Robert J. Blakemore

Robert J. Blakemore, écologue spécialiste australien actuel de la systématique des oligochètes, vers de terre en particulier, notamment pour l'Australie, le Moyen-Orient[1] et l'Orient, dont le Japon[2]. De manière plus générale il travaille aux aspects phylogénétiques et biogéographiques de l'histoire des lumbricidés.

Robert J. Blakemore


Liste complète des travaux de Rob Blakemore

1981-aujourd'hui (avril, 2006)

  • Blakemore, R.J., (1981). "Ecology of earthworms under different fertilizer regimes in agriculture." Unpub. BSc. Hons. Thesis, Westminster Uni., 801/1/22: Pp 93.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1991). Earthworms and soil productivity. Conservation Tillage. Queensland DPI, Brisbane. 2(4): 4-5.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1992). Improving productivity of brigalow soils through the introduction of earthworms. CSIRO, Division of Tropical Crops and Pastures, Biennial Research Report, 1991-1993. CSIRO Australia. p. 60–63.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1994a). “Earthworms of south-east Queensland and their agronomic potential in brigalow soils.” Unpub. PhD. Thesis, University of Queensland. Pp 605 with the description of 75 species, including 80 figures.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1994b). A review of Heteroporodrilus from south-east Queensland (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 37(1): 19-39.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1994c). Earthworms and pasture production in south-east Queensland. In: Pankhurst, C.E. (ed.), "Soil Biota - Management in Sustainable Farming Systems.” CSIRO, Australia. p. 31–32.
  • Robertson, L.N., Radford, B.J. Bridge, B., McGarry, D., Blakemore, R.J. and Sabag, M., (1994). Tropical earthworms under cropping in Queensland. In: Pankhurst, op. cit. p. 33–34.
  • Blakemore, R.J. and Elton, K.L., (1994). A hundred-year old worm? Australian Zoologist. 29 (3-4): 251-254.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1995a). A curatorial inventory of earthworms in the ANIC earthworm collection. CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Canberra (Unpub.).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1995b). Use of earthworms for bioconversion of sewage sludge and municipal wastes. Report to ACT, Dept. Urban Services, Canberra. Pp. 200.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1996a). The systematics and biodiveristy of the earthworm fauna of Western Tasmanian National Park and World Heritage Area and description of three new genera. In: Curry, J.P., Bolger, T., Kaye, B. and Purvis, G. (eds.). XII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology, UC, Dublin. Abstracts. Pp. 61.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1996b). Abundance and diversity of earthworm species in Australia. op. cit., Pp. 108.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1996c). The ecology of earthworms in agricultural fields under different fertilizer regimes. op. cit., Pp. 190.
  • Mele, P.M., Baker, G. and Blakemore, R.J., (1996d). Introduced species: populations and distributions in agricultural land. In: Temple-Smith, M.G. and Pinkard, T. (eds.), "The Role of Earthworms in Agriculture and Land Management” Report of a National Workshop, June, 1993. DPIF, Launceston, Tasmania. p. 39–46.
  • Blakemore, R.J. and Temple-Smith, M.G., (1996e). Impact of earthworms on plant production. In: Temple-Smith, M.G. and Pinkard, T. (eds.), op. cit., p. 83–89.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1996f). Improving productivity of brigalow land through the introduction of earthworms. In: Temple-Smith, M.G. and Pinkard, T. (eds.), op. cit., Appendix 4: 18.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1996g). The taxonomic status of the earthworm fauna of Lake Pedder, Western Tasmanian World Heritage Area. Report to Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart, June, 1996.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997a). Two earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from Rennell, Solomon Islands. Journal of Natural History, 1997. 31: 17-25.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997b). Agronomic potential of earthworms in brigalow soils of south-east Queensland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 29 (3/4): 603-608.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997c). First ‘common earthworm’ found in Tasmania. Invertebrata. No. 9, November, 1997: 1,5. (March, 2004).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997d). First authenticated record of the introduced Lumbricus terrestris in Australia. SBSA Conference Poster Abstracts.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997e). Opisthogastric earthworms (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) and allied forms in north-western Tasmania. Journal of Natural History. 31: 1683-1708.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1997f). Two new genera and some new species of Australian earthworms (Acanthodrilidae, Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). Journal of Natural History. 31: 1785-1848.
  • Yeates, G.W., Spiridonov, S.E. and Blakemore, R.J., (1998). Plesioungella kathleenae gen. n. et sp. n. (Nematoda: Drilonematoidea) from the Australian endemic megascolecid earthworm Fletcherodrilus unicus (Fletcher, 1889). New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 25 (2): 205-212. .
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1998a). Distribution of oligochaetes and planarians on subantarctic Macquarie Island. Unpublished report to ANARE (Australian Antarctic Division), Hobart, February, 1998.See also :
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1998b). Retrovescus, a new genus of opisthogastric earthworm from Tasmania. Invertebrate Taxonomy, 1998. 12: 655-665.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1998c). ‘Earthworms’ display and factsheets for New Biodiversity Gallery, Australian Museum, Sydney.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1998d). In: Oligochaeta of the Pelion Plains. Driessen, M.M., et al. (eds.) Wildlife Report 98/2 Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Hobart.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1998e) Heads or Tails? - Regeneration in earthworms. Invertebrata. No. 12 November, 1998: 9.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (1999) The diversity of exotic earthworms in Australia – a status report. Proceedings of “The Other 99%”, edited by W. Ponder and D. Lunney, Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW, 1999. p. 182–187.
  • Brown, G.G., Pashanasi, B., Villenave, C., Patrón, J.C., Senapati, B.K., Giri, S., Barois, I., Lavelle, P., Blanchart, E., Blakemore, R.J., Spain, A.V. and Boyer, J., (1999). Effects of earthworms on plant production in the tropics. In: P. Lavelle, L. Brussaard and P.F. Hendrix (eds.), Earthworm management in tropical agroecosystems, p. 87–147. CAB International, Wallingford.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000a). New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum. 52(1): 1-40.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000b). Taxonomic and conservation status of earthworms from Lake Pedder, Tasmania Wilderness World Heritage Area. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum. No. 109: 1-36 + 24 figures.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000c). Native earthworms (Oligochaeta) from southeastern Australia, with the description of fifteen new species. Records of the Australian Museum. 52(2): 187-222.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000d). Ecology of earthworms under the “Haughley Experiment” of organic and conventional management regimes. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. 18(2): 141-159.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000e). Tasmanian Earthworms. CD-ROM Monograph with Review of World Families. ‘VermEcology’, PO BOX 414 Kippax 2615. Canberra, December, 2000. Pp. 800 including 222 figures. (ISBN 0-646-41088-1).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000f). Computer Guide to Tasmanian Earthworms. Delta/Intkey CD-ROM interactive computer keys to families, genera and species. Available via ABRS, Canberra, December, 2000.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000g). “Dances with Worms” - Biology, ecology, taxonomy and worm species suitable for vermicomposting. Chapter 2 in Handbook for Vermillennium Workshop held at Kellogg Biological Station, MI, Sept, 2000.
  • Lee, K.E., Blakemore, R.J. and Fraser, P., (2000h). Noke a Aotearoa - The Earthworms of NZ. The New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity: A Species 2000 Symposium Review. (Submitted Feb, 2000).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000i). Vermicology I – Ecological considerations of the earthworm species used in vermiculture. Vermillennium – Int. Conf. on Vermiculture and Vermicomposting, Kalamazoo MI. .
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000j). Vermicology II – The products, potential, and problems of vermiculture. Vermillennium – Int. Conf. on Vermiculture and Vermicomposting, Kalamazoo MI. .
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2000k). Provisional checklist of Annelids (megadriles) of central Amazonia, Peru and Brazil. Unpublished report for Dr. James Albert (Uni of Florida) and Dr Dan Shain (Rutgers University, Camden, NJ).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2001a). Tasmanian earthworm grows second head. Invertebratata 20:3 Winter, 2001 issue.

  • Blakemore, R.J., (2001b). Research paper on Earthworms. BFA News, Issue 47: frontcover, Winter Edition, 2001. Biological Farmers of Australia, Sydney.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2001c). On the trail of Fletcher’s giant worms. Australian Geographic Magazine, 64 Spring 2001.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2001d). Finding Fletcher’s giant worms - from Burrawang to Budderoo. Eucryphia, 54: 6-7. (ISSN 1037-2032).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2001e). Checklist of Japanese Earthworms. Kyorin University website.
  • George G. Brown, Bikram K. Senapati, Beto Pashanasi, Cécile Villenave, José C. Patrón, Patrick Lavelle, Isabelle Barois and Robert J. Blakemore, (2001e). TSBF-2000 report on earthworms and productivity edited by Mike Swift. Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility. CAB International, Wallingford.
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2002). Cosmopolitan Earthworms – an Eco-Taxonomic Guide to the Peregrine Species of the World. VermEcology, PO BOX 414 Kippax, ACT 2615, Australia. Pp. 506 + including 80 figs. [Recommended text for Soil Quality species determination by ISO/FDIS23611-1:2005. See].
  • Christopher J. Glasby, Geoffrey B. Read, Kenneth E. Lee, Robert J. Blakemore, Patricia M. Fraser, Adrian M. Pinder, Christer Erséus, William E. Moser, Eugene M. Burreson, Fredric R. Govedich, Ronald W. Davies, Elliot W. Dawson (in press). Phylum Annelida: Bristle-worms, Earthworms, Leeches. Chapter in NZ Spp2000 Report Dennis Gordon. NIWA, Wellington, NZ.
  • Blakemore R., (Submitted). Biodiversity of Japanese earthworms in an Australo-Asian context with a checklist of exotic species. Proceedings of IEES7, Cardiff University, 2002.
  • Gamou, S., Matsumoto, S. and Blakemore R., (Submitted). Molecular Identification of Japanese Earthworms, PCR Restriction Analysis. Proceedings of IEES7, Cardiff University, 2002.
  • Brown, G. G., Feller, C., Blanchart, E., Deleporte, P., Chernyanskii, S. and Blakemore, R. J. (Plenary session submitted). Darwin’s Worms and Vegetable Mould: lessons in pedology, soil ecology, agronomy, geology, archaeology, and ethology. "How well are we following in his footsteps?" Proceedings of IEES7, Cardiff University, 2002.
  • Blakemore R. (2003) "Cosmopolitan Earthworms". Poster presentation. Soil Ecology Society Meeting. Palm Springs, California May, 2003.
  • Sakai, H., Ishizuka, K. & Blakemore, R. (2003). On Amynthas habereri (Cognetti, 1904). Poster Presentation. Japan Soil Zoology Meeting, Kokubunji, Tokyo. May, 2003.
  • Gamou, S. Matsumoto, S., Suzuki, T., Honda, M., Minagawa-Hirayama, T. and Blakemore, R.J. (2003). Molecular Phylogenic Analysis of Japanese Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae: Amynthas). XIX International Congress of Genetics, Melbourne, Australia 2003/7/6-11 (Abstract: p. 149).
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2003a). Japanese Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): a Review and Checklist of Species. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution. 3(3): 241-244. [Published Sept., 2003].
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2003b). Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): a review and checklist of species. Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 3(3): Electronic Supplement 2003-11. [Published after October, 2003].
  • Blakemore, R.J., (2003). Report and database to TasPAWS (Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service) on the diversity of Oligochaeta in Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (Feb., 2003) [File Oligochaeta1.xls].
  • Blakemore R.. Checklist of Pheretimoid earthworms after Sims & Easton, 1972.
  • Blakemore R.. Checklist of the earthworm family Exxidae Blakemore, 2000.
  • Blakemore R.. A checklist of valid Lumbricidae after Easton, 1983.
  • Blakemore R.. Checklist of Tasmanian Earthworms updated from Spencer, 1895.
  • Blakemore R.. Checklist of New Zealand Earthworms updated from Lee, 1959.
  • Blakemore R.. Checklist of Japanese Earthworms updated from Easton, 1981.
  • Blakemore R.. Road-map for Harmony in Earthworm Taxonomy.

[Above seven presentations to 1st International Oligochaete Taxonomy Meeting, Madrid, Aug, 2003].

  • R.J. Blakemore, M.T. Ito and N. Kaneko (2003) Poster presentation, GBIF Tsukuba. "Building databases of Asian and Oceanian earthworms".
  • R.J. Blakemore (2003) Poster presentation, GBIF Tsukuba. "Cosmopolitan Earthworms".
  • Kaneko, N., Uchida, T., Ito M.T. & Blakemore, R. J. (2003) Earthworms as Engineers; Their functional role and susceptibility to environmental disturbance. DIWPA Symposium Kyoto 18-19/12/2003. "Perspectives of the Biodiversity Research in the Western Pacific and Asia in the 21st Century" Proceedings. Pp. 45.
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004g) First record of Dendrobaena pygmaea (Oligochaeta : Lumbricidae) from Asia (Yokohama, Japan). Zootaxa 487: 1-8. [Published 6th April, 2004].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004a) A provisional list of valid names of Lumbricoidea (Oligochaeta) after Easton, 1983. In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. p. 75–120. [Published July, 2004 in English with some Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004b) Checklist of the earthworm family Exxidae Blakemore, 2000 (and renaming of Sebastianus Blakemore, 1997). In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. p. 121–125. [Published July, 2004 in English with Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004c) Checklist of Pheretimoid earthworms after Sims & Easton (1972). In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. p. 126–154. [Published July, 2004 in English with some Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004d) Checklist of Japanese Earthworms updated from Easton (1981). In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain p. 155–162. [Published July, 2004 in English with some Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004e) Checklist of Tasmanian Earthworms updated from Spencer (1895). In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. p. 163–173. [Published July, 2004 in English with some Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore (2004f) Checklist of New Zealand Earthworms updated from Lee (1959). In: Moreno, A. G. and Borges, S. (eds.) "Avances en taxonomia de lombrices de tierra/Advances in earthworm taxonomy (Annelida: Oligochaeta)". Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. p. 175–185. [Published July, 2004 in English with some Spanish translation].
  • R.J. Blakemore, M.T. Ito and N. Kaneko (2004a) Building databases of Asian / Oceanian earthworms with a table of exotics. In: Junko Shimura (ed.) " Building Capacity in Biodiversity Information Sharing, 2003". National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan. p. 56–62.
  • R.J. Blakemore, M.T. Ito and N. Kaneko (2004b). Biodiversity and distribution of Asia/Pacific earthworms. Poster presentation for "Impacts of Soil Biodiversity on Soil Processes" conference April 18-24, 2004 hosted by Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. « »(Archive.orgWikiwixArchive.isGoogle • Que faire ?) (consulté le )
  • R.J. Blakemore, Lee, K. E. and Fraser, P. (In press). "Earthworms"Section. In: Gordon, D.P. (ed.), The New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia. C.J. Glasby, G.B. Read, K.E. Lee, R.J. Blakemore, P.M. Fraser, A.M. Pinder, C. Erseus, W.E. Moser, E.M. Burreson, F.R. Govedich, R.W. Davies, E.W. Dawson. Chapter 17. Phylum Annelida - Bristleworms, Earthworms, and Leeches Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. Pp. 45.
  • R.J. Blakemore (In Review). Chih-Han Chang, Jiun-Hong Chen, Shu-Chun Chuang, Masamichi T. Ito, Sam James and Sheng-Hai Wu. Biodiversity of Earthworms in Taiwan (Oligochaeta : Clitellata): a species checklist with a new record of exotic lumbricid Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny). Bulletin of the Raffles Journal of Zoology (In Review)
  • R.J. Blakemore, M.T. Ito, T. Kawaguchi & K. Kitayama (2005). Taxonomic status of the peregrine asian earthworm Pheretima darnleiensis (Fletcher, 1886) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae). Poster presentation at the Japanese Society of Soil Zoology, Annual Meeting. Nagoya, May 27th-29th, 2005.
  • R.J. Blakemore (2005a Vol. 1; April, 2006 Vol. 2). Chapters in: A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World. General editors: Masamichi T. Ito, Nobuhiro Kaneko. CD-ROM publication by Soil Ecology Research Group, Graduate School of Environment & Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, 79-7 Tokiwadai, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan. With online version on YNU COE website here: « »(Archive.orgWikiwixArchive.isGoogle • Que faire ?) (consulté le ) Table of Contents (Chapter Headings):
    • R.J. Blakemore (1994) “Earthworms of south-east Queensland and their agronomic potential in brigalow soils” Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Queensland, 10th March, 1994. Pp. 605 including 80 figures with the description of >75 species and reports of laboratory and glasshouse screening trials of over 30 of these with two medium-scale field experiments using a dozen candidate species. [Original copies lodged in libraries of UQ, Brisbane, and Division of Soils, Adelaide. Some colour photographs/tables did not copy over and WP pagination has changed slightly during conversion. The thesis research and report were completed in three years and one of the referees commented that half the amount of work would have sufficed! It yet provides the most comprehensive guide to both native and exotic species in Australia, however, the taxonomy is now mostly superseded so please embargo unpublished species names & seek more recent information].
    • R.J. Blakemore (1995a). Author's curatorial register of specimens lodged in ANIC, Canberra – as compiled while a Visiting Research Scientist there in 1994/5.
    • R.J. Blakemore (1995b). The use of earthworms for bioconversion of sewage sludge and municipal waste - a synopsis of relevant literature. Unpublished report commissioned by the ACT Dept. of Urban Services, Canberra, Australia.
    • R.J. Blakemore (1999). Diversity of exotic earthworms in Australia - a status report. In: The Other 99%. The Conservation and Biodiversity of Invertebrates. Eds. Winston Ponder and Daniel Lunney, June 1999. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman NSW 2088, Australia. p. 182–187.
    • R.J. Blakemore (2000). "Ecology of Earthworms under the ‘Haughley Experiment’ of Organic and Conventional Management Regimes". BAH, 18(2): 141-159. Derived from author's BSc. Honours thesis at Westminter University, London in 1980/1.
    • R.J. Blakemore (2000). A selection of manuscripts presented at the "Vermillennium" conference held in Kalamazoo, Michigan, September 16-22, 2000:
      • (ア) Vermicology I – Ecological considerations of the earthworms used in vermiculture – a review of the species.
      • (イ) Vermicology II – The potential, products and problems of vermiculture.
      • (ウ) "Dances with worms" - Biology, ecology, taxonomy and vermicomposting.
    • Contents of "TASMANIAN EARTHWORMS" Blakemore (2000).
    • Contents of " COSMOPOLITAN EARTHWORMS" Blakemore (2002).
    • Introductory Key to Revised Earthworm Families of the World (original).
    • An updated list of valid, invalid and synonymous names of Criodriloidea and Lumbricoidea (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Criodrilidae, Sparganophilidae, Ailoscolecidae, Hormogastridae, Lumbricidae, Lutodrilidae).
    • A revised checklist of Family Exxidae Blakemore, 2000 (Annellida : Oligochaeta).
    • An updated list of valid and synonymous names of pheretimoids (Megascolecidae).
    • A review of Japanese earthworms after Blakemore (2003).
    • A checklist of Chilean earthworms after Sielfeld (2002) and Zicsi (2004).
    • A review of Tasmanian earthworms after Blakemore (2000).
      • DELTA guide to Tasmanian Species (Beta).
      • Details of Hypolimnus pedderensis extinct under IUCN's Red List.
      • Appendix: Earthworms from Tasmanian Wilderness WHA.
      • Regeneration and the tale of a Two-headed Tasmanian.
      • First "Common Earthworm" recorded from Australia (Tasmania).
    • Checklist of earthworms of Britain and Ireland after Sims & Gerard (1999).
    • Review of Southern Ocean, South Atlantic and Subantarctic species after Lee (1994).
    • Review of Pacific Ocean earthworms updated from Easton (1984) and Lee (1981)
    • Checklist of USSR/Russian Federation taxa updated from Perel (1979, 1997).
    • Checklist of Myanmar taxa updated from Gates' (1972) "Burmese Earthworms".
    • A review of New Zealand earthworms after Lee (1959).
    • Checklist of Thailand taxa updated from Gates' (1939) "Thai Earthworms".
    • A definitive checklist of Australian earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae, Ocnerodrilidae, Acanthodrilidae, Octochaetidae, Benhamiinae, Exxidae?, Megascolecidae, Glossoscolecidae, Lumbricidae, Eudrilidae) - with naming of a new genus and provision of a replacement name for a secondary homonym.
    • Checklist of Taiwanese earthworms (original).
    • Checklist of New Guinea earthworms (original).
    • North American earthworms from north of the Rio Grande (original).
    • Preliminary checklist of Amazonian earthworms (original).
    • Preliminary checklist of Korean earthworms (original).
    • Tables of Hawaiian and Puerto Rican earthworm species (original).
    • Summary of Subantarctic Macquarie Island Oligochaeta.
    • R.J. Blakemore (2000a). New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum. 52(1): 1-40.
    • R.J. Blakemore (2000b). Native earthworms (Oligochaeta) from southeastern Australia, with the description of fifteen new species. Records of the Australian Museum. 52(2): 187-222.
    • R.J. Blakemore (2001). Finding Fletcher’s Giant Worms – from Burrawang to Budderoo. Eucryphia 54: 5-6 (July, 2001).
    • Whither Octochaetidae? A review of the family status. [IOTM-2 PowerPoint proxy, Cluj-Napoca, 14-18th Septr, 2005. [See].
    • List of earthworms from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (Excel spreadsheet) compiled by Blakemore, R.J. (with help from Nguyen, Duc Anh, March, 2006).
    • Glossary of Earthworm terms (from Blakemore, 2002; 2006).

[End of Table of Contents (Chapter Headings])

  • Blakemore, R.J. (2005b). A Series of Searchable Texts on Earthworm Biodiversity, Ecology and Systematics from Various Regions of the World - Supplemental. Eds. N. Kaneko & M.T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group, Yokohama National University, Japan. Publication online at YNU COE website « »(Archive.orgWikiwixArchive.isGoogle • Que faire ?) (consulté le )
  • R.J. Blakemore (In review). Cosmopolitan earthworms - a global and historical perspective. In: P. Hendrix (ed.) Invasive Earthworms Special Review. Biological Invasions: (in review). Pp. 25.
  • R.J. Blakemore, M.T. Ito, N. Kaneko & T. Kawaguchi (submitted). Taxonomic status of the peregrine asian earthworm Pheretima darnleiensis (Fletcher, 1886) (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae). Systematics & Biodiversity (submitted).
  • Robert J. Blakemore, Csaba Csuzdi, Masamichi T. Ito, Nobuhiro Kaneko, Maurizio G. Paoletti, Sergei E. Spiridonov, Tomoko Uchida & Beverley D. Van Praagh (submitted). Megascolex (Promegascolex) mekongianus Cognetti, 1922: its extent, ecology and allocation to Amynthas (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae). Systematics & Biodiversity (submitted).
  • R.J. Blakemore (2005). Whither Octochaetidae – its family status reviewed. Powerpoint presentation 2nd IOTM Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 14-18th September, 2005.
  • Kaneko, N., Kamitani, T., & Blakemore, R.J. (2005). Soil ecotoxological methods. Oct., 2005 International Ecotoxological Meeting, Yokohama.
  • R.J. Blakemore (In press). Whither Octochaetidae – its family status reviewed. Paper submitted. IOTM2 Cluj. Romania. Pp. 26.
  • R.J. Blakemore (2005). Diversity of Exotic Earthworms. Ppt presentation. Species biodiversity meeting. Ryukyus University, Okinawa November, 2005.
  • R.J. Blakemore (2005). Eco-Taxonomy of Asia/Pacific earthworms. Powerpoint presentation. Annual Workshop Seminar. YNU December, 2005.
  • R.J. Blakemore and Nguyen, DucAnh (2006). Biodiversity of Asia/Pacific earthworms and exotics in Vietnam. Presentation. IUCN Hanoi. March 2006.
  • R.J. Blakemore (2006). A Searchable Database on Biodiversity and Eco-Taxonomy of the Earthworms (Annelida : Oligochaeta) of the World. Poster presentation. COE meeting. YNU. 22nd March, 2006.

Notes et références

  1. Blakemore, R. J. (2010). Saga of Herr Hilgendorf’s worms… (Oligochaeta, Megascolecidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 51(sup2), 7-22.
  2. Blakemore R.J (2003) Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): a review and checklist of species. Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 3(3), 241-244.
  3. Blakemore R.J (2013) Jeju-do earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megadrilacea)-Quelpart Island revisited. Journal of Species Research, 2(1), 15-54.
  4. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): a review and checklist of species, Organisms Diversity & Evolution, 3(3), 241-244. en ligne 3 November 2004 (résumé)

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