Wander This World

Wander This World est un album de Jonny Lang paru en 1998.


  1. Still Rainin (McCabe) – 4:49
  2. Second Guessing (Z/McCabe) – 5:10
  3. I Am (Prince/Z/Seacer) – 5:04
  4. Breakin' Me (Lang/Bowe) – 4:32
  5. Wander This World (Diethelm/McCabe) – 4:49
  6. Walking Away (Lang/J.L. Williams) – 4:14
  7. The Levee (Bowe/Lang) – 3:41
  8. Angel of Mercy (McCabe/Henderson) – 4:30
  9. Right Back (Williams/Kortchimar) – 3:59
  10. Leaving to Stay (Bowe) – 4:35
  11. Before You Hit the Ground (Bowe/Lang) – 3:55
  12. Cherry Red Wine (Allison) – 3:31
  13. If This Is Love - 3:01
  • Portail de la musique
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