Unite and Win

Unite and Win est un album du groupe d'anarcho-punk écossais Oi Polloi, sorti en 1987 sur le label Oi! Records et réédité en 1994.

Unite and Win
Album de Oi Polloi
Sortie 1987
1994 (version CD)
Genre Anarcho-punk / Oi!
Label Oi! Records

Albums de Oi Polloi


  1. "Punx'n'Skins" – 3:40
  2. "We Don't Need Them" – 2:35
  3. "**** the Bill" – 1:58
  4. "Lowest of the Low" – 5:52
  5. "Nuclear Waste" – 2:52
  6. "Commies and Nazis" – 3:12
  7. "Pigs for Slaughter" – 4:51
  8. "Scum"
  9. "Thrown on the Scrapheap" – 3:40
  10. "Punx Picnic in the Price's Street Gardens" – 3:50
  11. "Mindless Few" – 4:34
  12. "Unite and Win" – 1:36
  13. "Minority Authority" – 1:52
  14. "Skinhead" – 2:48
  15. "Boot Down the Door" – 2:45
  16. "Americans Out" – 2:31
  17. "Thugs in Uniform" – 3:58
  18. "Pigs for Slaughter" – 4:13
  19. "Rich Scumbag" – 3:29
  20. "Never Give in" – 2:48

Liens externes

  • Portail du punk
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