Dysphania anthelmintica
Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Chenopodiaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Chenopodioideae
Tribus: Dysphanieae
Genus: Dysphania
Sectio: Dysphania sect. Adenois
Species: Dysphania anthelmintica
Dysphania anthelmintica (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants, Ukrayins'k. Bot. Zhurn. 59(4): 382. (2002)
- Basionym
- Chenopodium anthelminticum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 220. (1753)
- Typus: "Habitat in Pensylvania, Bonaria". Lectotype (designated by: Reveal, J.L. & C.E. Jarvis 2009. Taxon 58(3): 978.): LINN : LINN 313.15.
- Homotypic
- Ambrina ambrosioides var. anthelmintica (L.) Moldenke, Phytologia 1: 274. (1938)
- Ambrina anthelmintica (L.) Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. (Spach) 5: 298. (1836)
- Agathophytum anthelminticum (L.) Peterm., Pflanzenreich [Petermann] ed. 1: 746. (1841-45)
- Atriplex anthelmintica (L.) Crantz, Inst. Rei Herb. 1: 207. (1766)
- Botrys anthelmintica (L.) Nieuwl., Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 275. (1914)
- Chenopodium ambrosioides var. anthelminticum (L.) A.Gray, Manual (Gray), ed. 2 364. (1856)
- Chenopodium ambrosioides var. anthelminticum (L.) Aellen, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 35. (1929) (comb. superfl.)
- Orthosporum anthelminticum (L.) Kostel., Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 4: 1433. (1835)
- Roubieva anthelmintica (L.) Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beechey Voy. 387. (1840)
Native distribution areas: |
naturalized elsewhere References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition |
Primary references
- Aellen, P. 1929. Beitrag zur Systematik der Chenopodium-Arten Amerikas, vorwiegend auf Grund der Sammlung des United States National Museum in Washington, D.C. Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis 26: I. 31–64 DOI: 10.1002/fedr.19290260108 Biblioteca Digital II. 119–160. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.19290260703 Biblioteca Digital Reference page.
- Crantz, H.I.N. 1766. Institutiones rei herbariae juxta nutum naturae digestae ex habitu. Tomus I. LVI+592 pp. Impensis Ioannis Pauli Kraus, Vienna. Biblioteca Digital Internet Archive Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1856. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Second Edition. New York: George P. Putnam & Co. BHL Reference page.
- Hooker, W.J. & Arnott, G.A.W. 1830–1841. The Botany of Captain Beechey's Voyage. [10 parts: 1, pp. 1–48 (1830); 2, pp. 49–96 (1832); 3, pp. 97–144 (1832); 4, pp. 145–192 (1833); 5, pp. 193–240 (1837); 6, pp. 241–288 (1838); 7, pp. 289–336 (1838); 8, pp. 337–384 (1839); 9, pp. 385–432 (1840); 10, pp. 433–485 (1841)], London, H. G. Bohn. BHL Reference page.
- Kosteletzky, V.F. 1835. Allgemeine Medizinisch-Pharmazeutische Flora. 4. Band. Prag: Borrosch und André. Hathitrust Reference page.
- Linnaeus, C. 1753. Species Plantarum. Tomus I: 220. Reference page.
- Moldenke, H.N. 1938. Studies of new and noteworthy tropical American plants. Phytologia 1: 273–284. BHL Reference page.
- Mosyakin, S.L. & Clemants, S.E. 2002. New nomenclatural combinations in Dysphania R.Br. (Chenopodiaceae): taxa occurring in North America. Ukrayins'kyi Botanicnyi Zhurnal 59(4): 380–385. Reference page.
- Nieuwland, J.A. 1914. Notes on our local plants. - VI. American Midland Naturalist 3: 274–283. BHL Reference page.
- Petermann, W.L. 1838–1845. Das Pflanzenreich: in vollständigen Beschreibungen aller wichtigen Gewächse dargestellt, nach dem natürlichen Systeme geordnet, und durch naturgetreue Abbildungen erläutert. Leipzig; Eduard Eisenach. Hathitrust Reference page.
- Spach, É. 1836. Histoire Naturelle des Végétaux. Phanérogames. Tome 5. 524 pp. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
- Uotila, P., Sukhorukov, A.P., Bobon, N., McDonald, J., Krinitsina, A.A. & Kadereit, G. 2021. Phylogeny, biogeography and systematics of Dysphanieae (Amaranthaceae). Taxon 70(3): 526–551 DOI: 10.1002/tax.12458
Reference page.
- Clemants, S.E. & Mosyakin, S.L. 2003.
- eFloras 2008. Dysphania anthelmintica in Flora of North America . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.
- Hassler, M. 2018. Dysphania anthelmintica. World Plants: Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World In: Roskovh, Y., Abucay, L., Orrell, T., Nicolson, D., Bailly, N., Kirk, P., Bourgoin, T., DeWalt, R.E., Decock, W., De Wever, A., Nieukerken, E. van, Zarucchi, J. & Penev, L., eds. 2018. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life. Published online. Accessed: 2018 Nov. 22. Reference page.
- International Plant Names Index. 2016. Dysphania anthelmintica. Published online. Accessed: Mar. 20 2016.
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2021. Dysphania anthelmintica in Kew Science Plants of the World online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2021 Oct. 13. Reference page.
- Tropicos.org 2021. Dysphania anthelmintica. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published online. Accessed: 13 Oct. 2021.
- Vernacular names at MMPND accessed 02 January 2012
Vernacular names
Deutsch: Wurmsamen-Drüsengänsefuß, Amerikanisches Wurmkraut
English: American wormseed, Wormseed
español: Lombricera
français: Ansérine vermifuge, Chénopode anthelmintique
magyar: Mirhafű
日本語: アメリカアリタソウ Amerika aritasou, アメリカンウォームシード Amerikan voomushiido
Nederlands: Amerikaans wormzaad, Ganzevoet, Wormdrijvende
português: Erva-de-santa-maria, Lombrigueira
English: American wormseed, Wormseed
español: Lombricera
français: Ansérine vermifuge, Chénopode anthelmintique
magyar: Mirhafű
日本語: アメリカアリタソウ Amerika aritasou, アメリカンウォームシード Amerikan voomushiido
Nederlands: Amerikaans wormzaad, Ganzevoet, Wormdrijvende
português: Erva-de-santa-maria, Lombrigueira
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