Songs from the Night Before

Songs from the Night Before est le dix-septième album du saxophoniste David Sanborn sorti en 1996.

Songs from the Night Before
Album de David Sanborn
Sortie 1996
Enregistré 1996
Power Station, New York
Durée 39:45
Genre Jazz fusion
Producteur Ricky Peterson
Label Warner Bros

Albums de David Sanborn

Liste des morceaux

  1. Relativity (D. Sanborn/ Ricky Peterson)
  2. D.S.P. (D. Sanborn/ Ricky Peterson/ Paul Peterson)
  3. Rikke (D. Sanborn)
  4. Listen Here (Eddie Harris/ Lynn Keyes)
  5. Spooky (Michael Shapiro/ Harry Middlebrooks/ Buddy Buie/ J.R. Cobb)
  6. Missing You (D. Sanborn/ Ricky Peterson)
  7. Rumpelstiltskin (D. Sanborn/ Ricky Peterson)
  8. Infant eyes (Wayne Shorter)
  9. Southern exposure (D. Sanborn/ Ricky Peterson/ Paul Peterson)


le groupe

  • David Sanborn – saxophone alto
  • Paul Peterson – guitare, programmation
  • Dean Brown – guitares
  • Ricky Peterson - Claviers, basse et programmation (drums samples)
  • Don Alias – percussions

musiciens additionnels

  • Portail du jazz
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