The taxon authority Forster, Förster or Foerster may refer to:
- Anke Förster, German entomologist
- Arnold Förster (also spelled Foerster, 1810–1884), German entomologist who mainly worked on Coleoptera and Hymenoptera
- Benjamin Meggot Forster (1764–1829; B.M.Forst.), English botanist
- Bruno Förster (1852–1924), German entomologist
- Catherine Ann Forster, U.S. paleontologist
- Carl Friedrich Förster (1817–1901; C.F.Först.), German botanist
- Edward Forster (1765–1849; E.Forst), English botanist
- Friedrich Förster (1865–1918; F.Först.), German zoologist and botanist
- Georg Forster (1754–1794) G.Forst., German naturalist (botany, entomology, and mycology)
- Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798) J.R.Forst, German naturalist (botany, entomology, ornithology and ichthyology) of Scottish descent
- Karl Förster (K.Först.), botanist
- Mira Forster, German entomologist
- Paul Irwin Forster (1961–; P.I.Forst.), Australian botanist
- Raymond Robert Forster (1922–2000), New Zealander arachnologist, see:
- Thomas Furly Forster (1761–1825; T.F.Forst.), English botanist
- Thomas Ignatius Maria Forster (1789–1860), British naturalist
- Walter Forster (1910–1986), German entomologist
- Wolfgang Foerster, German ichthyologist
- Wellington Forster (fl. 2007; W.Forst.), botanist
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