
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Mucoromyceta
Divisio: Glomeromycota
Subdivisio: Glomeromycotina
Classis: Archaeosporomycetes
Ordo: Archaeosporales


Archaeosporomycetes Sieverd., G.A.Silva, B.T.Goto & Oehl, 2011


  • Oehl, F.; Silva, G.A. da; Goto, B.T.; Maia, L.C.; Sieverding, E. 2011. Glomeromycota: two new classes and a new order. Mycotaxon. 116:365-379

Vernacular names

中文: 原囊霉纲
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