Seven Swans

Seven Swans est le quatrième album folk/rock de Sufjan Stevens paru le .

Seven Swans
Album de Sufjan Stevens
Enregistré États-Unis
Durée 46 min 19 s
Genre Folk, pop baroque
Producteur Daniel Smith
Label Sounds Familyre

Albums de Sufjan Stevens

Liste des pistes

  1. All the Trees of the Field Will Clap Their Hands – 4:14
  2. The Dress Looks Nice on You – 2:32
  3. In the Devil's Territory – 4:57
  4. To be Alone with You – 2:44
  5. Abraham – 2:33
  6. Sister – 6:00
  7. Size Too Small – 3:04
  8. We Won't Need Legs to Stand – 2:12
  9. A Good Man Is Hard to Find – 3:16
  10. He Woke Me Up Again – 2:43
  11. Seven Swans – 6:33
  12. The Transfiguration – 5:18

Bonus 7" :

  1. I went dancing with my sister
  2. Waste of what your kids won't have
  • Portail de la musique
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