
Taxonavigation: Ranunculales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Ordo: Ranunculales

Familia: Menispermaceae
Subfamilia: Menispermoideae
Tribus: Cissampelideae
Genus: Antizoma
Species: Antizoma miersiana


Antizoma miersiana Harv. in Harv. & Sond., Fl. Cap. 1: 13. 1860. (as A. Miersiana)


  • Homotypic
    • Cissampelos angustifolia Drège ex Harv. in Harv. & Sond., Fl. Cap. 1: 13. 1860, nom. inval. pro syn. – non Cissampelos angustifolia Burch., Trav. S. Africa 1: 389. 1822.
    • Cissampelos miersiana (Harv.) T.Durand & Schinz, Consp. Fl. Afr. 1(2): 50. 1898. (as C. Miersiana)
  • Heterotypic
    • Antizoma lycioides Miers, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, 17: 266. 1866, nom. nud. – Contr. Bot. 3: 201. 1871.
    • Cissampelos lycioides (Miers) T.Durand & Schinz, Consp. Fl. Afr. 1(2): 50. 1898.


Primary references

  • Harvey, W.H. 1860. Order III. Menispermaceae, DC. Pp. 9–13 in Harvey, W.H. & Sonder, O.W., Flora Capensis: being a systematic description of the plants of the Cape Colony, Caffraria, & Port Natal, Vol. 1, Ranunculaceae to Connaraceae. Hodges, Smith, and Co., Dublin; A. S. Robertson, Capetown. BHL Reference page. 
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