John Kirk

Sir John Kirk est un explorateur, un médecin, un naturaliste britannique, né le à Barry, près d’Arbroath (Écosse) et mort le .

Pour les articles homonymes, voir Kirk.

John Kirk
(à 89 ans)
Abréviation en botanique
Autres informations
Membre de
John Kirk.


Il est diplômé de médecine à l’université d'Édimbourg. Il participe à l’expédition de David Livingstone (1813-1873). Il est administrateur britannique de Zanzibar. John Kirk est devenu membre de la Royal Society le et membre honoraire de la Zoological Society of London en 1888.

Liste partielle des publications

  • 'Account of the Zambezi District, in South Africa, with a Notice of Its Vegetable and Other Products', Transactions of the Botanical Society (1864), 8, 197-202....
  • 'Ascent of the Rovuma', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (1864-1865), 9, 284-8.
  • 'Dimorphism in the Flowers of Monochoria Vaginalis', Journal of the Linnean Society: Botany (1865), 8, 147.
  • 'Extracts of a Letter of Dr. Kirk to Alex Kirk, Esq., Relating to the Livingstone Expedtion', Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1859), 185-6.
  • 'Hints to Travellers - Extracts from a Letter from John Kirk', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (1864), 34, 290-2.
  • 'Letter Dated 28 February Replying to Dr. Peters', Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1865), 227.
  • 'Letter from Dr. John Kirk (of the Livingstone Expedition), Dated H.M Ship Pioneer, River Shire, East Africa, 14th December 1861.' Transactions of the Botanical Society (1862), 7, 389-92.
  • 'Letter from Dr. John Kirk, Physician and Naturalists to the Livingstone Expedition, Relative to the Country near Lake Shirwa, in Africa', Transactions of the Botanical Society (1859), 6, 317-21, plate VII.
  • 'Letter from John Kirk to Professor Balfour', Transactions of the Botanical Society (1864), 8, 110-1.
  • 'List of Mammalia Met with in Zambesia, East Tropical Africa', Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1864), 649-60.
  • 'Notes on the Gradient of the Zambesi, on the Level of Lake Nyassa, on the Murchison Rapids, and on Lake Shirwa', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (1865), 35, 167-9.
  • 'Notes on Two Expeditions up the River Rovuma, East Africa', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (1865), 35, 154-67.
  • 'On a Few Fossil Bones from the Alluvial Strata of the Zambesi Delta', Journal of the Royal Geographical Society (1864), 34, 199-201.
  • 'On a New Dye-Wood of the Genus Cudranea, from Tropical Africa', Journal of the Linnean Society: Botany (1867), 9, 229-30.
  • 'On a New Genus of Liliaceæ from East Tropical Africa', Transactions of the Linnean Society (1864), 24, 497-9.
  • 'On a New Harbour Opposite Zanzibar', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (1866-1867), 11, 35-6.
  • 'On Musa Livingstoniana, a New Banana from Tropical Africa', Journal of the Linnean Society: Botany (1867), 9, 128.
  • 'On the "Tsetse" Fly of Tropical Africa (Glossina Morsitans, Westwood).' Journal of the Linnean Society: Zoology (1865), 8, 149-56.
  • 'On the Birds of the Zambezi Region of Eastern Tropical Africa', Ibis (1864), 6, 307-39.
  • 'On the Palms of East Tropical Africa', Journal of the Linnean Society: Botany (1867), 9, 230-5.
  • 'Report on the Natural Products and Capabilities of the Shire and Lower Zambesi Valleys', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London (1861-1862), 6, 25-32.


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Liens externes

J.Kirk est l’abréviation botanique standard de John Kirk.

Consulter la liste des abréviations d'auteur ou la liste des plantes assignées à cet auteur par l'IPNI

  • Portail de l’histoire de la zoologie et de la botanique
  • Portail de la médecine
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  • Portail du Royaume-Uni
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