William Lucas Distant
William Lucas Distant (1845–1922), English entomologist (mainly Hemiptera and Lepidoptera).
- collection at British Museum of Natural History, London, U.K.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
- 565 taxon names authored by William Lucas Distant
(List may be incomplete)
- Distant, W. L. 1879. Hemiptera from the North-eastern frontier of India. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)3: 44–53. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1880. Notes on some exotic Hemiptera, with descriptions of new species. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 16: 201–203. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1880. Notes on exotic Rhynchota, with descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1880(3): 147–153. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1880. Insecta. Rhynchota, Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Pp. 1-88. in Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (eds.) Biologia Centrali - Americana. London, Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis. 462 pp., 39 pls. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1881. Description of a new species of Lycaenidae from Penang. The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 17: 245. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1882–1886. Rhopalocera Malayana. xvi + 481pp., 41 pls. London. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1882. Undescribed Rhopalocera from the Malay Peninsula. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)10: 245–248. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1883. Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entomology, Part I. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)12: 241–243. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1883. Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entomology Part II. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)12: 351–353. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1884. Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entomology, Pt. III. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)14: 198–202. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1886. Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entomology, Pt. IV. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)17: 251–254. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1886. Contributions to a Knowledge of Malayan Entomology, Pt. V. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (5)17: 530–532. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1886. Descriptions of new species and a new genus of Rhopalocera from the Malay Peninsula. The Entomologist 19: 11–12. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1887. Enumeration of the Van Volxem collection of Rhynchota contained in the Brussels Museum. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique (3)31: lvi–lxvi. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. & Pryer, W.B. 1887. On the Rhopalocera of Northern Borneo, Parts I & II. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5(19): 41–56; 264–275. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1888. An enumeration of the Rhynchota received from Baron von Müller and collected by Mr. Sayer in New Guinea during Mr. Cuthbertson's expedition. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (4): 475–489. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1888. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine. VIII. Enumeration of the Cicadidae collected by Mr. L. Fea in Burma and Tenasserim. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (ser. 2) 6: 453–459. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1889. Insecta. Rhynchota, Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Pp. 305-328. BHL in Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (eds.) Biologia Centrali - Americana. London, Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis. 462 pp., 39 pls. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1890. Ethiopian Rhynchota in the collection of the Brussels Museum. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34: li–lxi. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1890. Report on a collection of Rhynchota made at Yambuya on the River Aruwimi, by Mr. W. Bonny of the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition under Mr. H. M. Stanley. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (3): 473–479. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1890. Descriptions of some new species of Chinese Rhynchota. The Entomologist 23: 159–160. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1890. Insecta. Rhynchota, Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Pp. 329-352. in Godman, F.D. & Salvin, O. (eds.) Biologia Centrali - Americana. London, Vol. 1. Taylor & Francis. 462 pp., 39 pls. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1893. On some allied Pentatomidae, with synonymical notes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)11: 389–394. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1893. On new and little known Tessaratominae of the order Rhynchota. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)11: 430–435. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1893. Descriptions of new genera and species of neotropical Rhynchota. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1893(1): 83–96. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W. L. 1897. On a collection of Heterocera made in the Transvaal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 20:197-211. full article BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1898. Descriptions of new species of Hemiptera-Heteroptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(2): 134–135. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1898. Rhynchota from the Transvaal, Mashonaland, and British Nyasaland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(2): 294–316. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1899. Some apparently undescribed insects from the Transvaal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)3: 461–465. BHLReference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1899. Rhynchotal notes. - Heteroptera: Scutellerinae and Graphosominae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(4): 29–52. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1899. Rhynchotal notes. - Heteroptera: Plataspinae, Thyreocorinae, and Cydninae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(4): 213–227. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1899. Some apparently undescribed species of Heterocera from the Transvaal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 4: 359-362. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1899. Rhynchotal notes. - III Heteroptera: Discocephalinae and Pentatominae (part). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)4: 421–445. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1900. Rhynchotal notes. - IV. Heteroptera: Pentatominae (part). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)5: 386–397. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1900. Rhynchotal notes. - IV. Heteroptera: Pentatominae (part). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)5: 420–435. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1900. Rhynchotal notes. - V. Heteroptera: Asopinae and Tessaratominae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)6: 55–64. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1900. Rhynchotal notes. - VI. Heteroptera: Dinidorinae, Phyllocephalinae, Urolabinae, and Acanthosominae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, series 7 6: 220–234. DOI: 10.1080/00222930008678368
. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1900. Rhynchotal notes - VII. Heteroptera: Fam. Coreidae [pp. 366-378]; Synonymical notes Fam. Pentatomidae [pp. 378-380]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)6: 366–380. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1901. Notes and descriptions relating to some Plataspinae and Graphosominae (Rhynchota). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)8: 233–242. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1901. Rhynchotal notes. - VIII. Heteroptera: Fam. Coreidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)7: 6–22. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1901. Revision of the Rhynchota belonging to the family Pentatomidae in the Hope collection at Oxford. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1900(4): 807–824, pls. 52–53. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1902. Rhynchota, vol. I. (Heteroptera) in Blandford, W.T. (ed.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 439 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1904. XXIII. Additions to a knowledge of the Family Cicadidæ. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1904: 667–676. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1904. Rhynchotal notes. XXII. Heteroptera from North Queensland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)13: 263–276. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1904. Rhynchotal notes. XXIII. Heteroptera from the Transvaal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)13: 349–356. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1904. Rhynchotal notes. XXIV. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7)14: 61–66. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1904. Rhynchota, vol. II. (Heteroptera) in Blandford, W.T. (ed.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 503 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1905. Three undescribed Coleoptera from Natal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 7) 15(86): 204–208, 3 figs. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1906. Rhynchota, vol. III. (Heteroptera-Homoptera) in Bingham, C.T. (ed.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 503 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1906. Oriental Heteroptera. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 50(12): 405–417. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1907. Description of a new Genus and Species of Cerambycidae from Natal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 7) 20(119): 423–424. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1907. Fauna Brit. Ind., Rhynch., 4, 201, 229. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1907. Contributions to a knowledge of the Ledrinae. Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 51: 185–197.
- Distant, W.L. 1908. Rhynchota, vol. IV. Homoptera and Appendix (Pt.) in Bingham, C.T. (ed.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 501 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1908. Rhynchota Malayana. Part I. Records of the Indian Museum 2:127–151. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1909. Rhynchota Malayana. Part II. Records of the Indian Museum 3(2):163–181. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchotal notes. - LI. African Pentatomidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)6: 77–99. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchotal notes. - LI. African Pentatomidae (continued). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)6: 212–221. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchotal notes. - LII. Australasian Pentatomidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)6: 369–386. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchotal notes. - LII. Australasian Pentatomidae (continued). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)6: 465–481. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchotal notes. - LII. Australasian Pentatomidae (concluded). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)6: 585–603. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Descriptions of three new species of Indian Rhynchota. The Entomologist 43: 195–196. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1910. Rhynchota, vol. V. Heteroptera: Appendix in Shipley, A.E. & Marshall, G.A.K (eds.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 362 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1911. Rhynchotal notes. - LIII. Neotropical Pentatomidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(8): 242–258. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1911. Rhynchotal notes. - LIV. Pentatomidae from various regions. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(8): 338–354. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1911. Rhynchota from the Solomon Islands. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8(8): 384–388. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1911. Rhynchota from the Aru Islands. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8(8): 389–390. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1912. LXXIII. Rhynchotal notes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)10: 602–609. BHL Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1912a: An enumeration of the Rhynchota collected during the expedition of the British Ornithologists' Union to Central Dutch New Guinea. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1911: 591–604.
- Distant, W.L. 1912b: Descriptions of some new Homoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)10: 438–446.
- Distant, W.L. 1914a: Report on the Rhynchota collected by the Wollaston expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Transactions of the London Zoological Society, 20: 335–362.
- Distant, W.L. 1916. Rhynchota, vol. VI. Homoptera: Appendix in Shipley, A.E. & Marshall, G.A.K (eds.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 248 pp. BHL. Reference page.
- Distant, W.L. 1917a: Descriptions of some Ethiopian and Australian Homoptera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8)20: 186–191.
- Distant, W.L. 1917b: The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A. Vol. VI, No vii-Rhynchota, Part II: Suborder Homoptera. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. 17, 273-322.
- Distant, W.L. 1918. Rhynchota, vol. VII. Homoptera: Appendix, Heteroptera: Appenda in Shipley, A.E. & Marshall, G.A.K (eds.) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. London: Taylor & Francis. 210 pp. BHL. Reference page.
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