James G. Lennox
James G. Lennox (né le ) est professeur au département d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences de l'Université de Pittsburgh. Il est un des spécialistes de l'étude de la science chez Aristote qu'il étudie dans une perspective liée à la biologie aristotélicienne[1],[2].
James G. Lennox

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- Being, Nature, and Life in Aristotle: Essays in Honor of Allan Gotthelf (ed), (with Robert Bolton), Cambridge University Press, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-521-76844-3)
- Metaethics, Egoism, and Virtue: Studies in Ayn Rand's Normative Theory (Ayn Rand Society Philosophical Studies) (assoc ed), (with Allan Gotthelf as ed.), University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010 (ISBN 0-8229-4400-6)
- Aristotle: On the Parts of Animals I-IV (Clarendon Aristotle Series) Oxford University Press, 2002 (ISBN 0-19-875110-9), (ISBN 978-0-19-875110-6)
- Aristotle's Philosophy of Biology: Studies in the Origins of Life Science (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology) Cambridge University Press, 2000 (ISBN 0-521-65027-5), (ISBN 978-0-521-65027-4)
- Self-Motion: From Aristotle to Newton (ed), (with Mary Louise Gill), Princeton University Press, 1994 (ISBN 0-691-03235-1), (ISBN 978-0-691-03235-1)
- Philosophical Issues in Aristotle's Biology (ed), (with Allan Gotthelf), Cambridge University Press, 1987 (ISBN 0-521-31091-1)
- (en) David Hull, « Review : James G. Lennox, Aristotle's Philosophy of Biology », History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, vol. 23, , p. 517–518.
- (en) Mariska Leunissen, Explanation and Teleology in Aristotle's Science of Nature, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, .
Liens externes
- Portail de la philosophie
- Portail des États-Unis
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