
Taxonavigation: Caryophyllales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Ordo: Caryophyllales

Familia: Amaranthaceae s.l.
Cladus: Chenopodiaceae s.str.
Subfamilia: Salicornioideae
Tribus: Salicornieae
Genus: Salicornia
Species: Salicornia procumbens
Subspecies: Salicornia procumbens subsp. procumbens


Salicornia procumbens Sm. subsp. procumbens (autonym)

  • Lectotype (designated by Kadereit et al. 2012, Taxon 61(6): 1235.): U.K., "Yarmouth, Mr. Backhouse". Lectotype: LINN Smith Herbarium 20.4 LINN-HS 20.4.


  • Heterotypic (ref. Kadereit et al., 2012)
    • Salicornia borysthenica Tzvelev, in Ukrayins’k Bot. Zhurn. 50: 83. (1993)
      • Type: Prov. Cherson, Aleschki, 1901, E. Egorov s.n.; Holotype: LE.
    • Salicornia dolichostachya Moss, in New Phytol. 11: 409. (1912)
      • Lectotype (designated by Piirainen 1991, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28: 83.): Ireland, Dublin, North Bull, in saltmarsh, 20 Aug 1911, C.H. Ostenfeld s.n.; Lectotype: C, Syntypes coll. Druce s.n., FD, coll. Lindman s.n., S).
    • Salicornia emericii Duval-Jouve, in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 15: 176. (1868)
      • Type: not typified
    • Salicornia fragilis P.W.Ball & Tutin, in Watsonia 4: 204. (1959)
      • Type: Leigh-on-Sea, South Essex (v.c. 18), mud flat on side of a broad channel, Sep 1956, P.W. Ball s.n.; Holotype: BM.
    • Salicornia lutescens P.W.Ball & Tutin, in Watsonia 4: 204. (1959)
      • Type: North bank of R. Ogmore, Glamorgan (v.c. 41), upper part of sandy salt-marsh, Sep 1957, A. Loosemore & B. Miles s.n.; Holotype: BM.
    • Salicornia oliveri Moss, in J. Bot. 49: 183. (1911)
      • Type: not typified
    • Salicornia emericii var. peltii Géhu, Géhu-Franck & Caron, in Acta Bot. Malacit. 4: 82. (1979) [‘1978’], nom. inval. (Art. 37.1)
    • Salicornia herbacea var. stricta G.Mey. in Hannover. Mag. 19–24: 178. (1824)
      • Lectotype: Germany, Carolienen Siel, 26 Aug 1822. Lectotype: GOET. (designated by Piirainen, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28: 83. 2011)
    • Salicornia procumbens var. stricta (G.Mey.) J.Duvign. & Lambinon in Lambinon & al., Nouv. Fl. Belg., Grand-Duché Luxemb., Nord France, 4. éd.: 988. (1993)
    • Salicornia strictissima Gram, in Raunkiaer, Dansk Exkurs.-Fl., ed. 5: 108. (1934)
      • Lectotype (designated by Piirainen 1991, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 28: 83.): Denmark, West Jutland, Ins. Fanö, pr. urbem Nordby, 25 Sep 1911, C. Raunkiær s.n.; Lectotype: C,
    • Salicornia dolichostachya subsp. strictissima (Gram) P.W.Ball, in Feddes Repert. 69: 7. (1964)
    • Salicornia veneta Pignatti & Lausi, in Giorn. Bot. Ital. 103: 185. (1969)
      • Type: Italy, Barena di Campalto, Laguna di Venezia, 11 Nov 1964, Lausi & Pignatti s.n.; Holotype: TSB.
    • Salicornia ramosissima var. vicensis J.Duvign., in Mém. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 3: 19. (1967)
      • Type: Vic-sur-Seille (Lagrange-Fouquet), 12 Sep 1965, J. Duvigneaud 62 F 1274 Holotype: Herb. Duvigneaud.
    • Salicornia vicensis (J.Duvign.) J.Duvign. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 57: 459. (1987)


Native distribution areas:
(ref. Kadereit et al., 2012)
  • Europe (coastal)
    • Northern Europe
      • Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden
    • Middle Europe
      • Belgium, Germany, Netherlands
    • Southwestern Europe
      • France, Portugal, Spain
    • Southeastern Europe
      • Italy (inc. Sicily)
    • Eastern Europe
      • Ukraine
  • Africa (coastal)
    • Northern Africa
      • Morocco
  • Asia-Temperate (coastal)
    • Western Asia
      • Turkey

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition


Primary references

  • Smith, J.E. & Sowerby, J. 1813. English Botany; or, coloured figures of British plants, with their essential characters, synonyms, and places of growth: to which will be added, occasional remarks. Vol. 35. London: R. Taylor & co. Hathitrust Reference page. : t. 2475.

Additional references

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