Nathan Augustus Cobb
Nathan Augustus Cobb (1859-1932) est un nématologiste américain.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1898. Extract from MS. report on the parasites of stock. WA Gullick.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1898. Australian free-living marine nematodes. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1913. New nematode genera found inhabiting fresh water and non-brackish soils. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1920. One hundred new nemas (type species of 100 new genera). Contributions to a science of nematology. 9: 217-343.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1922. Greeffiella (Trichoderma Greeff, 1869, not Trichoderma Steph., 1835). Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 12: 299–303.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1924. Observations on nemas [in Society Proceedings]. Journal of parasitology 11(2): 107–109.
- (en) Cobb N.A., 1926. The species of Mermis, a group of very remarkable nemas infesting insects. Journal of Parasitology 13: 66–72, DOI:10.2307/3271636.
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