
Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Chenopodiaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Salsoloideae
Tribus: Salsoleae
Genus: Hammada
Species: Hammada multiflora


Hammada multiflora (Moq.) Iljin, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 33: 583. (1948)

(Accepted by Akhani et al. 2007. Considered as synonym of Haloxylon multiflorum by Hassler 2019 and Govaerts 2019).


  • Basionym
    • Anabasis multiflora Moq., Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle] 13(2): 212. (1849)
      • Type: "In Affghanistano". W. Griffith 1098. Lectotype (selected by Hedge 1997): K .
  • Homotypic
    • Haloxylon multiflorum (Moq.) Bunge ex Boiss., Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 4(2): 949. (1879)
  • Heterotypic (ref. Hedge 1997, Hassler 2019, Govaerts 2019)
    • Anabasis bamianica Aellen, in Arbok Univ. Berg., Mat.-Nat. 1963, No. 18, 48. (1964)
      • Type: Afghanistan: Bamian, Ajar valley, west of Doab, rocky slopes. 12 June 1962, I.C. Hedge & P.W. Wendelbo W4113. Holotype: ?, Isotype: E00296917.
    • Arthrophytum pallidiflorum Aellen ex Podlech, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 12: 56. (1975)
      • Type: Afghanistan, Prov. Bamian: Bamian, 2400 m., sterile Hänge bei den Buddha-Statuen. 02.09.1965, D.Podlech 12599. Holotype: M, Isotypes: E00296918, G, LE, W, G-PAE, Herb. Podlech.


Native distribution areas:
  • Asia-Temperate
    • Western Asia
      • Afghanistan (Bamyan, Parwan)

according to Hassler 2019 also:

  • Asia-Tropical
    • Indian Subcontinent
      • NW-India, Pakistan (Baluchistan, Peshawar, Punjab, Salt Range)

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition


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