Sève Feu de Joie
Created by Léopold Brugerolle at the beginning of the 20th century, this liqueur is produced near Cognac. Made with cognac "eau de vie", bitter almonds and stones offering a mahogany robe with golden tints. It is traditionally enjoyed as an after dinner dink, pure or with ice, but will also be a popular ingredient in cocktails.

Sève Feu de Joie
Today the product is distributed by Compagnie De Guyenne[1], a spirits distributor based in Cognac, France. Founded in 1969 by Michel Coste and now operate in more than 80 countries. They are best known for their flagship cognac brand : Meukow Cognac[2].
Notes et références
- « Meukow Cognac » History », sur meukowcognac.com (consulté le )
- « Meukow Cognac », sur meukowcognac.com (consulté le )
Site internet
- Portail de la Charente-Maritime
- Portail des boissons
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