Peter Levenda
Peter Levenda est un auteur connu principalement pour ses écrits sur l'histoire de l'occultisme.
Peter Levenda

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Formation |
Christopher Columbus High School (en) |
Activité |
Site web |
Levenda est surtout connu pour son livre Unholy Alliance (L'Alliance Impie) (sur l'occultisme et le mysticisme nazi), et comme l'auteur potentiel de « Necronomicon Simon ».
« Necronomicon Simon »
- L'Alliance infernale, Une histoire de l'implication nazie dans l'occulte (Unholy Alliance : A History of Nazi Involvement With the Occult), édition Camion Noir, 1994 (ISBN 978-2-910196-77-6)
- Sinister Forces - The Nine : A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, 2005
- Sinister Forces - A Warm Gun : A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, 2005
- Allianza Malefica / Unholy Alliance : The Nazis and the Power of the Occult, 2006
- Sinister Forces - The Manson Secret : A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, 2006
- Gates of the Necronomicon, 2006
- The Mao of Business : Guerrilla Trade Techniques for the New China, 2007
- Stairway to Heaven : Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Transformation, 2008.
- The Secret Temple: Masons, Mysteries and the Founding of America (2009)
- Tantric Temples: Eros and Magic in Java (2011)
- Ratline: Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler (2012)
- The Angel And The Sorcerer (2012)
- The Dark Lord: H. P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic (2013)
- (en) The Hitler Legacy : The Nazi Cult in Diaspora, How it was Organized, How it was Funded, and Why it remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism, Lake Worth, FL, Ibis Press, , 320 p. (ISBN 978-0-89254-210-9, OCLC 892304752, présentation en ligne)
- The Tantric Alchemist: Thomas Vaughan and the Indian Tantric Tradition (2015)
Notes et références
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