Underneath the Colours

Underneath the Colours est un album d'INXS sorti en 1981.

Underneath the Colours
Album de INXS
Durée 38:35
Genre New wave, post-punk, rock
Producteur Richard Clapton

Albums de INXS


  1. Stay Young – 3:25
  2. Horizons – 5:13
  3. Big Go Go – 3:12
  4. Underneath the Colours – 3:59
  5. Fair Weather Ahead – 4:21
  6. Night of Rebellion – 3:44
  7. Follow – 3:53
  8. Barbarian – 3:00
  9. What Would You Do – 3:08
  10. Just to Learn Again – 4:43
  • Portail du rock
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