
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Phylum: Amoebozoa
Subphylum: Conosa
Infraphylum: Mycetozoa
Classis: Myxogastrea (= Myxomycetes)
Ordo: Stemonitida
Familia: Stemonitidae
Genus: Collaria
Species : Collaria elegans
Subspecies : C. e. elegans C. e. pallens


Collaria elegans (Racib.) Dhillon & Nann.-Bremek. ex Ing, 1982


  • Collaria elegans (Racib.) Dhillon & Nann.-Bremek., 1977
  • Comatricha elegans (Racib.) Lister, 1909
  • Paradiacheopsis elegans (Racib.) Hertel, 1956
  • Raciborskia elegans (Racib.) Berl., 1888
  • Rostafinskia elegans Racib., 1884


  • Raciborski M. 1884. Przyczynek do znajomosci slurowców. Myxomycetum agri Cracolarensis genera, species et varietates novae. Rozpr. Akad. Umiejet. 12: 69. Reference page. 
  • Dhillon S.S. & Nannenga-Bremekamp, N.E. 1977. Notes on some Myxomycetes from the North-Western part of the Himalaya. I. Proceedings van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Section C., Biol. Med. Sci. 80(4): 257–266., page: 264.
  • Ing B., 1982. Notes on Myxomycetes III. B. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc., 78(3): 444, DOI: 10.1016/S0007-1536(82)80150-2.
  • Lister A., 1909. Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History) (G. Lister, Ed.). (3rd ed.). London: British Museum. (Original Work published in 1895)., page: 31.
  • Hertel R.J.G., 1956. Taxonomia de Comatricha Preuss em. Rost. Dusenia. 7:341-350., page: 348.
  • Fischer E., De Toni J.B. & Berlese A.N., 1888. Sylloge Gasteromycetum, Phycomycetum et Myxomycetum omnium hucusque cognitorum., page: 401.

Alternative classification

Cavalier-Smith, 2002

Cavalier-Smith T., 2002. The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2002 Mar;52(Pt 2):297-354, DOI: 10.1099/00207713-52-2-297.

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Phylum: Amoebozoa
Subphylum: Conosa
Infraphylum: Mycetozoa
Classis: Myxogastrea
Ordo: Stemonitida
Familia: Stemonitidae
Genus: Collaria
Species : Collaria elegans

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