En intelligence artificielle, et plus précisément en planification, PDDL (Planning Domain Description Language) est une tentative pour standardiser les données d'entrée d'un planificateur[1]. Il a été développé en 1998 par Drew McDermott et ses collègues, en s'inpirant des langages STRIPS et ADL. Il a rendu possible la compétition de planificateurs (IPC) : "The adoption of a common formalism for describing planning domains fosters far greater reuse of research and allows more direct comparison of systems and approaches, and therefore supports faster progress in the field. A common formalism is a compromise between expressive power (in which development is strongly driven by potential applications) and the progress of basic research (which encourages development from well-understood foundations). The role of a common formalism as a communication medium for exchange demands that it is provided with a clear semantics."[2]
Notes et références
- PDDL - The Planning Domain Definition Language, (lire en ligne)
- M. Fox et D. Long (2002) « PDDL+: Modeling continuous time dependent effects » Proceedings of the 3rd International NASA Workshop on Planning and Scheduling for Space.
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