Raphael Mechoulam
Raphael Mechoulam, né le à Sofia (Bulgarie), est un chimiste israélien, connu pour avoir isolé en 1964 l'un des cannabinoïdes du cannabis, le tétrahydrocannabinol (THC)[1]. Il est l'un des pionniers de l'utilisation médicale du cannabis, la molécule du THC permettant de traiter de nombreuses pathologies.
Raphael Mechoulam

Naissance | |
Nationalité | |
Domicile | |
Formation | |
Activités |
A travaillé pour | |
Membre de | |
Dir. de thèse |
Franz Sondheimer (en) |
Distinctions | Liste détaillée Prix Israël () Docteur honoris causa de l'université complutense de Madrid ( et ) The EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture (en) () |
Prix internationaux décernés
En cours.

- - Prix Somach Sachs pour “best research by a scientist below 35 at the Weizmann Institute”, 1964.
- - Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1982-1983.
- - “Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior” Nov. 1991 issue dedicated to R. Mechoulam for achievements in the cannabinoid field.
- - Elu Member Israel Academy of Sciences, 1994.
- - Prix David R. Bloom, 1998, for “excellence in pharmaceutical research”, Hebrew University.
- - The International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) establishes an annual award to be named The R. Mechoulam Annual Award in Cannabinoid Research, 1999.
- - Prix Israel in Exact Sciences – chemistry, 2000.
- - Ariens Award and Lecture. 2000. Dutch Pharmacological Society sponsored by Solvay Pharmaceuticals. Amsterdam.
- - Docteur honoris causa, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2001.
- - Elu Honorary Member, Israel Society of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2002.
- - Prix Heinrich Wieland, to promote research on “lipids and related substances in the fields of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Medicine”, Munich, Germany, 2004.
- - Prix Henrietta Szold for achievements in medical research, Tel-Aviv Municipality, June 2005.
- - Doctor honoris causa, Complutense University, Madrid, 2006. ECNP (European College of Neuropsychopharmaclogy), Lifetime Achievement Award, Paris, 2006.
- - ICRS (International Cannabinoid Research Society) Special Award For lifetime achievements in the cannabinoid field, Cologne, Germany, 2007.
- - Prix Israel Chemical Society for excellence in research, Feb. 2009.
- - Prix Medical Faculty à l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem for excellence in research, June 2010.
- - Eicosanoid Research Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award, Seattle, Washington, September, 2011.
- - NIDA Discovery Award, NIH, Bethesda, September 2011.
- - Prix Rothschild par Keren Hanadiv (The Rothschild Family Foundation), Jerusalem (in the Knesset) 2012.
- - Prix EMET – to be presented by the Prime Minister in November, 2012.
Liens externes
- Le Scientifique, un documentaire de Klein Zach, qui retrace l’histoire du Dr Raphael Mechoulam et de ses recherches.
- « L’expert en herbe de Jérusalem », sur www.liberation.fr, (consulté le )
- Portail de la biochimie
- Portail de la pharmacie
- Portail d’Israël
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