Boris Sergeevich Iljin (1889–1958) Russian Ichthyologist.


  • Iljin, B.S. 1927: A new species of herring from the southern Caspian. Knipowitsch vol. Moscow 69–75.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1927: Keys to the gobies (Fam. Gobiidae) of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. Preliminary communication. Trudy Az.-Chern. Nauch. Prom. Eksp 2: 128–143.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1928: Two new genera and a new species of gobies (Gobiidae) from the Caspian Sea. Trudy Astrakhan Nauch.-Ryb. Stan 6(3): 30–49.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1930: Le système des Gobiidés. Trabajos del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (2): 1–63.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1936: A new goby from the Caspian Sea – Gobius nonultimus sp. n. (Pisces, Gobiidae). Doklady Akademiia Nauk SSSR 4: 337–339.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1941: Asra turcomanus, a new genus and species of goby (Gobiidae) from the Caspian Sea. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Otd. Biol. 1941(3): 385–390.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1949: A short review of Black Sea gobies (Pisces, Gobiidae). Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii [Bull. Moscow Soc. Naturalists Biol. Ser.] 54(3): 16–30.
  • Iljin, B.S. 1956: Remarks and corrections to the suborder Gobioidei in L. S. Berg’s Freshwater Fishes of the U.S.S.R and Adjacent Countries, Edition 4, 1948–1949, pages 1055-1125. Voprosy Ikhtiologii 7: 185–192.

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 10 taxon names authored by Boris Sergeevich Iljin


Genus-Group Names

Species-Group Names

  • Buenia affinis Iljin, 1930:51
  • Hyrcanogobius bergi Iljin, 1928: 44
  • Benthophiloides brauneri Beling & Iljin, 1927: 309
  • Neogobius gorlap kessleri Iljin, 1949: 1091
  • Gobius hybridus Iljin, & Kessler 1956: 190
  • Caspialosa knipowitschi Iljin, 1927: 69
  • Benthophilus magistri Iljin, 1927: 131, 137
  • Gobius nonultimus Iljin, 1936: 337
  • Caspialosa persica caspia Iljin, 1927: 72
  • Asra turcomanus Iljin, 1941: 385, 388
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