Annette Carlström, full name Annette Lillian Birgersdotter Carlström (born 1957), Swedish botanist.

IPNI standard form: Carlström

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)

  • 10 taxon names authored by Annette Carlström

Selection of authored taxa

  • Sedum delicum (Vierh.) Carlström, 1985
  • Thlaspi cariense Carlström, 1986


(List may be incomplete)

  • Andersson, A., Carlström, A., Franzén, R., Karlén, Th. & Nybom, H. 1983. A revision of the Aethionema saxatile complex (Brassicaceae). Willdenowia 13(1): 3–42. JSTOR
  • Carlström, A. 1984. New species of Alyssum, Consolida, Origanum and Umbilicus from the SE Aegean Sea. Willdenowia 14(1): 15–26. JSTOR Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1984. A revision of Cleome series Ornithopodioides Tzvelev (Capparaceae). Willdenowia 14(1): 119–130. JSTOR
  • Carlström, A. 1985. Blad- och busklavar inom Friseboda naturreservat, Länsstyrelsen i Kristianstads län (in Swedish).
  • Carlström, A. 1985. Two new species of Sedum L. (Crassulaceae) from S Greece and SW Turkey. Willdenowia 15(1): 107–113. JSTOR Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1986. A revision of the Campanula drabifolia complex (Campanulaceae). Willdenowia 15(2): 375–387. JSTOR Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1986. A revision of Arenaria sect. Orientales ser. Orientales incl. ser. Deflexae (Caryophyllaceae) in the Aegean and SW Turkey. Willdenowia 15(2): 359–374. JSTOR Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1986. New taxa and notes from the SE Aegean area and SW Turkey. Willdenowia 16(1): 73–78. JSTOR Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1986. The phytogeographical position of Rodhos. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, B, Biol. Sci. 89: 79–88.
  • Carlström, A. 1987. A survey of the flora and phytogeography of Rhodos, Simi, Tilos and Marmaris peninsula (SE Greece, SW Turkey). Department of Systematic Botany, University of Lund, Sweden. Reference page. 
  • Carlström, A. 1991. Miljöföroreningars inverkan på den genetiska strukturen i växtpopulationer: en kunskapsöversikt med förslag till åtgärds- och forskningsprogram. Statens naturvårdsverk (in Swedish).
  • Carlström, A. 1996. Endemic and threatened plants of the granitic Seychelles. Government Printer. Seychelles. 177 p.
  • Carlström, A. 1996. Areas of conservation value in the granitic Seychelles. Government printer. Seychelles. 108 p.
  • Carlström, A. 1997. Urticaceae & Cannabinaceae. In Strid, A. & Kit Tan (eds.) Flora Hellenica. Koeltz Scientific Books, Königstein.
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