1973
- Hygrocybe ceracea (Sowerby) P. Kumm., 1871
- Hygrocybe cerasinomutata A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe cereopallida (Clémençon) P. Roux & Eyssart., 2011
- Hygrocybe cerinolutea E. Horak, 1973
- Hygrocybe chamaeleon (Cibula) D. P. Lewis & Ovrebo, 2009
- Hygrocybe cheilocystidiata Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe chilensis Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe chimaeroderma S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2000
- Hygrocybe chloochlora Pegler & Fiard, 1978
- Hygrocybe chlorophana (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877
- Hygrocybe chromolimonea (G. Stev.) T. W. May & A. E. Wood, 1995
- Hygrocybe chromoxantha A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe cinerascens (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1977
- Hygrocybe cinerea (Pers.) P. D. Orton & Watling, 1969
- Hygrocybe cinereofirma Lodge, S. A. Cantrell & T. J. Baroni, 2001
- Hygrocybe citrina (Rea) J. E. Lange, 1940
- Hygrocybe citrinofusca (J. Favre) Bon, 1976
- Hygrocybe citrinovirens (J. E. Lange) Jul. Schäff., 1947
- Hygrocybe coccinea (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
- Hygrocybe coccineocrenata (P. D. Orton) M. M. Moser, 1967
- Hygrocybe collucera A. M. Young, R. Kearney & E. Kearney, 2001
- Hygrocybe comosa Bas & Arnolds, 2007
- Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., 1871
- Hygrocybe conicoides (P. D. Orton) P. D. Orton & Watling, 1969
- Hygrocybe constans Murrill, 1912
- Hygrocybe constrictospora Arnolds, 1985
- Hygrocybe corallina Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe corsica Candusso, 1996
- Hygrocybe cortinata Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe cremicolor Murrill, 1912
- Hygrocybe croceolutea (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe cruenta (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe cuspidata (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe cystidiata Arnolds, 1986
- Hygrocybe cystidiorubra A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe davisii (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe deceptiva (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe dimorpha (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe discolor (Kalchbr. & MacOwan) D. A. Reid, 1975
- Hygrocybe distans (Berk.) Bon & Chevassut, 1973
- Hygrocybe diversicolor (Petch) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe dorothyae A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe dromedensis A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe earlei Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe elegans E. Horak, 1973
- Hygrocybe elegantissima (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe emeticicolor Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe erinacea (Pat.) Singer, 1959
- Hygrocybe erinensis (Dennis) R. Valenz., Guzmán & J. Castillo, 1981
- Hygrocybe erythrocala A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe erythrocrenata Monks & A. K. Mills, 1993
- Hygrocybe firma (Berk. & Broome) Singer, 1958
- Hygrocybe flammans (Berk.) A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe flammea (Scop.) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe flavescens (Kauffman) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe flavifolia (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe flavocampanulata S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2001
- Hygrocybe flavolutea Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe foliirubens Murrill, 1941
- Hygrocybe franklinensis A. M. Young & A. K. Mills, 2002
- Hygrocybe fuhreri A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe fuliginata E. Horak, 1973
- Hygrocybe fuligineosquamosa (Cleland) Grgur., 1997
- Hygrocybe fulva (Berk.) Manjula, 1983
- Hygrocybe fumosogrisea (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe fuscoaurantiaca (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe glacialis T. Borgen & Senn-Irlet, 1995
- Hygrocybe globispora Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe glutinipes (J. E. Lange) R. Haller Aar., 1956
- Hygrocybe gomez-millasii Lazo, 1972
- Hygrocybe gregaria Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe griseoalbida Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe griseobrunnea T. H. Li & C. Q. Wang, 2013
- Hygrocybe griseopallida Arnolds, 1985
- Hygrocybe griseoramosa A. M. Young, R. Kearney & E. Kearney, 2001
- Hygrocybe grundii Malloch, 2010
- Hygrocybe guyanensis Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe hahashimensis (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe hapuuae Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe hayi A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe helobia (Arnolds) Bon, 1976
- Hygrocybe helvolofirma Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe hololeuca Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe holoxantha E. Horak, 1980
- Hygrocybe hondurensis Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe huronensis (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe hygrocyboides (Kühner) Arnolds, 1987
- Hygrocybe hypholomoides Henn., 1901
- Hygrocybe hypohaemacta (Corner) Pegler, 1978
- Hygrocybe hypospoda A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe ignipileata Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe imazekii Hongo, 1959
- Hygrocybe immutabilis (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe inaequalis Velen., 1939
- Hygrocybe incolor Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe ingrata J. P. Jensen & F. H. Møller, 1945
- Hygrocybe innata (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe insipida (J. E. Lange) M. M. Moser, 1967
- Hygrocybe intermedia (Pass.) Fayod, 1889
- Hygrocybe iropus A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe jackmanii Lebeuf, Thorn, Boertm. & Voitk, 2015
- Hygrocybe julietae (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe kandora Grgur. & A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe keithgeorgei (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe keralensis Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe kouskosii A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe kula Grgur., 1997
- Hygrocybe laboyi S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2001
- Hygrocybe lactarioides Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe laetissima (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe lamalama Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe lanecovensis A. M. Young, 1999
- Hygrocybe laricina (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe lateritiorosella Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe lepidopellis Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe leporina (Fr.) P. D. Orton & Watling, 1969
- Hygrocybe leucogloea A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe lilaceolamellata (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe lilacinella Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe lilacinoides (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe lobatospora Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe lurida (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe lutea (Beeli) Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe luteistipes (Dennis) S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2000
- Hygrocybe luteo-omphaloides Norvell, Redhead & Ammirati, 1994
- Hygrocybe luteoconica A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe luteoglutinosa (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe macrosiparia A. Barili, C. W. Barnes, J. A. Flores & Ordoñez, 2017
- Hygrocybe macrospora (S. Ito & S. Imai) S. Ito, 1959
- Hygrocybe magnifica de Meijer, 2009
- Hygrocybe manadukaensis Senthil., Kumaresan & S. K. Singh, 2011
- Hygrocybe marchii (Bres.) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe martinicensis Pegler & Fiard, 1978
- Hygrocybe megistospora Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe melleofusca Lodge & Pegler, 1990
- Hygrocybe mellita Pegler, 1983
- Hygrocybe memorialis Bon & Lefebvre, 1999
- Hygrocybe mephitica (Peck) Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe miniata (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
- Hygrocybe miniatoaurantiaca Hongo, 1990
- Hygrocybe miniatofirma S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2001
- Hygrocybe miniatostriata (S. Ito & S. Imai) S. Ito, 1959
- Hygrocybe miniceps (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1990
- Hygrocybe minutula (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe mississippiensis (Cibula) D. P. Lewis & Ovrebo, 2009
- Hygrocybe mollis (Berk. & Broome) M. M. Moser, 1967
- Hygrocybe monscaiensis Palazón, Tabarés & Rocabruna, 1999
- Hygrocybe monteverdae Bañares & Arnolds, 2002
- Hygrocybe moseri Bon, 1976
- Hygrocybe mucilaginosa (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Malloch, 2010
- Hygrocybe mucronella (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
- Hygrocybe murina (C. J. Bird & Grund) Malloch, 2010
- Hygrocybe murinacea (Bull.) M. M. Moser, 1967
- Hygrocybe mutabilis Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe mycenoides (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Lodge & S. A. Cantrell, 2004
- Hygrocybe naranjana Pegler, 1978
- Hygrocybe natarajanii Senthil. & Kumaresan, 2010
- Hygrocybe neoceracea Hongo, 1984
- Hygrocybe neofirma S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2001
- Hygrocybe nigrescens (Quél.) Kühner, 1926
- Hygrocybe nitrata (Pers.) Wünsche, 1877
- Hygrocybe nivosa (Berk. & Broome) Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe nobilis Velen., 1939
- Hygrocybe noelokelani Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe noninquinans (Lodge & S. A. Cantrell) Lodge & S. A. Cantrell, 2013
- Hygrocybe nouraguensis Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe obrussea (Fr.) Wünsche, 1877
- Hygrocybe occidentalis (Dennis) Pegler, 1978
- Hygrocybe octayensis Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe olivaceofirma Lodge, S. A. Cantrell & Nieves-Riv., 2001
- Hygrocybe olivaceoviridis (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe ortoniana Bon, 1989
- Hygrocybe ostrina (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe otsuensis (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe ovina (Bull.) Kühner, 1926
- Hygrocybe ovinoides Lodge, S. A. Cantrell & T. J. Baroni, 2004
- Hygrocybe pakelo Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe pantoleuca (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe papillata (Dennis) S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2004
- Hygrocybe paraceracea Bon, 1989
- Hygrocybe paraibensis Singer, 1965
- Hygrocybe parvicoccinea (S. Ito & S. Imai) S. Ito, 1959
- Hygrocybe parvula (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe peckii (G. F. Atk.) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe pernambucensis (Bat. & A. F. Vital) Putzke, 1994
- Hygrocybe phaeococcinea (Arnolds) Bon, 1985
- Hygrocybe polychroma Bougher & A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe pomona (Berk.) Manjula, 1983
- Hygrocybe prieta Lodge & Pegler, 1990
- Hygrocybe procera (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe proteus Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe pseudo-olivaceonigra Picón, 1998
- Hygrocybe pseudoadonis S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2004
- Hygrocybe pseudoamylospora Singer, 1989
- Hygrocybe pseudococcinea Hongo, 1959
- Hygrocybe pseudocuspidata Kühner, 1977
- Hygrocybe pseudosciophana Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe puaena Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe puellaris (Hongo) Hongo, 1989
- Hygrocybe pumanquensis Singer, 1971
- Hygrocybe punicea (Fr.) P. Kumm., 1871
- Hygrocybe purpurea (Beeli) Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe purpureofolia (H. E. Bigelow) Courtec., 1989
- Hygrocybe pusilla (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe quieta (Kühner) Singer, 1951
- Hygrocybe radiata Arnolds, 1989
- Hygrocybe rainierensis (Hesler & A. H. Sm.) Malloch, 2010
- Hygrocybe reesiae A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe reidii Kühner, 1976
- Hygrocybe rhodoleuca Singer, 1973
- Hygrocybe rhodophylla Kühner, 1977
- Hygrocybe rigelliae (Velen.) E. Ludw., 2004
- Hygrocybe riparia Kreisel, 1960
- Hygrocybe rodwayi (Massee) A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe rosea Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe roseascens E. Ludw. & J. G. Svenss., 2004
- Hygrocybe roseiceps Murrill, 1942
- Hygrocybe roseoflavida A. M. Young & A. K. Mills, 2002
- Hygrocybe roseopallida Lodge & Ovrebo, 2008
- Hygrocybe roseostriata (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe rubida Vrinda & Pradeep, 2013
- Hygrocybe rubra (Peck) Murrill, 1916
- Hygrocybe rubrocarnosa (G. Stev.) E. Horak, 1971
- Hygrocybe rubroflava Singer, 1973
- Hygrocybe rubrolamellata T. Borgen & Arnolds, 2004
- Hygrocybe rubrolutea A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe rubronivea A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe russocoriacea (Berk. & T. K. Mill.) P. D. Orton & Watling, 1969
- Hygrocybe salicis-herbaceae Kühner, 1976
- Hygrocybe saltirivula A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe sangayensis A. Barili, C. W. Barnes, J. A. Flores & Ordoñez, 2017
- Hygrocybe sanguineocrenulata A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe schistophila A. M. Young, 2005
- Hygrocybe siccitatipapillata A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe silvae-araucariae de Meijer, 2009
- Hygrocybe similis (Petch) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe singeri (A. H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, 1958
- Hygrocybe siparia (Berk.) Singer, 1965
- Hygrocybe smaragdina Leelav., Manim. & Arnolds, 2006
- Hygrocybe spadicea (Scop.) P. Karst., 1879
- Hygrocybe sparifolia T. H. Li & C. Q. Wang, 2015
- Hygrocybe splendidissima (P. D. Orton) M. M. Moser, 1967
- Hygrocybe squamulosa (Ellis & Everh.) Arnolds, 1995
- Hygrocybe squarrosa (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe stagnina Hongo, 1959
- Hygrocybe striatella Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe striatolutea E. Horak, 1973
- Hygrocybe subacuta (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe subalba Bon & Réaudin, 1994
- Hygrocybe subcaespitosa Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe subceracea Murrill, 1939
- Hygrocybe subcinnabarina (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe subflavida Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe subheteromorpha Singer, 1969
- Hygrocybe sublurida (Murrill) M. Zang, 1996
- Hygrocybe subminiata Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe subminutula Murrill, 1940
- Hygrocybe subpapillata Kühner, 1979
- Hygrocybe subpsittacina (Rick) Raithelh., 1992
- Hygrocybe subrubra Murrill, 1939
- Hygrocybe substrangulata (P. D. Orton) P. D. Orton & Watling, 1969
- Hygrocybe subvitellina (S. Imai) S. Ito, 1959
- Hygrocybe sulfurea (G. Stev.) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe suzukaensis (Hongo) Hongo, 1982
- Hygrocybe swanetica Singer, 1931
- Hygrocybe sylvaria A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe tatrensis Nespiak, 1961
- Hygrocybe tidbillensis A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe transformabilis Singer, 1973
- Hygrocybe tricolor (Berk. & Broome) Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe tricoloroides Pegler, 1986
- Hygrocybe trinitensis (Dennis) Pegler, 1978
- Hygrocybe troyana Murrill, 1911
- Hygrocybe turunda (Fr.) P. Karst., 1879
- Hygrocybe umbilicata Iqbal Hosen & T. H. Li, 2016
- Hygrocybe unispora A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe vallomarginata A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe venusta Hongo, 1984
- Hygrocybe verrucifer Velen., 1939
- Hygrocybe veselskyi Singer & Kuthan, 1976
- Hygrocybe vinosa (Beeli) Heinem., 1963
- Hygrocybe virescens (Hesler & A. H. Sm.) Montoya & Bandala, 2007
- Hygrocybe viridiconica A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe viridiphylla Lodge, S. A. Cantrell & T. J. Baroni, 2004
- Hygrocybe viridis Capelari & Maziero, 1988
- Hygrocybe viridula Lodge & Pegler, 1990
- Hygrocybe viscaurantia (E. Horak) Boertm., 2002
- Hygrocybe viscidibrunnea Bougher & A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe vulpinus Velen., 1939
- Hygrocybe waolipo Desjardin & Hemmes, 1997
- Hygrocybe watagensis A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe wilsonensis A. M. Young, 1997
- Hygrocybe xanthopoda A. M. Young, 2000
- Hygrocybe zonata S. A. Cantrell & Lodge, 2004
- Hygrocybe zuluensis Boertm., 1998
Notes et références
Liens externes
- (en) Référence BioLib : Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm. (consulté le )
- (en) Référence Catalogue of Life : Hygrocybe (consulté le )
- (en) Référence MycoBank : Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm. (consulté le )
- (en) Référence NCBI : Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm., 1871 (taxons inclus) (consulté le )
- (en) Référence uBio : Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm. 1871 (consulté le )
- Les Champignons, Roger Phillips, éditions Solar, (ISBN 2-263-00640-0)
- Le grand guide Larousse des champignons,Thomas Læssøe
- Portail de la mycologie
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