Université de l'Ouest de l'Angleterre
L'université de l'Ouest de l'Angleterre (en anglais : University of the West of England, abrégée UWE, souvent prononcé « you-oui »), anciennement Bristol Polytechnic, est une université britannique située à Bristol, dans le Gloucestershire.
Université de l'Ouest de l'Angleterre

Fondation |
Type | |
Site web |
(en) www.uwe.ac.uk |
Étudiants |
28 990 |
Pays | |
Localisation |
Stoke Gifford (en), South Gloucestershire |

L'université a été officiellement fondée en 1970, mais trace ses racines jusqu'à la fondation de la ville par des marins marchands et la création en 1595 d'une école de navigation pour les « marchands-aventuriers ». Elle accueille environ 30 000 étudiants et emploie 3 000 personnes. C'est la plus grosse université de Bristol.
L'université est divisée en facultés puis subdivisée en écoles :
- Faculty of Applied Sciences (Frenchay Campus)
- School of Biomedical Sciences
- School of Biosciences
- School of Environmental & Interdisciplinary Sciences
- School of Human & Analytical Sciences
- School of Psychology
- Bristol School of Art, Media and Design (Bower Ashton Campus)
- School of Communication Design and Media
- School of Design and Applied Arts
- School of Fine Arts
- School of Foundation Studies
- Bristol Business School (Frenchay Campus)
- School of Accounting and Finance
- School of Human Resource Management
- School of Marketing
- School of Organisation Studies
- School of Operations and Information Management
- School of Strategy and International Business
- School of Economics
- Faculty of the Built Environment' (Frenchay Campus)
- School of Civil Engineering
- School of Construction Economics, Management and Engineering
- School of Geography and Environmental Management
- School of Housing and Urban Studies
- School of Land and Property Management
- School of Planning and Architecture
- Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (Frenchay Campus)
- School of Computer Science
- School of Information Systems
- School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Aerospace Engineering
- School of Computing and Electrical Engineering
- School of Mathematical Sciences
- Faculty of Education (Frenchay Campus)
- Faculty of Health & Social Care (Glenside Campus)
- School of Adult Nursing
- School of Allied Health Professions
- School of Health, Community and Policy Studies
- School of Maternal and Child Health
- School of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
- Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Social Sciences (St Matthias Campus and Frenchay Campus)
- School of Media and Cultural Studies
- School of English and Drama
- School of History
- School of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
- School of Politics
- School of Sociology
- Faculty of Law (Frenchay Campus)
Liens externes
- (en) Site officiel
- Ressources relatives à la recherche :
- Ressource relative aux organisations :
- Ressource relative aux beaux-arts :
- (en) British Museum
- Ressource relative à la musique :
- (en) Historique de l'université
- Portail des universités
- Portail de l’Angleterre
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