


From Byzantine Greek ἀλλοῦ (alloû), from Ancient Greek ἄλλος (állos, other, else) following the model of πάντα (pánta, always)παντοῦ (pantoû, everywhere).


  • IPA(key): /aˈlu/
  • Hyphenation: αλ‧λού


αλλού (alloú)

  1. elsewhere; somewhere else, someplace else (in or at some other place or places)
    Όχι, δεν είναι εδώ. Βρίσκεται αλλού.Óchi, den eínai edó. Vrísketai alloú.No, he's not here. He's somewhere else.
    Εγώ πήγα να τη συναντήσω στο πάρκα αλλά αυτή ήταν αλλού.Egó píga na ti synantíso sto párka allá aftí ítan alloú.I went to the park to meet her but she was elsewhere.
  2. elsewhere; somewhere else, someplace else (to some other place)
    Αυτοί θα πάνε στην Πάτρα ενώ εμείς θα πάμε αλλού.Aftoí tha páne stin Pátra enó emeís tha páme alloú.They'll go to Patras while we'll go someplace else.
    Αυτός νόμιζε ότι το αεροπλάνο πήγαινε Νέα Υόρκη, αλλά πήγαινε αλλού.Aftós nómize óti to aeropláno pígaine Néa Yórki, allá pígaine alloú.He thought the plane was going to New York but it was going elsewhere.


Derived terms

  • αλλού αυτά (alloú aftá, pull the other one, literally elsewhere those)
  • αλλού πατώ κι αλλού βρίσκομαι (alloú pató ki alloú vrískomai, to be legless drunk, literally I step one place and I'm in another)
  • αλλού ο παπάς κι αλλού τα ράσα του (alloú o papás ki alloú ta rása tou, literally the priest is in one place and his robes in another) (about confused situations)
  • αλλού τα κακαρίσματα κι αλλού γεννούν οι κότες (alloú ta kakarísmata ki alloú gennoún oi kótes, reality is different from imagination, literally the squawking is in one place and the hens give birth in another)
  • αλλού το όνειρο κι αλλού το θαύμα (alloú to óneiro ki alloú to thávma, literally the dream is in one place and the miracle in another) (about situations in which unexpected things happen)
  • αλλούθε (alloúthe, to another place, from another direction)
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