
Classification System: Söderström et al., 2016 (down to genus level) Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Anthocerotophyta
Classis: Anthocerotopsida
Subclassis: Notothyladidae
Ordo: Notothyladales


Notothyladidae R.J.Duff, J.C.Villarreal, Cargill et Renzaglia, Bryologist 110: 240. 2007


  • Notothylatidae orth. err.


Primary references

  • Duff, R. Joel; Villarreal, Juan Carlos; Cargill, D. Christine; & Renzaglia, Karen S. 2007. Progress and challenges toward a phylogeny and classification of the hornworts. The Bryologist 110(2): 214–243.

Additional references

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